import { interfaces } from 'inversify'; import { Widget } from '@phosphor/widgets'; import { MenuModelRegistry, Command, CommandContribution, MenuContribution, CommandRegistry } from '../../common'; import { KeybindingContribution, KeybindingRegistry } from '../keybinding'; import { WidgetManager } from '../widget-manager'; import { ApplicationShell } from './application-shell'; import { QuickViewService } from '../quick-input'; export interface OpenViewArguments extends ApplicationShell.WidgetOptions { toggle?: boolean; activate?: boolean; reveal?: boolean; } export interface ViewContributionOptions { widgetId: string; viewContainerId?: string; widgetName: string; defaultWidgetOptions: ApplicationShell.WidgetOptions; toggleCommandId?: string; toggleKeybinding?: string; } export declare function bindViewContribution>(bind: interfaces.Bind, identifier: interfaces.Newable): interfaces.BindingWhenOnSyntax; /** * An abstract superclass for frontend contributions that add a view to the application shell. */ export declare abstract class AbstractViewContribution implements CommandContribution, MenuContribution, KeybindingContribution { protected readonly options: ViewContributionOptions; protected readonly widgetManager: WidgetManager; protected readonly shell: ApplicationShell; protected readonly quickView: QuickViewService; readonly toggleCommand?: Command; constructor(options: ViewContributionOptions); get viewId(): string; get viewLabel(): string; get defaultViewOptions(): ApplicationShell.WidgetOptions; get widget(): Promise; tryGetWidget(): T | undefined; openView(args?: Partial): Promise; registerCommands(commands: CommandRegistry): void; closeView(): Promise; toggleView(): Promise; registerMenus(menus: MenuModelRegistry): void; registerKeybindings(keybindings: KeybindingRegistry): void; } //#