import { Tree, TreeNode } from './tree'; import { Event, Emitter, Disposable, DisposableCollection, MaybePromise } from '../../common'; import { WidgetDecoration } from '../widget-decoration'; /** * The {@link TreeDecorator} allows adapting the look and the style of the tree items within a widget. Changes are reflected in * the form of `decoration data`. This `decoration data` is a map storing {@link TreeDecoration.Data} for affected tree nodes (using the unique node id as key). * It is important to notice that there is no common contribution point for `TreeDecorators`. Instead, each {@link TreeDecoratorService} is * supposed to declare its own contribution provider for `TreeDecorators`. * * ### Example usage * A simple tree decorator that changes the background color of each tree node to `red`. * * ```typescript * @injectable() * export class MyTreeDecorator implements TreeDecorator { * id = 'myTreeDecorator'; * * protected readonly emitter = new Emitter<(tree: Tree) => Map>(); * * get onDidChangeDecorations(): Event<(tree: Tree) => Map> { * return this.emitter.event; * } * * decorations(tree: Tree): MaybePromise> { * const result = new Map(); * * if (tree.root === undefined) { * return result; * } * for (const treeNode of new DepthFirstTreeIterator(tree.root)) { * result.set(,{backgroundColor:'red'}) * } * return result; * } * } * ``` */ export interface TreeDecorator { /** * The unique identifier of the decorator. Ought to be unique in the application. */ readonly id: string; /** * Fired when this decorator has calculated all the `decoration data` for the tree nodes. */ readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event<(tree: Tree) => Map>; /** * Computes the current `decoration data` for the given tree. Might return a promise if the computation is handled asynchronously. * * @param tree the tree to decorate. * * @returns (a promise of) a map containing the current {@linkTreeDecoration.Data} for each node. Keys are the unique identifier of the tree nodes. */ decorations(tree: Tree): MaybePromise>; } export declare const TreeDecoratorService: unique symbol; /** * The {@link TreeDecoratorService} manages a set of known {link TreeDecorator}s and emits events when * any of the known decorators has changes. Typically, a `TreeDecoratorService` provides a contribution point that can be used to * register {@link TreeDecorator}s exclusively for this service. * * ### Example usage * ```typescript * export const MyTreeDecorator = Symbol('MyTreeDecorator'); * * @injectable() * export class MyDecorationService extends AbstractTreeDecoratorService { * constructor(@inject(ContributionProvider) @named(MyTreeDecorator) protected readonly contributions: ContributionProvider) { * super(contributions.getContributions()); * } * } * ``` */ export interface TreeDecoratorService extends Disposable { /** * Fired when any of the available tree decorators has changes. */ readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event; /** * Computes the decorations for the tree based on the actual state of this decorator service. * * @param tree the tree to decorate * * @returns (a promise of) the computed `decoration data` */ getDecorations(tree: Tree): MaybePromise>; /** * Transforms the `decoration data` into an object, so that it can be safely serialized into JSON. * @param decorations the `decoration data` that should be deflated * * @returns the `decoration data` as serializable JSON object */ deflateDecorators(decorations: Map): object; /** * Counterpart of the [deflateDecorators](#deflateDecorators) method. Restores the argument into a Map * of tree node IDs and the corresponding decorations data array (`decoration data`). * * @returns the deserialized `decoration data */ inflateDecorators(state: any): Map; } /** * The default tree decorator service. Does nothing at all. One has to rebind to a concrete implementation * if decorators have to be supported in the tree widget. */ export declare class NoopTreeDecoratorService implements TreeDecoratorService { protected readonly emitter: Emitter; readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event; dispose(): void; getDecorations(): Map; deflateDecorators(): object; inflateDecorators(): Map; } /** * Abstract decorator service implementation which emits events from all known tree decorators and caches the current state. */ export declare abstract class AbstractTreeDecoratorService implements TreeDecoratorService { protected readonly decorators: ReadonlyArray; protected readonly onDidChangeDecorationsEmitter: Emitter; readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event; protected readonly toDispose: DisposableCollection; constructor(decorators: ReadonlyArray); dispose(): void; getDecorations(tree: Tree): Promise>; deflateDecorators(decorations: Map): object; inflateDecorators(state: any): Map; } /** * @deprecated import from `@theia/core/lib/browser/widget-decoration` instead. */ export import TreeDecoration = WidgetDecoration; export interface DecoratedTreeNode extends TreeNode { /** * The additional tree decoration data attached to the tree node itself. */ readonly decorationData: TreeDecoration.Data; } export declare namespace DecoratedTreeNode { /** * Type-guard for decorated tree nodes. */ function is(node: TreeNode | undefined): node is DecoratedTreeNode; } //#