import { Widget } from '../widgets'; import { FrontendApplication, FrontendApplicationContribution } from '../frontend-application'; import { WindowTitleService } from './window-title-service'; import { LabelProvider } from '../label-provider'; import { Disposable } from '../../common'; export declare class WindowTitleUpdater implements FrontendApplicationContribution { protected readonly windowTitleService: WindowTitleService; protected readonly labelProvider: LabelProvider; onStart(app: FrontendApplication): void; protected toDisposeOnWidgetChanged: Disposable; protected handleWidgetChange(widget?: Widget): void; /** * Updates the title of the application based on the currently opened widget. * * @param widget The current widget in the `main` application area. `undefined` if no widget is currently open in that area. */ protected updateTitleWidget(widget?: Widget): void; } //#