export declare type KeySequence = KeyCode[]; export declare namespace KeySequence { function equals(a: KeySequence, b: KeySequence): boolean; enum CompareResult { NONE = 0, PARTIAL = 1, SHADOW = 2, FULL = 3 } function compare(a: KeySequence, b: KeySequence): CompareResult; function parse(keybinding: string): KeySequence; } /** * The key sequence for this binding. This key sequence should consist of one or more key strokes. Key strokes * consist of one or more keys held down at the same time. This should be zero or more modifier keys, and zero or one other key. * Since `M2+M3+` (Alt+Shift+) is reserved on MacOS X for writing special characters, such bindings are commonly * undefined for platform MacOS X and redefined as `M1+M3+`. The rule applies on the `M3+M2+` sequence. */ export interface Keystroke { readonly first?: Key; readonly modifiers?: KeyModifier[]; } export interface KeyCodeSchema { key?: Partial; ctrl?: boolean; shift?: boolean; alt?: boolean; meta?: boolean; character?: string; } /** * Representation of a pressed key combined with key modifiers. */ export declare class KeyCode { readonly key: Key | undefined; readonly ctrl: boolean; readonly shift: boolean; readonly alt: boolean; readonly meta: boolean; readonly character: string | undefined; constructor(schema: KeyCodeSchema); /** * Return true if this KeyCode only contains modifiers. */ isModifierOnly(): boolean; /** * Return true if the given KeyCode is equal to this one. */ equals(other: KeyCode): boolean; toString(): string; /** * Create a KeyCode from one of several input types. */ static createKeyCode(input: KeyboardEvent | Keystroke | KeyCodeSchema | string, eventDispatch?: 'code' | 'keyCode'): KeyCode; private static keybindings; static resetKeyBindings(): void; /** * Parses a string and returns a KeyCode object. * @param keybinding String representation of a keybinding */ static parse(keybinding: string): KeyCode; } export declare namespace KeyCode { /** * Determines a `true` of `false` value for the key code argument. */ type Predicate = (keyCode: KeyCode) => boolean; function isModifierString(key: string): boolean; /** * Different scopes have different execution environments. This means that they have different built-ins * (different global object, different constructors, etc.). This may result in unexpected results. For instance, * `[] instanceof window.frames[0].Array` will return `false`, because `Array.prototype !== window.frames[0].Array` * and arrays inherit from the former. * See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/instanceof * * Note: just add another check if the current `event.type` checking is insufficient. */ function isKeyboardEvent(event: object & { readonly type?: string; }): event is KeyboardEvent; /** * Determine the pressed key of a keyboard event. This key should correspond to the physical key according * to a standard US keyboard layout. International keyboard layouts are handled by `KeyboardLayoutService`. * * `keyIdentifier` is used to access this deprecated field: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyIdentifier */ function toKey(event: KeyboardEvent, dispatch?: 'code' | 'keyCode'): Key; /** * Determine the actual printable character that is generated from a pressed key. * If the key does not correspond to a printable character, `undefined` is returned. * The result may be altered by modifier keys. */ function toCharacter(event: KeyboardEvent): string | undefined; } export declare enum KeyModifier { /** * M1 is the COMMAND key on MacOS X, and the CTRL key on most other platforms. */ CtrlCmd = "M1", /** * M2 is the SHIFT key. */ Shift = "M2", /** * M3 is the Option key on MacOS X, and the ALT key on most other platforms. */ Alt = "M3", /** * M4 is the CTRL key on MacOS X, and is undefined on other platforms. */ MacCtrl = "M4" } export declare namespace KeyModifier { /** * The CTRL key, independently of the platform. * _Note:_ In general `KeyModifier.CtrlCmd` should be preferred over this constant. */ const CTRL: KeyModifier.MacCtrl | KeyModifier.CtrlCmd; /** * An alias for the SHIFT key (`KeyModifier.Shift`). */ const SHIFT: KeyModifier.Shift; /** * `true` if the argument represents a modifier. Otherwise, `false`. */ function isModifier(key: string | undefined): boolean; } export interface Key { readonly code: string; readonly keyCode: number; readonly easyString: string; } export declare namespace SpecialCases { const META = "meta"; const CTRLCMD = "ctrlcmd"; } export declare namespace Key { function isKey(arg: unknown): arg is Key; function getKey(arg: string | number): Key | undefined; function isModifier(arg: string | number): boolean; function equals(key: Key, keyCode: KeyCode): boolean; const BACKSPACE: Key; const TAB: Key; const ENTER: Key; const ESCAPE: Key; const SPACE: Key; const PAGE_UP: Key; const PAGE_DOWN: Key; const END: Key; const HOME: Key; const ARROW_LEFT: Key; const ARROW_UP: Key; const ARROW_RIGHT: Key; const ARROW_DOWN: Key; const INSERT: Key; const DELETE: Key; const SHIFT_LEFT: Key; const SHIFT_RIGHT: Key; const CONTROL_LEFT: Key; const CONTROL_RIGHT: Key; const ALT_LEFT: Key; const ALT_RIGHT: Key; const CAPS_LOCK: Key; const OS_LEFT: Key; const OS_RIGHT: Key; const DIGIT0: Key; const DIGIT1: Key; const DIGIT2: Key; const DIGIT3: Key; const DIGIT4: Key; const DIGIT5: Key; const DIGIT6: Key; const DIGIT7: Key; const DIGIT8: Key; const DIGIT9: Key; const KEY_A: Key; const KEY_B: Key; const KEY_C: Key; const KEY_D: Key; const KEY_E: Key; const KEY_F: Key; const KEY_G: Key; const KEY_H: Key; const KEY_I: Key; const KEY_J: Key; const KEY_K: Key; const KEY_L: Key; const KEY_M: Key; const KEY_N: Key; const KEY_O: Key; const KEY_P: Key; const KEY_Q: Key; const KEY_R: Key; const KEY_S: Key; const KEY_T: Key; const KEY_U: Key; const KEY_V: Key; const KEY_W: Key; const KEY_X: Key; const KEY_Y: Key; const KEY_Z: Key; const MULTIPLY: Key; const ADD: Key; const DECIMAL: Key; const SUBTRACT: Key; const DIVIDE: Key; const F1: Key; const F2: Key; const F3: Key; const F4: Key; const F5: Key; const F6: Key; const F7: Key; const F8: Key; const F9: Key; const F10: Key; const F11: Key; const F12: Key; const F13: Key; const F14: Key; const F15: Key; const F16: Key; const F17: Key; const F18: Key; const F19: Key; const F20: Key; const F21: Key; const F22: Key; const F23: Key; const F24: Key; const NUM_LOCK: Key; const SEMICOLON: Key; const EQUAL: Key; const COMMA: Key; const MINUS: Key; const PERIOD: Key; const SLASH: Key; const BACKQUOTE: Key; const INTL_RO: Key; const BRACKET_LEFT: Key; const BACKSLASH: Key; const BRACKET_RIGHT: Key; const QUOTE: Key; const INTL_BACKSLASH: Key; const INTL_YEN: Key; const MAX_KEY_CODE: number; } export declare type KeysOrKeyCodes = Key | KeyCode | (Key | KeyCode)[]; export declare namespace KeysOrKeyCodes { const toKeyCode: (keyOrKeyCode: Key | KeyCode) => KeyCode; const toKeyCodes: (keysOrKeyCodes: KeysOrKeyCodes) => KeyCode[]; } //# sourceMappingURL=keys.d.ts.map