import { Disposable } from '../disposable'; export declare type MenuPath = string[]; export declare const MAIN_MENU_BAR: MenuPath; export declare const SETTINGS_MENU: MenuPath; export declare const ACCOUNTS_MENU: MenuPath; export declare const ACCOUNTS_SUBMENU: string[]; /** * @internal For most use cases, refer to {@link MenuAction} or {@link MenuNode} */ export interface MenuNodeMetadata { /** * technical identifier. */ readonly id: string; /** * Menu nodes are sorted in ascending order based on their `sortString`. */ readonly sortString: string; /** * Condition under which the menu node should be rendered. * See */ readonly when?: string; /** * A reference to the parent node - useful for determining the menu path by which the node can be accessed. */ readonly parent?: MenuNode; } /** * Metadata for the visual presentation of a node. * @internal For most uses cases, refer to {@link MenuNode}, {@link CommandMenuNode}, or {@link CompoundMenuNode} */ export interface MenuNodeRenderingData { /** * Optional label. Will be rendered as text of the menu item. */ readonly label?: string; /** * Icon classes for the menu node. If present, these will produce an icon to the left of the label in browser-style menus. */ readonly icon?: string; } /** @internal For most use cases refer to {@link MenuNode}, {@link CommandMenuNode}, or {@link CompoundMenuNode} */ export interface MenuNodeBase extends MenuNodeMetadata, MenuNodeRenderingData { } /** * A menu entry representing an action, e.g. "New File". */ export interface MenuAction extends MenuNodeRenderingData, Pick { /** * The command to execute. */ commandId: string; /** * In addition to the mandatory command property, an alternative command can be defined. * It will be shown and invoked when pressing Alt while opening a menu. */ alt?: string; /** * Menu entries are sorted in ascending order based on their `order` strings. If omitted the determined * label will be used instead. */ order?: string; } export declare namespace MenuAction { function is(arg: unknown): arg is MenuAction; } /** * Additional options when creating a new submenu. */ export interface SubMenuOptions extends Pick, Pick, Partial> { /** * The class to use for the submenu icon. * @deprecated use `icon` instead; */ iconClass?: string; } export declare const enum CompoundMenuNodeRole { /** Indicates that the node should be rendered as submenu that opens a new menu on hover */ Submenu = 0, /** Indicates that the node's children should be rendered as group separated from other items by a separator */ Group = 1, /** Indicates that the node's children should be treated as though they were direct children of the node's parent */ Flat = 2 } export interface CompoundMenuNode extends MenuNodeBase { /** * Items that are grouped under this menu. */ readonly children: ReadonlyArray; /** * @deprecated @since 1.28 use `role` instead. * Whether the item should be rendered as a submenu. */ readonly isSubmenu: boolean; /** * How the node and its children should be rendered. See {@link CompoundMenuNodeRole}. */ readonly role: CompoundMenuNodeRole; } export interface MutableCompoundMenuNode extends CompoundMenuNode { /** * Inserts the given node at the position indicated by `sortString`. * * @returns a disposable which, when called, will remove the given node again. */ addNode(node: MenuNode): Disposable; /** * Removes the first node with the given id. * * @param id node id. */ removeNode(id: string): void; /** * Fills any `undefined` fields with the values from the {@link options}. */ updateOptions(options: SubMenuOptions): void; } export declare namespace CompoundMenuNode { function is(node?: MenuNode): node is CompoundMenuNode; function getRole(node: MenuNode): CompoundMenuNodeRole | undefined; function sortChildren(m1: MenuNode, m2: MenuNode): number; /** Collapses the children of any subemenus with role {@link CompoundMenuNodeRole Flat} and sorts */ function getFlatChildren(children: ReadonlyArray): MenuNode[]; /** * Indicates whether the given node is the special `navigation` menu. * * @param node the menu node to check. * @returns `true` when the given node is a {@link CompoundMenuNode} with id `navigation`, * `false` otherwise. */ function isNavigationGroup(node: MenuNode): node is CompoundMenuNode; function isMutable(node?: MenuNode): node is MutableCompoundMenuNode; } export interface CommandMenuNode extends MenuNodeBase { command: string; } export declare namespace CommandMenuNode { function is(candidate?: MenuNode): candidate is CommandMenuNode; function hasAltHandler(candidate?: MenuNode): candidate is AlternativeHandlerMenuNode; } export interface AlternativeHandlerMenuNode extends CommandMenuNode { altNode: CommandMenuNode; } /** * Base interface of the nodes used in the menu tree structure. */ export declare type MenuNode = MenuNodeMetadata & MenuNodeRenderingData & Partial & Partial & Partial; //#