/** * Handles the global registration of custom MsgPackR extensions * required for the default RPC communication. MsgPackR extensions * are installed globally on both ends of the communication channel. * (frontend-backend, pluginExt-pluginMain). * Is implemented as singleton as it is also used in plugin child processes which have no access to inversify. */ export declare class MsgPackExtensionManager { private static readonly INSTANCE; static getInstance(): MsgPackExtensionManager; private extensions; private constructor(); registerExtensions(...extensions: MsgPackExtension[]): void; getExtension(tag: number): MsgPackExtension | undefined; } export interface MsgPackExtension { class: Function; tag: number; serialize(instance: unknown): unknown; deserialize(serialized: any): unknown; } export declare type Constructor = new (...params: unknown[]) => T; //# sourceMappingURL=msg-pack-extension-manager.d.ts.map