import { CancellationToken } from './cancellation'; export declare const messageServicePath = "/services/messageService"; export declare enum MessageType { Error = 1, Warning = 2, Info = 3, Log = 4, Progress = 5 } export interface Message { /** * Type of the message, i.e. error, warning, info, etc. */ readonly type?: MessageType; /** * Message text. */ readonly text: string; /** * Actions offered to the user in the context of the message. */ readonly actions?: string[]; /** * Additional options. */ readonly options?: MessageOptions; readonly source?: string; } export interface ProgressMessage extends Message { readonly type?: MessageType.Progress; readonly options?: ProgressMessageOptions; } export declare namespace ProgressMessage { const Cancel: string; function isCancelable(message: ProgressMessage): boolean; } export interface MessageOptions { /** * Timeout in milliseconds. * `0` and negative values are treated as no timeout. */ readonly timeout?: number; } export interface ProgressMessageOptions extends MessageOptions { /** * Default: `false` */ readonly cancelable?: boolean; /** * Known values: `notification` | `window` | `scm` */ readonly location?: string; } export interface Progress { /** * Unique progress id. */ readonly id: string; /** * Update the current progress. * * @param update the data to update. */ readonly report: (update: ProgressUpdate) => void; /** * Cancel or complete the current progress. */ readonly cancel: () => void; /** * Result of the progress. * * @returns a promise which resolves to either 'Cancel', an alternative action or `undefined`. */ readonly result: Promise; } export interface ProgressUpdate { /** * Updated message for the progress. */ readonly message?: string; /** * Updated ratio between steps done so far and total number of steps. */ readonly work?: { done: number; total: number; }; } export declare class MessageClient { /** * Show a message of the given type and possible actions to the user. * Resolve to a chosen action. * Never reject. * * To be implemented by an extension, e.g. by the messages extension. */ showMessage(message: Message): Promise; /** * Show a progress message with possible actions to user. * * To be implemented by an extension, e.g. by the messages extension. */ showProgress(progressId: string, message: ProgressMessage, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Update a previously created progress message. * * To be implemented by an extension, e.g. by the messages extension. */ reportProgress(progressId: string, update: ProgressUpdate, message: ProgressMessage, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): Promise; } //#