// ***************************************************************************** // Copyright (C) 2022 TypeFox and others. // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0. // // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse // Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2 // with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at // https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 // ***************************************************************************** import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import * as DOMPurify from 'dompurify'; import { codicon } from './widget'; import { measureTextHeight, measureTextWidth } from '../browser'; import '../../../src/browser/style/select-component.css'; export interface SelectOption { value?: string label?: string separator?: boolean disabled?: boolean detail?: string description?: string markdown?: boolean userData?: string } export interface SelectComponentProps { options: readonly SelectOption[] defaultValue?: string | number onChange?: (option: SelectOption, index: number) => void, onBlur?: () => void, onFocus?: () => void, alignment?: 'left' | 'right'; } export interface SelectComponentState { dimensions?: DOMRect selected: number original: number hover: number } export const SELECT_COMPONENT_CONTAINER = 'select-component-container'; export class SelectComponent extends React.Component { protected dropdownElement: HTMLElement; protected fieldRef = React.createRef(); protected dropdownRef = React.createRef(); protected mountedListeners: Map = new Map(); protected optimalWidth = 0; protected optimalHeight = 0; constructor(props: SelectComponentProps) { super(props); let selected = 0; if (typeof props.defaultValue === 'number') { selected = props.defaultValue; } else if (typeof props.defaultValue === 'string') { selected = Math.max(props.options.findIndex(e => e.value === props.defaultValue), 0); } this.state = { selected, original: selected, hover: selected }; let list = document.getElementById(SELECT_COMPONENT_CONTAINER); if (!list) { list = document.createElement('div'); list.id = SELECT_COMPONENT_CONTAINER; document.body.appendChild(list); } this.dropdownElement = list; } get options(): readonly SelectOption[] { return this.props.options; } get value(): string | number | undefined { return this.props.options[this.state.selected].value ?? this.state.selected; } set value(value: string | number | undefined) { let index = -1; if (typeof value === 'number') { index = value; } else if (typeof value === 'string') { index = this.props.options.findIndex(e => e.value === value); } if (index >= 0) { this.setState({ selected: index, original: index, hover: index }); } } protected get alignLeft(): boolean { return this.props.alignment !== 'right'; } protected getOptimalWidth(): number { const textWidth = measureTextWidth(this.props.options.map(e => e.label || e.value || '' + (e.detail || ''))); return Math.ceil(textWidth + 16); } protected getOptimalHeight(maxWidth?: number): number { const firstLine = this.props.options.find(e => e.label || e.value || e.detail); if (!firstLine) { return 0; } if (maxWidth) { maxWidth = Math.ceil(maxWidth) + 10; // Increase width by 10 due to side padding } const descriptionHeight = measureTextHeight(this.props.options.map(e => e.description || ''), { maxWidth: `${maxWidth}px` }) + 18; const singleLineHeight = measureTextHeight(firstLine.label || firstLine.value || firstLine.detail || '') + 6; const optimal = descriptionHeight + singleLineHeight * this.props.options.length; return optimal + 20; // Just to be safe, add another 20 pixels here } protected attachListeners(): void { const hide = (event: MouseEvent) => { if (!this.dropdownRef.current?.contains(event.target as Node)) { this.hide(); } }; this.mountedListeners.set('scroll', hide); this.mountedListeners.set('wheel', hide); let parent = this.fieldRef.current?.parentElement; while (parent) { // Workaround for perfect scrollbar, since using `overflow: hidden` // neither triggers the `scroll`, `wheel` nor `blur` event if (parent.classList.contains('ps')) { parent.addEventListener('ps-scroll-y', hide); } parent = parent.parentElement; } for (const [key, listener] of this.mountedListeners.entries()) { window.addEventListener(key, listener); } } override componentWillUnmount(): void { if (this.mountedListeners.size > 0) { const eventListener = this.mountedListeners.get('scroll')!; let parent = this.fieldRef.current?.parentElement; while (parent) { parent.removeEventListener('ps-scroll-y', eventListener); parent = parent.parentElement; } for (const [key, listener] of this.mountedListeners.entries()) { window.removeEventListener(key, listener); } } } override render(): React.ReactNode { const { options } = this.props; let { selected } = this.state; if (options[selected]?.separator) { selected = this.nextNotSeparator('forwards'); } const selectedItemLabel = options[selected]?.label ?? options[selected]?.value; return <>
this.handleClickEvent(e)} onBlur={ () => { this.hide(); this.props.onBlur?.(); } } onFocus={() => this.props.onFocus?.()} onKeyDown={e => this.handleKeypress(e)} >
{ReactDOM.createPortal(this.renderDropdown(), this.dropdownElement)} ; } protected nextNotSeparator(direction: 'forwards' | 'backwards'): number { const { options } = this.props; const step = direction === 'forwards' ? 1 : -1; const length = this.props.options.length; let selected = this.state.selected; let count = 0; do { selected = (selected + step) % length; if (selected < 0) { selected = length - 1; } count++; } while (options[selected]?.separator && count < length); return selected; } protected handleKeypress(ev: React.KeyboardEvent): void { if (!this.fieldRef.current) { return; } if (ev.key === 'ArrowUp') { const selected = this.nextNotSeparator('backwards'); this.setState({ selected, hover: selected }); } else if (ev.key === 'ArrowDown') { if (this.state.dimensions) { const selected = this.nextNotSeparator('forwards'); this.setState({ selected, hover: selected }); } else { this.toggleVisibility(); this.setState({ selected: 0, hover: 0, }); } } else if (ev.key === 'Enter') { if (!this.state.dimensions) { this.toggleVisibility(); } else { const selected = this.state.selected; this.selectOption(selected, this.props.options[selected]); } } else if (ev.key === 'Escape' || ev.key === 'Tab') { this.hide(); } ev.stopPropagation(); ev.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(); } protected handleClickEvent(event: React.MouseEvent): void { this.toggleVisibility(); event.stopPropagation(); event.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(); } protected toggleVisibility(): void { if (!this.fieldRef.current) { return; } if (!this.state.dimensions) { const rect = this.fieldRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); this.setState({ dimensions: rect }); } else { this.hide(); } } protected hide(index?: number): void { const selectedIndex = index === undefined ? this.state.original : index; this.setState({ dimensions: undefined, selected: selectedIndex, original: selectedIndex, hover: selectedIndex }); } protected renderDropdown(): React.ReactNode { if (!this.state.dimensions) { return; } const shellArea = document.getElementById('theia-app-shell')!.getBoundingClientRect(); const maxWidth = this.alignLeft ? shellArea.width - this.state.dimensions.left : this.state.dimensions.right; if (this.mountedListeners.size === 0) { // Only attach our listeners once we render our dropdown menu this.attachListeners(); // We can now also calculate the optimal width this.optimalWidth = this.getOptimalWidth(); this.optimalHeight = this.getOptimalHeight(Math.max(this.state.dimensions.width, this.optimalWidth)); } const availableTop = this.state.dimensions.top - shellArea.top; const availableBottom = shellArea.top + shellArea.height - this.state.dimensions.bottom; // prefer rendering to the bottom unless there is not enough space and more content can be shown to the top const invert = availableBottom < this.optimalHeight && (availableBottom - this.optimalHeight) < (availableTop - this.optimalHeight); const { options } = this.props; const { hover } = this.state; const description = options[hover].description; const markdown = options[hover].markdown; const items = options.map((item, i) => this.renderOption(i, item)); if (description) { let descriptionNode: React.ReactNode | undefined; const className = 'theia-select-component-description'; if (markdown) { descriptionNode =
; // eslint-disable-line react/no-danger } else { descriptionNode =
; } if (invert) { items.unshift(descriptionNode); } else { items.push(descriptionNode); } } return
; } protected renderOption(index: number, option: SelectOption): React.ReactNode { if (option.separator) { return
; } const selected = this.state.hover; return (
{ this.setState({ hover: index }); }} onMouseDown={() => { this.selectOption(index, option); }} >
{option.label ?? option.value}
{option.detail &&
); } protected selectOption(index: number, option: SelectOption): void { this.props.onChange?.(option, index); this.hide(index); } }