import { Disposable, MaybePromise, CancellationTokenSource } from '../common'; import { Widget, BaseWidget, Message } from './widgets'; import { FrontendApplicationContribution } from './frontend-application-contribution'; export declare class DialogProps { readonly title: string; /** * Determines the maximum width of the dialog in pixels. * Default value is undefined, which would result in the css property 'max-width: none' being applied to the dialog. */ maxWidth?: number; /** * Determine the word wrapping behavior for content in the dialog. * - `normal`: breaks words at allowed break points. * - `break-word`: breaks otherwise unbreakable words. * - `initial`: sets the property to it's default value. * - `inherit`: inherit this property from it's parent element. * Default value is undefined, which would result in the css property 'word-wrap' not being applied to the dialog. */ wordWrap?: 'normal' | 'break-word' | 'initial' | 'inherit'; } export declare type DialogMode = 'open' | 'preview'; export declare type DialogError = string | boolean | { message: string; result: boolean; }; export declare namespace DialogError { function getResult(error: DialogError): boolean; function getMessage(error: DialogError): string; } export declare namespace Dialog { const YES: string; const NO: string; const OK: string; const CANCEL: string; } export declare class DialogOverlayService implements FrontendApplicationContribution { protected static INSTANCE: DialogOverlayService; static get(): DialogOverlayService; protected readonly dialogs: AbstractDialog[]; protected readonly documents: Document[]; constructor(); initialize(): void; protected get currentDialog(): AbstractDialog | undefined; push(dialog: AbstractDialog): Disposable; protected handleEscape(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean | void; protected handleEnter(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean | void; } export declare abstract class AbstractDialog extends BaseWidget { protected readonly props: DialogProps; protected readonly titleNode: HTMLDivElement; protected readonly contentNode: HTMLDivElement; protected readonly closeCrossNode: HTMLElement; protected readonly controlPanel: HTMLDivElement; protected readonly errorMessageNode: HTMLDivElement; protected resolve: undefined | ((value: T | undefined) => void); protected reject: undefined | ((reason: any) => void); protected closeButton: HTMLButtonElement | undefined; protected acceptButton: HTMLButtonElement | undefined; protected activeElement: HTMLElement | undefined; constructor(props: DialogProps, options?: Widget.IOptions); protected appendCloseButton(text?: string): HTMLButtonElement; protected appendAcceptButton(text?: string): HTMLButtonElement; protected appendButton(text: string, primary: boolean): HTMLButtonElement; protected createButton(text: string): HTMLButtonElement; protected onAfterAttach(msg: Message): void; protected handleEscape(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean | void; protected handleEnter(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean | void; protected onActivateRequest(msg: Message): void; open(): Promise; close(): void; protected onUpdateRequest(msg: Message): void; protected validateCancellationSource: CancellationTokenSource; protected validate(): Promise; protected acceptCancellationSource: CancellationTokenSource; protected accept(): Promise; abstract get value(): T; /** * Return a string of zero-length or true if valid. */ protected isValid(value: T, mode: DialogMode): MaybePromise; protected setErrorMessage(error: DialogError): void; protected addAction(element: HTMLElement, callback: () => void, ...additionalEventTypes: K[]): void; protected addCloseAction(element: HTMLElement, ...additionalEventTypes: K[]): void; protected addAcceptAction(element: HTMLElement, ...additionalEventTypes: K[]): void; } export declare class MessageDialogProps extends DialogProps { readonly msg: string | HTMLElement; } export declare class ConfirmDialogProps extends MessageDialogProps { readonly cancel?: string; readonly ok?: string; } export declare class ConfirmDialog extends AbstractDialog { protected readonly props: ConfirmDialogProps; protected confirmed: boolean; constructor(props: ConfirmDialogProps); protected onCloseRequest(msg: Message): void; get value(): boolean; protected createMessageNode(msg: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement; } export declare function confirmExit(): Promise; export declare class ConfirmSaveDialogProps extends MessageDialogProps { readonly cancel: string; readonly dontSave: string; readonly save: string; } export declare class ConfirmSaveDialog extends AbstractDialog { protected readonly props: ConfirmSaveDialogProps; protected result?: boolean; constructor(props: ConfirmSaveDialogProps); get value(): boolean | undefined; protected createMessageNode(msg: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement; protected appendButtonAndSetResult(text: string, primary: boolean, result?: boolean): HTMLButtonElement; } export declare function confirmExitWithOrWithoutSaving(captionsToSave: string[], performSave: () => Promise): Promise; export declare class SingleTextInputDialogProps extends DialogProps { readonly confirmButtonLabel?: string; readonly initialValue?: string; readonly placeholder?: string; readonly initialSelectionRange?: { start: number; end: number; direction?: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none'; }; readonly validate?: (input: string, mode: DialogMode) => MaybePromise; } export declare class SingleTextInputDialog extends AbstractDialog { protected props: SingleTextInputDialogProps; protected readonly inputField: HTMLInputElement; constructor(props: SingleTextInputDialogProps); get value(): string; protected isValid(value: string, mode: DialogMode): MaybePromise; protected onAfterAttach(msg: Message): void; protected onActivateRequest(msg: Message): void; protected handleEnter(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean | void; } //#