import URI from '../common/uri'; import { ContributionProvider } from '../common/contribution-provider'; import { Event, Emitter, Disposable } from '../common'; import { FrontendApplicationContribution } from './frontend-application-contribution'; import { EnvVariablesServer } from '../common/env-variables/env-variables-protocol'; import { ResourceLabelFormatter, ResourceLabelFormatting } from '../common/label-protocol'; export declare const LabelProviderContribution: unique symbol; /** * A {@link LabelProviderContribution} determines how specific elements/nodes are displayed in the workbench. * Theia views use a common {@link LabelProvider} to determine the label and/or an icon for elements shown in the UI. This includes elements in lists * and trees, but also view specific locations like headers. The common {@link LabelProvider} collects all {@links LabelProviderContribution} and delegates * to the contribution with the highest priority. This is determined via calling the {@link LabelProviderContribution.canHandle} function, so contributions * define which elements they are responsible for. * As arbitrary views can consume LabelProviderContributions, they must be generic for the covered element type, not view specific. Label providers and * contributions can be used for arbitrary element and node types, e.g. for markers or domain-specific elements. */ export interface LabelProviderContribution { /** * Determines whether this contribution can handle the given element and with what priority. * All contributions are ordered by the returned number if greater than zero. The highest number wins. * If two or more contributions return the same positive number one of those will be used. It is undefined which one. */ canHandle(element: object): number; /** * returns an icon class for the given element. */ getIcon?(element: object): string | undefined; /** * returns a short name for the given element. */ getName?(element: object): string | undefined; /** * returns a long name for the given element. */ getLongName?(element: object): string | undefined; /** * A compromise between {@link getName} and {@link getLongName}. Can be used to supplement getName in contexts that allow both a primary display field and extra detail. */ getDetails?(element: object): string | undefined; /** * Emit when something has changed that may result in this label provider returning a different * value for one or more properties (name, icon etc). */ readonly onDidChange?: Event; /** * Checks whether the given element is affected by the given change event. * Contributions delegating to the label provider can use this hook * to perform a recursive check. */ affects?(element: object, event: DidChangeLabelEvent): boolean; } export interface DidChangeLabelEvent { affects(element: object): boolean; } export interface URIIconReference { kind: 'uriIconReference'; id: 'file' | 'folder'; uri?: URI; } export declare namespace URIIconReference { function is(element: unknown): element is URIIconReference; function create(id: URIIconReference['id'], uri?: URI): URIIconReference; } export declare class DefaultUriLabelProviderContribution implements LabelProviderContribution { protected formatters: ResourceLabelFormatter[]; protected readonly onDidChangeEmitter: Emitter; protected homePath: string | undefined; protected readonly envVariablesServer: EnvVariablesServer; init(): void; canHandle(element: object): number; getIcon(element: URI | URIIconReference): string; get defaultFolderIcon(): string; get defaultFileIcon(): string; protected getFileIcon(uri: URI): string | undefined; getName(element: URI | URIIconReference): string | undefined; getLongName(element: URI | URIIconReference): string | undefined; getDetails(element: URI | URIIconReference): string | undefined; protected getUri(element: URI | URIIconReference): URI | undefined; registerFormatter(formatter: ResourceLabelFormatter): Disposable; get onDidChange(): Event; private fireOnDidChange; private readonly labelMatchingRegexp; protected formatUri(resource: URI, formatting: ResourceLabelFormatting): string; private hasDriveLetter; protected findFormatting(resource: URI): ResourceLabelFormatting | undefined; } /** * The {@link LabelProvider} determines how elements/nodes are displayed in the workbench. For any element, it can determine a short label, a long label * and an icon. The {@link LabelProvider} is to be used in lists, trees and tables, but also view specific locations like headers. * The common {@link LabelProvider} can be extended/adapted via {@link LabelProviderContribution}s. For every element, the {@links LabelProvider} will determine the * {@link LabelProviderContribution} with the hightest priority and delegate to it. Theia registers default {@link LabelProviderContribution} for common types, e.g. * the {@link DefaultUriLabelProviderContribution} for elements that have a URI. * Using the {@link LabelProvider} across the workbench ensures a common look and feel for elements across multiple views. To adapt the way how specific * elements/nodes are rendered, use a {@link LabelProviderContribution} rather than adapting or sub classing the {@link LabelProvider}. This way, your adaptation * is applied to all views in Theia that use the {@link LabelProvider} */ export declare class LabelProvider implements FrontendApplicationContribution { protected readonly onDidChangeEmitter: Emitter; protected readonly contributionProvider: ContributionProvider; /** * Start listening to contributions. * * Don't call this method directly! * It's called by the frontend application during initialization. */ initialize(): void; protected affects(element: object, event: DidChangeLabelEvent): boolean; get onDidChange(): Event; /** * Return a default file icon for the current icon theme. */ get fileIcon(): string; /** * Return a default folder icon for the current icon theme. */ get folderIcon(): string; /** * Get the icon class from the list of available {@link LabelProviderContribution} for the given element. * @return the icon class */ getIcon(element: object): string; /** * Get a short name from the list of available {@link LabelProviderContribution} for the given element. * @return the short name */ getName(element: object): string; /** * Get a long name from the list of available {@link LabelProviderContribution} for the given element. * @return the long name */ getLongName(element: object): string; /** * Get details from the list of available {@link LabelProviderContribution} for the given element. * @return the details * Can be used to supplement {@link getName} in contexts that allow both a primary display field and extra detail. */ getDetails(element: object): string; protected handleRequest(element: object, method: keyof Omit): string | undefined; protected findContribution(element: object, method?: keyof Omit): LabelProviderContribution[]; } //#