import { MenuContribution, MenuModelRegistry } from '../common/menu'; import { KeybindingContribution, KeybindingRegistry } from './keybinding'; import { FrontendApplication } from './frontend-application'; import { FrontendApplicationContribution, OnWillStopAction } from './frontend-application-contribution'; import { CommandContribution, CommandRegistry, Command } from '../common/command'; import { SelectionService } from '../common/selection-service'; import { MessageService } from '../common/message-service'; import { OpenerService } from '../browser/opener-service'; import { ApplicationShell } from './shell/application-shell'; import { AboutDialog } from './about-dialog'; import { ContextKey, ContextKeyService } from './context-key-service'; import { ResourceContextKey } from './resource-context-key'; import { StorageService } from './storage-service'; import { IconThemeService } from './icon-theme-service'; import { ColorContribution } from './color-application-contribution'; import { ColorRegistry } from './color-registry'; import { CoreConfiguration, CorePreferences } from './core-preferences'; import { ThemeService } from './theming'; import { PreferenceService, PreferenceChangeEvent } from './preferences'; import { ClipboardService } from './clipboard-service'; import { EncodingRegistry } from './encoding-registry'; import { EnvVariablesServer } from '../common/env-variables'; import { AuthenticationService } from './authentication-service'; import { SaveOptions } from './saveable'; import { QuickInputService } from './quick-input'; import { AsyncLocalizationProvider } from '../common/i18n/localization'; import { WindowService } from './window/window-service'; import { Title, Widget } from './widgets'; import { SaveResourceService } from './save-resource-service'; import { UserWorkingDirectoryProvider } from './user-working-directory-provider'; import { UntitledResourceResolver } from '../common'; import { LanguageQuickPickService } from './i18n/language-quick-pick-service'; export declare namespace CommonMenus { const FILE: string[]; const FILE_NEW_TEXT: string[]; const FILE_NEW: string[]; const FILE_OPEN: string[]; const FILE_SAVE: string[]; const FILE_AUTOSAVE: string[]; const FILE_SETTINGS: string[]; const FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU: string[]; const FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_OPEN: string[]; const FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_THEME: string[]; const FILE_CLOSE: string[]; const FILE_NEW_CONTRIBUTIONS = "file/newFile"; const EDIT: string[]; const EDIT_UNDO: string[]; const EDIT_CLIPBOARD: string[]; const EDIT_FIND: string[]; const VIEW: string[]; const VIEW_PRIMARY: string[]; const VIEW_APPEARANCE: string[]; const VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU: string[]; const VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_SCREEN: string[]; const VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR: string[]; const VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU: string[]; const VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU_SPLIT: string[]; const VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU_ORTHO: string[]; const VIEW_VIEWS: string[]; const VIEW_LAYOUT: string[]; const VIEW_TOGGLE: string[]; const MANAGE_GENERAL: string[]; const MANAGE_SETTINGS: string[]; const MANAGE_SETTINGS_THEMES: string[]; const HELP: string[]; } export declare namespace CommonCommands { const FILE_CATEGORY = "File"; const VIEW_CATEGORY = "View"; const CREATE_CATEGORY = "Create"; const PREFERENCES_CATEGORY = "Preferences"; const MANAGE_CATEGORY = "Manage"; const FILE_CATEGORY_KEY: string; const VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY: string; const PREFERENCES_CATEGORY_KEY: string; const OPEN: Command; const CUT: Command; const COPY: Command; const PASTE: Command; const COPY_PATH: Command; const UNDO: Command; const REDO: Command; const SELECT_ALL: Command; const FIND: Command; const REPLACE: Command; const NEXT_TAB: Command; const PREVIOUS_TAB: Command; const NEXT_TAB_IN_GROUP: Command; const PREVIOUS_TAB_IN_GROUP: Command; const NEXT_TAB_GROUP: Command; const PREVIOUS_TAB_GROUP: Command; const CLOSE_TAB: Command; const CLOSE_OTHER_TABS: Command; const CLOSE_SAVED_TABS: Command; const CLOSE_RIGHT_TABS: Command; const CLOSE_ALL_TABS: Command; const CLOSE_MAIN_TAB: Command; const CLOSE_OTHER_MAIN_TABS: Command; const CLOSE_ALL_MAIN_TABS: Command; const COLLAPSE_PANEL: Command; const COLLAPSE_ALL_PANELS: Command; const TOGGLE_BOTTOM_PANEL: Command; const TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR: Command; const PIN_TAB: Command; const UNPIN_TAB: Command; const TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED: Command; const OPEN_VIEW: Command; const SHOW_MENU_BAR: Command; /** * Command Parameters: * - `fileName`: string * - `directory`: URI */ const NEW_FILE: Command; const NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE: Command; const NEW_UNTITLED_FILE: Command; const SAVE: Command; const SAVE_AS: Command; const SAVE_WITHOUT_FORMATTING: Command; const SAVE_ALL: Command; const AUTO_SAVE: Command; const ABOUT_COMMAND: Command; const OPEN_PREFERENCES: Command; const SELECT_COLOR_THEME: Command; const SELECT_ICON_THEME: Command; const CONFIGURE_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE: Command; const TOGGLE_BREADCRUMBS: Command; } export declare const supportCut: boolean; export declare const supportCopy: boolean; export declare const supportPaste: boolean; export declare const RECENT_COMMANDS_STORAGE_KEY = "commands"; export declare const CLASSNAME_OS_MAC = "mac"; export declare const CLASSNAME_OS_WINDOWS = "windows"; export declare const CLASSNAME_OS_LINUX = "linux"; export declare class CommonFrontendContribution implements FrontendApplicationContribution, MenuContribution, CommandContribution, KeybindingContribution, ColorContribution { protected readonly shell: ApplicationShell; protected readonly selectionService: SelectionService; protected readonly messageService: MessageService; protected readonly openerService: OpenerService; protected readonly aboutDialog: AboutDialog; protected readonly localizationProvider: AsyncLocalizationProvider; protected readonly saveResourceService: SaveResourceService; protected commonDecorationsStyleSheet: CSSStyleSheet; constructor(shell: ApplicationShell, selectionService: SelectionService, messageService: MessageService, openerService: OpenerService, aboutDialog: AboutDialog, localizationProvider: AsyncLocalizationProvider, saveResourceService: SaveResourceService); protected readonly contextKeyService: ContextKeyService; protected readonly resourceContextKey: ResourceContextKey; protected readonly commandRegistry: CommandRegistry; protected readonly menuRegistry: MenuModelRegistry; protected readonly storageService: StorageService; protected readonly quickInputService: QuickInputService; protected readonly iconThemes: IconThemeService; protected readonly themeService: ThemeService; protected readonly preferences: CorePreferences; protected readonly preferenceService: PreferenceService; protected readonly clipboardService: ClipboardService; protected readonly encodingRegistry: EncodingRegistry; protected readonly environments: EnvVariablesServer; protected readonly authenticationService: AuthenticationService; protected readonly windowService: WindowService; protected readonly workingDirProvider: UserWorkingDirectoryProvider; protected readonly languageQuickPickService: LanguageQuickPickService; protected readonly untitledResourceResolver: UntitledResourceResolver; protected pinnedKey: ContextKey; configure(app: FrontendApplication): Promise; protected setOsClass(): void; protected updateStyles(): void; protected updatePinnedKey(): void; protected handlePreferenceChange(e: PreferenceChangeEvent, app: FrontendApplication): void; protected setSashProperties(): void; onStart(): void; onStop(): void; protected initResourceContextKeys(): void; registerMenus(registry: MenuModelRegistry): void; registerCommands(commandRegistry: CommandRegistry): void; protected getOrdinalNumbers(): readonly string[]; protected isElectron(): boolean; protected togglePinned(title?: Title): void; registerKeybindings(registry: KeybindingRegistry): void; protected save(options?: SaveOptions): Promise; protected openAbout(): Promise; protected shouldPreventClose: boolean; /** * registers event listener which make sure that * window doesn't get closed if CMD/CTRL W is pressed. * Too many users have that in their muscle memory. * Chrome doesn't let us rebind or prevent default the keybinding, so this * at least doesn't close the window immediately. */ protected registerCtrlWHandling(): void; onWillStop(): OnWillStopAction | undefined; private confirmExitWithOrWithoutSaving; protected unsavedTabsCaptions(): string[]; protected unsavedUntitledTabsCaptions(): Widget[]; protected configureDisplayLanguage(): Promise; /** * saves any dirty widget in toSave * side effect - will pop all widgets from toSave that was saved * @param toSave */ protected saveDirty(toSave: Widget[]): Promise; protected toggleBreadcrumbs(): void; protected isBreadcrumbsEnabled(): boolean; protected confirmRestart(languageName: string): Promise; protected selectIconTheme(): void; protected selectColorTheme(): void; /** * @todo */ protected showNewFilePicker(): Promise; registerColors(colors: ColorRegistry): void; } //#