import * as React from 'react'; import { ReactRenderer, RendererHost } from './widgets/react-renderer'; import { CorePreferences } from './core-preferences'; export declare const TooltipService: unique symbol; export interface TooltipService { tooltipId: string; attachTo(host: HTMLElement): void; update(fullRender?: boolean): void; } /** * Attributes to be added to an HTML element to enable * rich HTML tooltip rendering */ export interface TooltipAttributes { /** * HTML to render in the tooltip. */ 'data-tip': string; /** * The ID of the tooltip renderer. Should be TOOLTIP_ID. */ 'data-for': string; } export declare class TooltipServiceImpl extends ReactRenderer implements TooltipService { protected readonly corePreferences: CorePreferences; readonly tooltipId: string; protected rendered: boolean; constructor(host?: RendererHost); protected init(): void; attachTo(host: HTMLElement): void; update(fullRender?: boolean): void; protected doRender(): React.ReactNode; dispose(): void; } //#