import { Event, Emitter, WaitUntilEvent } from './event'; import { Disposable } from './disposable'; import { ContributionProvider } from './contribution-provider'; /** * A command is a unique identifier of a function * which can be executed by a user via a keyboard shortcut, * a menu action or directly. */ export interface Command { /** * A unique identifier of this command. */ id: string; /** * A label of this command. */ label?: string; originalLabel?: string; /** * An icon class of this command. */ iconClass?: string; /** * A short title used for display in menus. */ shortTitle?: string; /** * A category of this command. */ category?: string; originalCategory?: string; } export declare namespace Command { function is(arg: unknown): arg is Command; /** Utility function to easily translate commands */ function toLocalizedCommand(command: Command, nlsLabelKey?: string, nlsCategoryKey?: string): Command; function toDefaultLocalizedCommand(command: Command): Command; /** Comparator function for when sorting commands */ function compareCommands(a: Command, b: Command): number; /** * Determine if two commands are equal. * * @param a the first command for comparison. * @param b the second command for comparison. */ function equals(a: Command, b: Command): boolean; } /** * A command handler is an implementation of a command. * * A command can have multiple handlers * but they should be active in different contexts, * otherwise first active will be executed. */ export interface CommandHandler { /** * Execute this handler. * * Don't call it directly, use `CommandService.executeCommand` instead. */ execute(...args: any[]): any; /** * Test whether this handler is enabled (active). */ isEnabled?(...args: any[]): boolean; onDidChangeEnabled?: Event; /** * Test whether menu items for this handler should be visible. */ isVisible?(...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Test whether menu items for this handler should be toggled. */ isToggled?(...args: any[]): boolean; } export declare const CommandContribution: unique symbol; /** * The command contribution should be implemented to register custom commands and handler. */ export interface CommandContribution { /** * Register commands and handlers. */ registerCommands(commands: CommandRegistry): void; } export interface CommandEvent { commandId: string; args: any[]; } export interface WillExecuteCommandEvent extends WaitUntilEvent, CommandEvent { } export declare const commandServicePath = "/services/commands"; export declare const CommandService: unique symbol; /** * The command service should be used to execute commands. */ export interface CommandService { /** * Execute the active handler for the given command and arguments. * * Reject if a command cannot be executed. */ executeCommand(command: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * An event is emitted when a command is about to be executed. * * It can be used to install or activate a command handler. */ readonly onWillExecuteCommand: Event; /** * An event is emitted when a command was executed. */ readonly onDidExecuteCommand: Event; } /** * The command registry manages commands and handlers. */ export declare class CommandRegistry implements CommandService { protected readonly contributionProvider: ContributionProvider; protected readonly _commands: { [id: string]: Command; }; protected readonly _handlers: { [id: string]: CommandHandler[]; }; protected readonly toUnregisterCommands: Map; protected _recent: string[]; protected readonly onWillExecuteCommandEmitter: Emitter; readonly onWillExecuteCommand: Event; protected readonly onDidExecuteCommandEmitter: Emitter; readonly onDidExecuteCommand: Event; protected readonly onCommandsChangedEmitter: Emitter; readonly onCommandsChanged: Event; constructor(contributionProvider: ContributionProvider); onStart(): void; getAllCommands(): IterableIterator>; /** * Register the given command and handler if present. * * Throw if a command is already registered for the given command identifier. */ registerCommand(command: Command, handler?: CommandHandler): Disposable; protected doRegisterCommand(command: Command): Disposable; /** * Unregister command from the registry * * @param command */ unregisterCommand(command: Command): void; /** * Unregister command from the registry * * @param id */ unregisterCommand(id: string): void; /** * Register the given handler for the given command identifier. * * If there is already a handler for the given command * then the given handler is registered as more specific, and * has higher priority during enablement, visibility and toggle state evaluations. */ registerHandler(commandId: string, handler: CommandHandler): Disposable; protected fireDidChange: () => Promise; protected doFireDidChange(): void; /** * Test whether there is an active handler for the given command. */ isEnabled(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Test whether there is a visible handler for the given command. */ isVisible(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Test whether there is a toggled handler for the given command. */ isToggled(command: string, ...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Execute the active handler for the given command and arguments. * * Reject if a command cannot be executed. */ executeCommand(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; protected fireWillExecuteCommand(commandId: string, args?: any[]): Promise; /** * Get a visible handler for the given command or `undefined`. */ getVisibleHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined; /** * Get an active handler for the given command or `undefined`. */ getActiveHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined; /** * Get a toggled handler for the given command or `undefined`. */ getToggledHandler(commandId: string, ...args: any[]): CommandHandler | undefined; /** * Returns with all handlers for the given command. If the command does not have any handlers, * or the command is not registered, returns an empty array. */ getAllHandlers(commandId: string): CommandHandler[]; /** * Get all registered commands. */ get commands(): Command[]; /** * Get a command for the given command identifier. */ getCommand(id: string): Command | undefined; /** * Get all registered commands identifiers. */ get commandIds(): string[]; /** * Get the list of recently used commands. */ get recent(): Command[]; /** * Set the list of recently used commands. * @param commands the list of recently used commands. */ set recent(commands: Command[]); /** * Adds a command to recently used list. * Prioritizes commands that were recently executed to be most recent. * * @param recent a recent command, or array of recent commands. */ addRecentCommand(recent: Command | Command[]): void; /** * Clear the list of recently used commands. */ clearCommandHistory(): void; } //#