import { interfaces } from 'inversify'; export declare const ContributionProvider: unique symbol; export interface ContributionProvider { /** * @param recursive `true` if the contributions should be collected from the parent containers as well. Otherwise, `false`. It is `false` by default. */ getContributions(recursive?: boolean): T[]; } export type Bindable = interfaces.Bind | interfaces.Container; export declare namespace Bindable { function isContainer(arg: Bindable): arg is interfaces.Container; } export declare function bindContributionProvider(bindable: Bindable, id: symbol): void; /** * Helper function to bind a service to a list of contributions easily. * @param bindable a Container or the bind function directly. * @param service an already bound service to refer the contributions to. * @param contributions array of contribution identifiers to bind the service to. */ export declare function bindContribution(bindable: Bindable, service: interfaces.ServiceIdentifier, contributions: interfaces.ServiceIdentifier[]): void; //#