/** * Returns true, if given `x` is an illegal object key as per * {@link ILLEGAL_KEYS}. * * @remarks * Also see {@link isProtoPath} for more details * * @param x - */ export declare const isIllegalKey: (x: any) => boolean; /** * Returns true if given `path` contains any {@link ILLEGAL_KEYS}, i.e. could be * used to poison the prototype chain of an object. * * @remarks * If given an array, each item is considered a single sub-path property and * will be checked as is. If given a string it will be split using "." as * delimiter and each item checked as is (same way array paths are handled). * * Original discussion here, implementation updated to be more encompassing: * https://github.com/thi-ng/umbrella/pull/273 * * Also see {@link isIllegalKey}. * * @param path - */ export declare const isProtoPath: (path: string | number | readonly (string | number)[]) => boolean; //# sourceMappingURL=is-proto-path.d.ts.map