'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var core = require('@tiptap/core'); var linkifyjs = require('linkifyjs'); var state = require('@tiptap/pm/state'); /** * Check if the provided tokens form a valid link structure, which can either be a single link token * or a link token surrounded by parentheses or square brackets. * * This ensures that only complete and valid text is hyperlinked, preventing cases where a valid * top-level domain (TLD) is immediately followed by an invalid character, like a number. For * example, with the `find` method from Linkify, entering `example.com1` would result in * `example.com` being linked and the trailing `1` left as plain text. By using the `tokenize` * method, we can perform more comprehensive validation on the input text. */ function isValidLinkStructure(tokens) { if (tokens.length === 1) { return tokens[0].isLink; } if (tokens.length === 3 && tokens[1].isLink) { return ['()', '[]'].includes(tokens[0].value + tokens[2].value); } return false; } /** * This plugin allows you to automatically add links to your editor. * @param options The plugin options * @returns The plugin instance */ function autolink(options) { return new state.Plugin({ key: new state.PluginKey('autolink'), appendTransaction: (transactions, oldState, newState) => { /** * Does the transaction change the document? */ const docChanges = transactions.some(transaction => transaction.docChanged) && !oldState.doc.eq(newState.doc); /** * Prevent autolink if the transaction is not a document change or if the transaction has the meta `preventAutolink`. */ const preventAutolink = transactions.some(transaction => transaction.getMeta('preventAutolink')); /** * Prevent autolink if the transaction is not a document change * or if the transaction has the meta `preventAutolink`. */ if (!docChanges || preventAutolink) { return; } const { tr } = newState; const transform = core.combineTransactionSteps(oldState.doc, [...transactions]); const changes = core.getChangedRanges(transform); changes.forEach(({ newRange }) => { // Now let’s see if we can add new links. const nodesInChangedRanges = core.findChildrenInRange(newState.doc, newRange, node => node.isTextblock); let textBlock; let textBeforeWhitespace; if (nodesInChangedRanges.length > 1) { // Grab the first node within the changed ranges (ex. the first of two paragraphs when hitting enter). textBlock = nodesInChangedRanges[0]; textBeforeWhitespace = newState.doc.textBetween(textBlock.pos, textBlock.pos + textBlock.node.nodeSize, undefined, ' '); } else if (nodesInChangedRanges.length // We want to make sure to include the block seperator argument to treat hard breaks like spaces. && newState.doc.textBetween(newRange.from, newRange.to, ' ', ' ').endsWith(' ')) { textBlock = nodesInChangedRanges[0]; textBeforeWhitespace = newState.doc.textBetween(textBlock.pos, newRange.to, undefined, ' '); } if (textBlock && textBeforeWhitespace) { const wordsBeforeWhitespace = textBeforeWhitespace.split(' ').filter(s => s !== ''); if (wordsBeforeWhitespace.length <= 0) { return false; } const lastWordBeforeSpace = wordsBeforeWhitespace[wordsBeforeWhitespace.length - 1]; const lastWordAndBlockOffset = textBlock.pos + textBeforeWhitespace.lastIndexOf(lastWordBeforeSpace); if (!lastWordBeforeSpace) { return false; } const linksBeforeSpace = linkifyjs.tokenize(lastWordBeforeSpace).map(t => t.toObject(options.defaultProtocol)); if (!isValidLinkStructure(linksBeforeSpace)) { return false; } linksBeforeSpace .filter(link => link.isLink) // Calculate link position. .map(link => ({ ...link, from: lastWordAndBlockOffset + link.start + 1, to: lastWordAndBlockOffset + link.end + 1, })) // ignore link inside code mark .filter(link => { if (!newState.schema.marks.code) { return true; } return !newState.doc.rangeHasMark(link.from, link.to, newState.schema.marks.code); }) // validate link .filter(link => options.validate(link.value)) // check whether should autolink .filter(link => options.shouldAutoLink(link.value)) // Add link mark. .forEach(link => { if (core.getMarksBetween(link.from, link.to, newState.doc).some(item => item.mark.type === options.type)) { return; } tr.addMark(link.from, link.to, options.type.create({ href: link.href, })); }); } }); if (!tr.steps.length) { return; } return tr; }, }); } function clickHandler(options) { return new state.Plugin({ key: new state.PluginKey('handleClickLink'), props: { handleClick: (view, pos, event) => { var _a, _b; if (event.button !== 0) { return false; } if (!view.editable) { return false; } let a = event.target; const els = []; while (a.nodeName !== 'DIV') { els.push(a); a = a.parentNode; } if (!els.find(value => value.nodeName === 'A')) { return false; } const attrs = core.getAttributes(view.state, options.type.name); const link = event.target; const href = (_a = link === null || link === void 0 ? void 0 : link.href) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : attrs.href; const target = (_b = link === null || link === void 0 ? void 0 : link.target) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : attrs.target; if (link && href) { window.open(href, target); return true; } return false; }, }, }); } function pasteHandler(options) { return new state.Plugin({ key: new state.PluginKey('handlePasteLink'), props: { handlePaste: (view, event, slice) => { const { state } = view; const { selection } = state; const { empty } = selection; if (empty) { return false; } let textContent = ''; slice.content.forEach(node => { textContent += node.textContent; }); const link = linkifyjs.find(textContent, { defaultProtocol: options.defaultProtocol }).find(item => item.isLink && item.value === textContent); if (!textContent || !link) { return false; } return options.editor.commands.setMark(options.type, { href: link.href, }); }, }, }); } const pasteRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=?!&/]*)(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=?!&/]*)/gi; // From DOMPurify // https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/main/src/regexp.js // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const ATTR_WHITESPACE = /[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g; function isAllowedUri(uri, protocols) { const allowedProtocols = [ 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'mailto', 'tel', 'callto', 'sms', 'cid', 'xmpp', ]; if (protocols) { protocols.forEach(protocol => { const nextProtocol = typeof protocol === 'string' ? protocol : protocol.scheme; if (nextProtocol) { allowedProtocols.push(nextProtocol); } }); } return (!uri || uri .replace(ATTR_WHITESPACE, '') .match(new RegExp( // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape `^(?:(?:${allowedProtocols.join('|')}):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))`, 'i'))); } /** * This extension allows you to create links. * @see https://www.tiptap.dev/api/marks/link */ const Link = core.Mark.create({ name: 'link', priority: 1000, keepOnSplit: false, exitable: true, onCreate() { if (this.options.validate && !this.options.shouldAutoLink) { // Copy the validate function to the shouldAutoLink option this.options.shouldAutoLink = this.options.validate; console.warn('The `validate` option is deprecated. Rename to the `shouldAutoLink` option instead.'); } this.options.protocols.forEach(protocol => { if (typeof protocol === 'string') { linkifyjs.registerCustomProtocol(protocol); return; } linkifyjs.registerCustomProtocol(protocol.scheme, protocol.optionalSlashes); }); }, onDestroy() { linkifyjs.reset(); }, inclusive() { return this.options.autolink; }, addOptions() { return { openOnClick: true, linkOnPaste: true, autolink: true, protocols: [], defaultProtocol: 'http', HTMLAttributes: { target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer nofollow', class: null, }, isAllowedUri: (url, ctx) => !!isAllowedUri(url, ctx.protocols), validate: url => !!url, shouldAutoLink: url => !!url, }; }, addAttributes() { return { href: { default: null, parseHTML(element) { return element.getAttribute('href'); }, }, target: { default: this.options.HTMLAttributes.target, }, rel: { default: this.options.HTMLAttributes.rel, }, class: { default: this.options.HTMLAttributes.class, }, }; }, parseHTML() { return [ { tag: 'a[href]', getAttrs: dom => { const href = dom.getAttribute('href'); // prevent XSS attacks if (!href || !this.options.isAllowedUri(href, { defaultValidate: url => !!isAllowedUri(url, this.options.protocols), protocols: this.options.protocols, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, })) { return false; } return null; }, }, ]; }, renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) { // prevent XSS attacks if (!this.options.isAllowedUri(HTMLAttributes.href, { defaultValidate: href => !!isAllowedUri(href, this.options.protocols), protocols: this.options.protocols, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, })) { // strip out the href return [ 'a', core.mergeAttributes(this.options.HTMLAttributes, { ...HTMLAttributes, href: '' }), 0, ]; } return ['a', core.mergeAttributes(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0]; }, addCommands() { return { setLink: attributes => ({ chain }) => { const { href } = attributes; if (!this.options.isAllowedUri(href, { defaultValidate: url => !!isAllowedUri(url, this.options.protocols), protocols: this.options.protocols, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, })) { return false; } return chain().setMark(this.name, attributes).setMeta('preventAutolink', true).run(); }, toggleLink: attributes => ({ chain }) => { const { href } = attributes; if (!this.options.isAllowedUri(href, { defaultValidate: url => !!isAllowedUri(url, this.options.protocols), protocols: this.options.protocols, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, })) { return false; } return chain() .toggleMark(this.name, attributes, { extendEmptyMarkRange: true }) .setMeta('preventAutolink', true) .run(); }, unsetLink: () => ({ chain }) => { return chain() .unsetMark(this.name, { extendEmptyMarkRange: true }) .setMeta('preventAutolink', true) .run(); }, }; }, addPasteRules() { return [ core.markPasteRule({ find: text => { const foundLinks = []; if (text) { const { protocols, defaultProtocol } = this.options; const links = linkifyjs.find(text).filter(item => item.isLink && this.options.isAllowedUri(item.value, { defaultValidate: href => !!isAllowedUri(href, protocols), protocols, defaultProtocol, })); if (links.length) { links.forEach(link => foundLinks.push({ text: link.value, data: { href: link.href, }, index: link.start, })); } } return foundLinks; }, type: this.type, getAttributes: match => { var _a; return { href: (_a = match.data) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.href, }; }, }), ]; }, addProseMirrorPlugins() { const plugins = []; const { protocols, defaultProtocol } = this.options; if (this.options.autolink) { plugins.push(autolink({ type: this.type, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, validate: url => this.options.isAllowedUri(url, { defaultValidate: href => !!isAllowedUri(href, protocols), protocols, defaultProtocol, }), shouldAutoLink: this.options.shouldAutoLink, })); } if (this.options.openOnClick === true) { plugins.push(clickHandler({ type: this.type, })); } if (this.options.linkOnPaste) { plugins.push(pasteHandler({ editor: this.editor, defaultProtocol: this.options.defaultProtocol, type: this.type, })); } return plugins; }, }); exports.Link = Link; exports.default = Link; exports.isAllowedUri = isAllowedUri; exports.pasteRegex = pasteRegex; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map