import { MapSource } from './'; export interface MapConfig { minimumTrackLength: number; minimumTrackPoints: number; /** * Distance a track point must deviate from others to avoid Douglas-Peucker * simplification. */ maxPointDeviationFeet: number; /** * Manually adjusted tracks may have infinite speeds between points so throw * out anything over a threshold. */ maxPossibleSpeed: number; /** Erase tracks around given latitude and longitude. */ privacyCenter: number[] | null; /** Radius around `privacyCenter` to exclude from GeoJSON */ privacyMiles: number; /** Whether to enforce `privacy` settings */ checkPrivacy: boolean; /** Whether track GPX files can be downloaded */ allowDownload: boolean; /** Maximum number of photo markers to show on Mapbox static map */ maxMarkers: number; /** Link patterns to external maps with `lat`, `lon`, `zoom` and `altitude` tokens */ link: { [key: string]: string; }; source: { [key: string]: MapSource; }; } export declare const config: MapConfig;