import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import assert from "assert"; import TruffleConfig from "../dist"; import { describe, it } from "mocha"; import sinon from "sinon"; const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "./test/truffle-config.js"; const BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME = "./test/truffle.js"; // old config filename let expectedPath: string; let options: { config: string }; describe("TruffleConfig.detect", () => { describe("when a config path is provided", () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(TruffleConfig, "load"); options = { config: "/my/favorite/config.js" }; expectedPath = "/my/favorite/config.js"; }); afterEach(() => { (TruffleConfig as any).load.restore(); }); it("loads a config from the options if available", () => { TruffleConfig.detect(options); assert((TruffleConfig as any).load.calledWith(expectedPath)); }); it("loads a config even with a relative path", () => { options.config = "../../config.js"; TruffleConfig.detect(options); assert( (TruffleConfig as any).load.calledWith( path.resolve(process.cwd(), "../../config.js") ) ); }); }); }); describe("when it can't find a config file", () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(TruffleConfig, "search").returns(null); }); afterEach(() => { (TruffleConfig as any).search.restore(); }); it("throws if a truffle config isn't detected", () => { assert.throws(() => { TruffleConfig.detect(); }, "should have thrown!"); }); }); before(() => { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync("./test/truffle-config.js", "w")); fs.closeSync(fs.openSync("./test/truffle.js", "w")); }); after(() => { if (fs.existsSync(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME)) { fs.unlinkSync(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME); } if (fs.existsSync(BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME)) { fs.unlinkSync(BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME); } }); describe("", () => { const options = { workingDirectory: `${process.cwd()}/test` }; let loggedStuff = ""; console.warn = (stringToLog: string) => { loggedStuff = loggedStuff + stringToLog; }; it("returns null if passed a file that doesn't exist", () => { const nonExistentConfig =, "badConfig.js"); assert.strictEqual(nonExistentConfig, null); }); it("outputs warning and returns truffle-config.js path if both truffle.js and truffle-config.js are found", () => { const truffleConfigPath =; assert.strictEqual( path.normalize(truffleConfigPath!), path.normalize(`${process.cwd()}/test/truffle-config.js`) ); assert( loggedStuff.includes( "Warning: Both truffle-config.js and truffle.js were found." ) ); }); it("outputs warning and returns truffle.js path if only truffle.js detected on windows ", () => { fs.unlinkSync("./test/truffle-config.js"); Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: "win32" }); const truffleConfigPath =; assert.strictEqual( path.normalize(truffleConfigPath!), path.normalize(`${process.cwd()}/test/truffle.js`) ); assert(loggedStuff.includes("Warning: Please rename truffle.js")); fs.closeSync(fs.openSync("./test/truffle-config.js", "w")); }); });