import "source-map-support/register"; import path from "path"; import assignIn from "lodash.assignin"; import merge from "lodash.merge"; import Module from "module"; import findUp from "find-up"; import Configstore from "configstore"; import TruffleError from "@truffle/error"; import originalRequire from "original-require"; import { getInitialConfig, configProps } from "./configDefaults"; import { EventManager } from "@truffle/events"; const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "truffle-config.js"; const BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME = "truffle.js"; // old config filename class TruffleConfig { [key: string]: any; private _deepCopy: string[]; private _values: any; constructor( truffleDirectory?: string, workingDirectory?: string, network?: any ) { this._deepCopy = ["compilers"]; this._values = getInitialConfig({ truffleDirectory, workingDirectory, network }); const eventsOptions = this.eventManagerOptions(this); = new EventManager(eventsOptions); const props = configProps({ configObject: this }); Object.entries(props).forEach(([propName, descriptor]) => this.addProp(propName, descriptor) ); } public eventManagerOptions(config: TruffleConfig): any { let muteLogging; const { quiet, logger, subscribers } = config; if (quiet) muteLogging = true; return { logger, muteLogging, subscribers }; } public addProp(propertyName: string, descriptor: any): void { // possible property descriptors // // supports `default` and `transform` in addition to `get` and `set` // // default: specify function to retrieve default value (used by get) // transform: specify function to transform value when (used by set) const self = this; Object.defineProperty(this, propertyName, { get: descriptor.get || function() { // value is specified if (propertyName in self._values) { return self._values[propertyName]; } // default getter is specified if (descriptor.default) { return descriptor.default(); } // descriptor is a function return descriptor(); }, set: descriptor.set || function(value) { self._values[propertyName] = descriptor.transform ? descriptor.transform(value) : value; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); } public normalize(obj: any): any { const clone: any = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { try { clone[key] = obj[key]; } catch (e) { // Do nothing with values that throw. } }); return clone; } public with(obj: any): TruffleConfig { const current = this.normalize(this); const normalized = this.normalize(obj); let eventsOptions = this.eventManagerOptions(this);; return assignIn( Object.create(TruffleConfig.prototype), current, normalized ); } public merge(obj: any): TruffleConfig { const clone = this.normalize(obj); // Only set keys for values that don't throw. const propertyNames = Object.keys(obj); propertyNames.forEach(key => { try { if (typeof clone[key] === "object" && this._deepCopy.includes(key)) { this[key] = merge(this[key], clone[key]); } else { this[key] = clone[key]; } } catch (e) { // ignore } }); const eventsOptions = this.eventManagerOptions(this);; return this; } public static default(): TruffleConfig { return new TruffleConfig(); } public static search(options: any = {}, filename?: string): string | null { const searchOptions = { cwd: options.working_directory || options.workingDirectory }; if (!filename) { const isWin = process.platform === "win32"; const defaultConfig = findUp.sync(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME, searchOptions); const backupConfig = findUp.sync(BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME, searchOptions); if (defaultConfig && backupConfig) { console.warn( `Warning: Both ${DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME} and ${BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME} were found. Using ${DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME}.` ); return defaultConfig; } else if (backupConfig && !defaultConfig) { if (isWin) console.warn( `Warning: Please rename ${BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME} to ${DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME} to ensure Windows compatibility.` ); return backupConfig; } else { return defaultConfig; } } return findUp.sync(filename, searchOptions); } public static detect(options: any = {}, filename?: string): TruffleConfig { let configFile; const configPath = options.config; if (configPath) { configFile = path.isAbsolute(configPath) ? configPath : path.resolve(configPath); } else { configFile =, filename); } if (!configFile) { throw new TruffleError("Could not find suitable configuration file."); } return TruffleConfig.load(configFile, options); } public static load(file: string, options: any = {}): TruffleConfig { const workingDirectory = options.config ? process.cwd() : path.dirname(path.resolve(file)); const config = new TruffleConfig(undefined, workingDirectory, undefined); // The require-nocache module used to do this for us, but // it doesn't bundle very well. So we've pulled it out ourselves. // @ts-ignore delete require.cache[Module._resolveFilename(file, module)]; const staticConfig = originalRequire(file); config.merge(staticConfig); config.merge(options); // When loading a user's config, ensure their subscribers are initialized const eventsOptions = config.eventManagerOptions(config);;; return config; } public static getUserConfig(): Configstore { return new Configstore("truffle", {}, { globalConfigPath: true }); } public static getTruffleDataDirectory(): string { const configStore = TruffleConfig.getUserConfig(); return path.dirname(configStore.path); } } export = TruffleConfig;