"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});// index.ts var _booleanpointinpolygon = require('@turf/boolean-point-in-polygon'); var _lineintersect = require('@turf/line-intersect'); var _meta = require('@turf/meta'); var _polygontoline = require('@turf/polygon-to-line'); function booleanDisjoint(feature1, feature2, { ignoreSelfIntersections = true } = { ignoreSelfIntersections: true }) { let bool = true; _meta.flattenEach.call(void 0, feature1, (flatten1) => { _meta.flattenEach.call(void 0, feature2, (flatten2) => { if (bool === false) { return false; } bool = disjoint( flatten1.geometry, flatten2.geometry, ignoreSelfIntersections ); }); }); return bool; } function disjoint(geom1, geom2, ignoreSelfIntersections) { switch (geom1.type) { case "Point": switch (geom2.type) { case "Point": return !compareCoords(geom1.coordinates, geom2.coordinates); case "LineString": return !isPointOnLine(geom2, geom1); case "Polygon": return !_booleanpointinpolygon.booleanPointInPolygon.call(void 0, geom1, geom2); } break; case "LineString": switch (geom2.type) { case "Point": return !isPointOnLine(geom1, geom2); case "LineString": return !isLineOnLine(geom1, geom2, ignoreSelfIntersections); case "Polygon": return !isLineInPoly(geom2, geom1, ignoreSelfIntersections); } break; case "Polygon": switch (geom2.type) { case "Point": return !_booleanpointinpolygon.booleanPointInPolygon.call(void 0, geom2, geom1); case "LineString": return !isLineInPoly(geom1, geom2, ignoreSelfIntersections); case "Polygon": return !isPolyInPoly(geom2, geom1, ignoreSelfIntersections); } } return false; } function isPointOnLine(lineString, pt) { for (let i = 0; i < lineString.coordinates.length - 1; i++) { if (isPointOnLineSegment( lineString.coordinates[i], lineString.coordinates[i + 1], pt.coordinates )) { return true; } } return false; } function isLineOnLine(lineString1, lineString2, ignoreSelfIntersections) { const doLinesIntersect = _lineintersect.lineIntersect.call(void 0, lineString1, lineString2, { ignoreSelfIntersections }); if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) { return true; } return false; } function isLineInPoly(polygon, lineString, ignoreSelfIntersections) { for (const coord of lineString.coordinates) { if (_booleanpointinpolygon.booleanPointInPolygon.call(void 0, coord, polygon)) { return true; } } const doLinesIntersect = _lineintersect.lineIntersect.call(void 0, lineString, _polygontoline.polygonToLine.call(void 0, polygon), { ignoreSelfIntersections }); if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) { return true; } return false; } function isPolyInPoly(feature1, feature2, ignoreSelfIntersections) { for (const coord1 of feature1.coordinates[0]) { if (_booleanpointinpolygon.booleanPointInPolygon.call(void 0, coord1, feature2)) { return true; } } for (const coord2 of feature2.coordinates[0]) { if (_booleanpointinpolygon.booleanPointInPolygon.call(void 0, coord2, feature1)) { return true; } } const doLinesIntersect = _lineintersect.lineIntersect.call(void 0, _polygontoline.polygonToLine.call(void 0, feature1), _polygontoline.polygonToLine.call(void 0, feature2), { ignoreSelfIntersections } ); if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) { return true; } return false; } function isPointOnLineSegment(lineSegmentStart, lineSegmentEnd, pt) { const dxc = pt[0] - lineSegmentStart[0]; const dyc = pt[1] - lineSegmentStart[1]; const dxl = lineSegmentEnd[0] - lineSegmentStart[0]; const dyl = lineSegmentEnd[1] - lineSegmentStart[1]; const cross = dxc * dyl - dyc * dxl; if (cross !== 0) { return false; } if (Math.abs(dxl) >= Math.abs(dyl)) { if (dxl > 0) { return lineSegmentStart[0] <= pt[0] && pt[0] <= lineSegmentEnd[0]; } else { return lineSegmentEnd[0] <= pt[0] && pt[0] <= lineSegmentStart[0]; } } else if (dyl > 0) { return lineSegmentStart[1] <= pt[1] && pt[1] <= lineSegmentEnd[1]; } else { return lineSegmentEnd[1] <= pt[1] && pt[1] <= lineSegmentStart[1]; } } function compareCoords(pair1, pair2) { return pair1[0] === pair2[0] && pair1[1] === pair2[1]; } var turf_boolean_disjoint_default = booleanDisjoint; exports.booleanDisjoint = booleanDisjoint; exports.default = turf_boolean_disjoint_default; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map