import * as fs from "fs"; import * as ReaddirGlob from "readdir-glob"; import * as stream from "stream"; import { ZlibOptions } from "zlib"; type Partial = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P]; }; // This library adds `cwd` to the options type GlobOptions = ReaddirGlob.Options & { cwd?: string }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- support for ConstructorFn function and classes type ConstructorFn = Function | (new(...params: any[]) => T); declare function archiver(format: archiver.Format, options?: archiver.ArchiverOptions): archiver.Archiver; declare namespace archiver { type Format = "zip" | "tar"; function create(format: string, options?: ArchiverOptions): Archiver; /** Check if the format is already registered. */ function isRegisteredFormat(format: string): boolean; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Function function registerFormat(format: string, module: Function): void; interface EntryData { /** Sets the entry name including internal path */ name: string; /** Sets the entry date */ date?: Date | string | undefined; /** Sets the entry permissions */ mode?: number | undefined; /** * Sets a path prefix for the entry name. * Useful when working with methods like `directory` or `glob` */ prefix?: string | undefined; /** * Sets the fs stat data for this entry allowing * for reduction of fs stat calls when stat data is already known */ stats?: fs.Stats | undefined; } interface ZipEntryData extends EntryData { /** Sets the compression method to STORE */ store?: boolean | undefined; } type TarEntryData = EntryData; interface ProgressData { entries: { total: number; processed: number; }; fs: { totalBytes: number; processedBytes: number; }; } /** A function that lets you either opt out of including an entry (by returning false), or modify the contents of an entry as it is added (by returning an EntryData) */ type EntryDataFunction = (entry: EntryData) => false | EntryData; class ArchiverError extends Error { code: string; // Since archiver format support is modular, we cannot enumerate all possible error codes, as the modules can throw arbitrary ones. data: any; path?: any; constructor(code: string, data: any); } interface Archiver extends stream.Transform { abort(): this; append(source: stream.Readable | Buffer | string, data?: EntryData | ZipEntryData | TarEntryData): this; /** if false is passed for destpath, the path of a chunk of data in the archive is set to the root */ directory(dirpath: string, destpath: false | string, data?: Partial | EntryDataFunction): this; file(filename: string, data: EntryData): this; glob(pattern: string, options?: GlobOptions, data?: Partial): this; finalize(): Promise; setFormat(format: string): this; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Function setModule(module: Function): this; pointer(): number; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Function use(plugin: Function): this; symlink(filepath: string, target: string, mode?: number): this; on(event: "error" | "warning", listener: (error: ArchiverError) => void): this; on(event: "data", listener: (data: Buffer) => void): this; on(event: "progress", listener: (progress: ProgressData) => void): this; on(event: "close" | "drain" | "finish", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "pipe" | "unpipe", listener: (src: stream.Readable) => void): this; on(event: "entry", listener: (entry: EntryData) => void): this; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; } type ArchiverOptions = CoreOptions & TransformOptions & ZipOptions & TarOptions; interface CoreOptions { statConcurrency?: number | undefined; } interface TransformOptions { allowHalfOpen?: boolean | undefined; readableObjectMode?: boolean | undefined; writeableObjectMode?: boolean | undefined; decodeStrings?: boolean | undefined; encoding?: string | undefined; highWaterMark?: number | undefined; objectmode?: boolean | undefined; } interface ZipOptions { comment?: string | undefined; forceLocalTime?: boolean | undefined; forceZip64?: boolean | undefined; /** @default false */ namePrependSlash?: boolean | undefined; store?: boolean | undefined; zlib?: ZlibOptions | undefined; } interface TarOptions { gzip?: boolean | undefined; gzipOptions?: ZlibOptions | undefined; } } export = archiver;