import { BufferScanResult, BufferStoppedChangingEvent, ContextualBufferScanResult, Cursor, CursorPositionChangedEvent, Decoration, DecorationLayerOptions, DecorationOptions, DisplayMarker, DisplayMarkerLayer, Disposable, EditorChangedEvent, FindDisplayMarkerOptions, Grammar, Gutter, GutterOptions, LayerDecoration, MarkerLayer, Point, PointCompatible, Range, RangeCompatible, RangeLike, ReadonlyEditOptions, ScanContextOptions, ScopeDescriptor, Selection, SelectionChangedEvent, TextBuffer, TextEditOptions, TextInsertionOptions, } from "../index"; /** * This class represents all essential editing state for a single TextBuffer, * including cursor and selection positions, folds, and soft wraps. */ export class TextEditor { readonly id: number; // NOTE: undocumented within the public API. Don't go down the rabbit hole. constructor(options?: object); // Event Subscription /** Calls your callback when the buffer's title has changed. */ onDidChangeTitle(callback: (title: string) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when the buffer's path, and therefore title, has changed. */ onDidChangePath(callback: (path: string) => void): Disposable; /** * Invoke the given callback synchronously when the content of the buffer * changes. */ onDidChange(callback: (event: EditorChangedEvent[]) => void): Disposable; /** * Invoke callback when the buffer's contents change. It is emit * asynchronously 300ms after the last buffer change. This is a good place * to handle changes to the buffer without compromising typing performance. */ onDidStopChanging(callback: (event: BufferStoppedChangingEvent) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when a Cursor is moved. If there are multiple cursors, * your callback will be called for each cursor. */ onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback: (event: CursorPositionChangedEvent) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a selection's screen range changes. */ onDidChangeSelectionRange(callback: (event: SelectionChangedEvent) => void): Disposable; /** Invoke the given callback after the buffer is saved to disk. */ onDidSave(callback: (event: { path: string }) => void): Disposable; /** Invoke the given callback when the editor is destroyed. */ onDidDestroy(callback: () => void): Disposable; /** Retrieves the current TextBuffer. */ getBuffer(): TextBuffer; /** Sets the read-only state for the editor. */ setReadOnly(readonly: boolean): void; /** Whether or not this editor is in read-only mode. */ isReadOnly(): boolean; /** * Calls your callback when a Gutter is added to the editor. Immediately calls * your callback for each existing gutter. */ observeGutters(callback: (gutter: Gutter) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Gutter is added to the editor. */ onDidAddGutter(callback: (gutter: Gutter) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Gutter is removed from the editor. */ onDidRemoveGutter(callback: (name: string) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when soft wrap was enabled or disabled. */ onDidChangeSoftWrapped(callback: (softWrapped: boolean) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when the buffer's encoding has changed. */ onDidChangeEncoding(callback: (encoding: string) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when the grammar that interprets and colorizes the text * has been changed. Immediately calls your callback with the current grammar. */ observeGrammar(callback: (grammar: Grammar) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when the grammar that interprets and colorizes the text * has been changed. */ onDidChangeGrammar(callback: (grammar: Grammar) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when the result of ::isModified changes. */ onDidChangeModified(callback: (modified: boolean) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when the buffer's underlying file changes on disk at a * moment when the result of ::isModified is true. */ onDidConflict(callback: () => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback before text has been inserted. */ onWillInsertText(callback: (event: { text: string; cancel(): void }) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback after text has been inserted. */ onDidInsertText(callback: (event: { text: string }) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when a Cursor is added to the editor. Immediately calls * your callback for each existing cursor. */ observeCursors(callback: (cursor: Cursor) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Cursor is added to the editor. */ onDidAddCursor(callback: (cursor: Cursor) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Cursor is removed from the editor. */ onDidRemoveCursor(callback: (cursor: Cursor) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback when a Selection is added to the editor. Immediately * calls your callback for each existing selection. */ observeSelections(callback: (selection: Selection) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Selection is added to the editor. */ onDidAddSelection(callback: (selection: Selection) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Selection is removed from the editor. */ onDidRemoveSelection(callback: (selection: Selection) => void): Disposable; /** * Calls your callback with each Decoration added to the editor. Calls your * callback immediately for any existing decorations. */ observeDecorations(callback: (decoration: Decoration) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Decoration is added to the editor. */ onDidAddDecoration(callback: (decoration: Decoration) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when a Decoration is removed from the editor. */ onDidRemoveDecoration(callback: (decoration: Decoration) => void): Disposable; /** Calls your callback when the placeholder text is changed. */ onDidChangePlaceholderText(callback: (placeholderText: string) => void): Disposable; // File Details /** * Get the editor's title for display in other parts of the UI such as the tabs. * If the editor's buffer is saved, its title is the file name. If it is unsaved, * its title is "untitled". */ getTitle(): string; /** * Get unique title for display in other parts of the UI, such as the window title. * If the editor's buffer is unsaved, its title is "untitled" If the editor's * buffer is saved, its unique title is formatted as one of the following, * * "" when it is the only editing buffer with this file name. * " — " when other buffers have this file name. */ getLongTitle(): string; /** Returns the string path of this editor's text buffer. */ getPath(): string | undefined; /** Returns boolean true if this editor has been modified. */ isModified(): boolean; /** Returns boolean true if this editor has no content. */ isEmpty(): boolean; /** Returns the string character set encoding of this editor's text buffer. */ getEncoding(): string; /** Set the character set encoding to use in this editor's text buffer. */ setEncoding(encoding: string): void; // File Operations /** * Saves the editor's text buffer. * See TextBuffer::save for more details. */ save(): Promise; /** * Saves the editor's text buffer as the given path. * See TextBuffer::saveAs for more details. */ saveAs(filePath: string): Promise; // Reading Text /** Returns a string representing the entire contents of the editor. */ getText(): string; /** Get the text in the given range in buffer coordinates. */ getTextInBufferRange(range: RangeCompatible): string; /** Returns a number representing the number of lines in the buffer. */ getLineCount(): number; /** * Returns a number representing the number of screen lines in the editor. * This accounts for folds. */ getScreenLineCount(): number; /** * Returns a number representing the last zero-indexed buffer row number of * the editor. */ getLastBufferRow(): number; /** * Returns a number representing the last zero-indexed screen row number of * the editor. */ getLastScreenRow(): number; /** * Returns a string representing the contents of the line at the given * buffer row. */ lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow: number): string; /** * Returns a string representing the contents of the line at the given * screen row. */ lineTextForScreenRow(screenRow: number): string; /** Get the range of the paragraph surrounding the most recently added cursor. */ getCurrentParagraphBufferRange(): Range; // Mutating Text /** Replaces the entire contents of the buffer with the given string. */ setText(text: string, options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** Set the text in the given Range in buffer coordinates. */ setTextInBufferRange(range: RangeCompatible, text: string, options?: TextEditOptions & ReadonlyEditOptions): Range; /* For each selection, replace the selected text with the given text. */ insertText(text: string, options?: TextInsertionOptions & ReadonlyEditOptions): Range | false; /** For each selection, replace the selected text with a newline. */ insertNewline(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character following * the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ delete(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character preceding * the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ backspace(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Mutate the text of all the selections in a single transaction. * All the changes made inside the given function can be reverted with a single * call to ::undo. */ mutateSelectedText(fn: (selection: Selection, index: number) => void): void; /** * For each selection, transpose the selected text. * If the selection is empty, the characters preceding and following the cursor * are swapped. Otherwise, the selected characters are reversed. */ transpose(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Convert the selected text to upper case. * For each selection, if the selection is empty, converts the containing word * to upper case. Otherwise convert the selected text to upper case. */ upperCase(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Convert the selected text to lower case. * For each selection, if the selection is empty, converts the containing word * to upper case. Otherwise convert the selected text to upper case. */ lowerCase(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Toggle line comments for rows intersecting selections. * If the current grammar doesn't support comments, does nothing. */ toggleLineCommentsInSelection(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** For each cursor, insert a newline at beginning the following line. */ insertNewlineBelow(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** For each cursor, insert a newline at the end of the preceding line. */ insertNewlineAbove(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the * containing word that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ deleteToBeginningOfWord(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Similar to ::deleteToBeginningOfWord, but deletes only back to the previous * word boundary. */ deleteToPreviousWordBoundary(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** Similar to ::deleteToEndOfWord, but deletes only up to the next word boundary. */ deleteToNextWordBoundary(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the * containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ deleteToBeginningOfSubword(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the * containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ deleteToEndOfSubword(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the * containing line that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ deleteToBeginningOfLine(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is not empty, deletes the selection * otherwise, deletes all characters of the containing line following the cursor. * If the cursor is already at the end of the line, deletes the following newline. */ deleteToEndOfLine(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters of the * containing word following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text. */ deleteToEndOfWord(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** Delete all lines intersecting selections. */ deleteLine(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; // History /** Undo the last change. */ undo(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** Redo the last change. */ redo(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Batch multiple operations as a single undo/redo step. * Any group of operations that are logically grouped from the perspective of undoing * and redoing should be performed in a transaction. If you want to abort the transaction, * call ::abortTransaction to terminate the function's execution and revert any changes * performed up to the abortion. */ transact(fn: () => void): void; /** * Batch multiple operations as a single undo/redo step. * Any group of operations that are logically grouped from the perspective of undoing * and redoing should be performed in a transaction. If you want to abort the transaction, * call ::abortTransaction to terminate the function's execution and revert any changes * performed up to the abortion. */ transact(groupingInterval: number, fn: () => void): void; /** * Abort an open transaction, undoing any operations performed so far within the * transaction. */ abortTransaction(): void; /** * Create a pointer to the current state of the buffer for use with ::revertToCheckpoint * and ::groupChangesSinceCheckpoint. */ createCheckpoint(): number; /** * Revert the buffer to the state it was in when the given checkpoint was created. * The redo stack will be empty following this operation, so changes since the checkpoint * will be lost. If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the undo history, no * changes will be made to the buffer and this method will return false. */ revertToCheckpoint(checkpoint: number): boolean; /** * Group all changes since the given checkpoint into a single transaction for purposes * of undo/redo. * If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the undo history, no grouping will be * performed and this method will return false. */ groupChangesSinceCheckpoint(checkpoint: number): boolean; // TextEditor Coordinates /** Convert a position in buffer-coordinates to screen-coordinates. */ screenPositionForBufferPosition( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: "backward" | "forward" | "closest" | undefined }, ): Point; /** Convert a position in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates. */ bufferPositionForScreenPosition( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: "backward" | "forward" | "closest" | undefined }, ): Point; /** Convert a range in buffer-coordinates to screen-coordinates. */ screenRangeForBufferRange(bufferRange: RangeCompatible): Range; /** Convert a range in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates. */ bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange: RangeCompatible): Range; /** Clip the given Point to a valid position in the buffer. */ clipBufferPosition(bufferPosition: PointCompatible): Point; /** * Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions in the buffer. * See ::clipBufferPosition for more information. */ clipBufferRange(range: RangeCompatible): Range; /** Clip the given Point to a valid position on screen. */ clipScreenPosition( screenPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: "backward" | "forward" | "closest" | undefined }, ): Point; /** * Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions on screen. * See ::clipScreenPosition for more information. */ clipScreenRange( range: RangeCompatible, options?: { clipDirection?: "backward" | "forward" | "closest" | undefined }, ): Range; // Decorations /** * Add a decoration that tracks a DisplayMarker. When the marker moves, is * invalidated, or is destroyed, the decoration will be updated to reflect * the marker's state. */ decorateMarker(marker: DisplayMarker, decorationParams: DecorationOptions): Decoration; /** * Add a decoration to every marker in the given marker layer. Can be used to * decorate a large number of markers without having to create and manage many * individual decorations. */ decorateMarkerLayer( markerLayer: MarkerLayer | DisplayMarkerLayer, decorationParams: DecorationLayerOptions, ): LayerDecoration; /** Get all decorations. */ getDecorations(propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions): Decoration[]; /** Get all decorations of type 'line'. */ getLineDecorations(propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions): Decoration[]; /** Get all decorations of type 'line-number'. */ getLineNumberDecorations(propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions): Decoration[]; /** Get all decorations of type 'highlight'. */ getHighlightDecorations(propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions): Decoration[]; /** Get all decorations of type 'overlay'. */ getOverlayDecorations(propertyFilter?: DecorationOptions): Decoration[]; // Markers /** * Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given range in buffer coordinates. * This marker will maintain its logical location as the buffer is changed, so if you mark * a particular word, the marker will remain over that word even if the word's location * in the buffer changes. */ markBufferRange( range: RangeCompatible, properties?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; reversed?: boolean | undefined; invalidate?: "never" | "surround" | "overlap" | "inside" | "touch" | undefined; }, ): DisplayMarker; /** * Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given range in screen coordinates. * This marker will maintain its logical location as the buffer is changed, so if you mark * a particular word, the marker will remain over that word even if the word's location in * the buffer changes. */ markScreenRange( range: RangeCompatible, properties?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; reversed?: boolean | undefined; invalidate?: "never" | "surround" | "overlap" | "inside" | "touch" | undefined; }, ): DisplayMarker; /** * Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given buffer position and no tail. * To group multiple markers together in their own private layer, see ::addMarkerLayer. */ markBufferPosition( bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { invalidate?: "never" | "surround" | "overlap" | "inside" | "touch" | undefined; }, ): DisplayMarker; /** * Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given screen position and no tail. * To group multiple markers together in their own private layer, see ::addMarkerLayer. */ markScreenPosition( screenPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { invalidate?: "never" | "surround" | "overlap" | "inside" | "touch" | undefined; clipDirection?: "backward" | "forward" | "closest" | undefined; }, ): DisplayMarker; /** * Find all DisplayMarkers on the default marker layer that match the given properties. * * This method finds markers based on the given properties. Markers can be associated * with custom properties that will be compared with basic equality. In addition, there * are several special properties that will be compared with the range of the markers * rather than their properties. */ findMarkers(properties: FindDisplayMarkerOptions): DisplayMarker[]; /** Create a marker layer to group related markers. */ addMarkerLayer( options?: { maintainHistory?: boolean | undefined; persistent?: boolean | undefined }, ): DisplayMarkerLayer; /** Get a DisplayMarkerLayer by id. */ getMarkerLayer(id: number): DisplayMarkerLayer | undefined; /** * Get the default DisplayMarkerLayer. * All marker APIs not tied to an explicit layer interact with this default layer. */ getDefaultMarkerLayer(): DisplayMarkerLayer; /** Get the DisplayMarker on the default layer for the given marker id. */ getMarker(id: number): DisplayMarker; /** Get all DisplayMarkers on the default marker layer. Consider using ::findMarkers. */ getMarkers(): DisplayMarker[]; /** Get the number of markers in the default marker layer. */ getMarkerCount(): number; // Cursors /** Get the position of the most recently added cursor in buffer coordinates. */ getCursorBufferPosition(): Point; /** Get the position of all the cursor positions in buffer coordinates. */ getCursorBufferPositions(): Point[]; /** * Move the cursor to the given position in buffer coordinates. * If there are multiple cursors, they will be consolidated to a single cursor. */ setCursorBufferPosition(position: PointCompatible, options?: { autoscroll?: boolean | undefined }): void; /** Get a Cursor at given screen coordinates Point. */ getCursorAtScreenPosition(position: PointCompatible): Cursor | undefined; /** Get the position of the most recently added cursor in screen coordinates. */ getCursorScreenPosition(): Point; /** Get the position of all the cursor positions in screen coordinates. */ getCursorScreenPositions(): Point[]; /** * Move the cursor to the given position in screen coordinates. * If there are multiple cursors, they will be consolidated to a single cursor. */ setCursorScreenPosition(position: PointCompatible, options?: { autoscroll?: boolean | undefined }): void; /** Add a cursor at the given position in buffer coordinates. */ addCursorAtBufferPosition(bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { autoscroll?: boolean | undefined }): Cursor; /** Add a cursor at the position in screen coordinates. */ addCursorAtScreenPosition(screenPosition: PointCompatible): Cursor; /** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not there are multiple cursors. */ hasMultipleCursors(): boolean; /** Move every cursor up one row in screen coordinates. */ moveUp(lineCount?: number): void; /** Move every cursor down one row in screen coordinates. */ moveDown(lineCount?: number): void; /** Move every cursor left one column. */ moveLeft(columnCount?: number): void; /** Move every cursor right one column. */ moveRight(columnCount?: number): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of its line in buffer coordinates. */ moveToBeginningOfLine(): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of its line in screen coordinates. */ moveToBeginningOfScreenLine(): void; /** Move every cursor to the first non-whitespace character of its line. */ moveToFirstCharacterOfLine(): void; /** Move every cursor to the end of its line in buffer coordinates. */ moveToEndOfLine(): void; /** Move every cursor to the end of its line in screen coordinates. */ moveToEndOfScreenLine(): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of its surrounding word. */ moveToBeginningOfWord(): void; /** Move every cursor to the end of its surrounding word. */ moveToEndOfWord(): void; /** * Move every cursor to the top of the buffer. * If there are multiple cursors, they will be merged into a single cursor. */ moveToTop(): void; /** * Move every cursor to the bottom of the buffer. * If there are multiple cursors, they will be merged into a single cursor. */ moveToBottom(): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of the next word. */ moveToBeginningOfNextWord(): void; /** Move every cursor to the previous word boundary. */ moveToPreviousWordBoundary(): void; /** Move every cursor to the next word boundary. */ moveToNextWordBoundary(): void; /** Move every cursor to the previous subword boundary. */ moveToPreviousSubwordBoundary(): void; /** Move every cursor to the next subword boundary. */ moveToNextSubwordBoundary(): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph. */ moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph(): void; /** Move every cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph. */ moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph(): void; /** Returns the most recently added Cursor. */ getLastCursor(): Cursor; /** Returns the word surrounding the most recently added cursor. */ getWordUnderCursor(options?: { wordRegex?: RegExp | undefined; includeNonWordCharacters?: boolean | undefined; allowPrevious?: boolean | undefined; }): string; /** Get an Array of all Cursors. */ getCursors(): Cursor[]; /** * Get all Cursors, ordered by their position in the buffer instead of the * order in which they were added. */ getCursorsOrderedByBufferPosition(): Cursor[]; // Selections /** Get the selected text of the most recently added selection. */ getSelectedText(): string; /** Get the Range of the most recently added selection in buffer coordinates. */ getSelectedBufferRange(): Range; /** * Get the Ranges of all selections in buffer coordinates. * The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end. */ getSelectedBufferRanges(): Range[]; /** * Set the selected range in buffer coordinates. If there are multiple selections, * they are reduced to a single selection with the given range. */ setSelectedBufferRange( bufferRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined }, ): void; /** * Set the selected ranges in buffer coordinates. If there are multiple selections, * they are replaced by new selections with the given ranges. */ setSelectedBufferRanges( bufferRanges: readonly RangeCompatible[], options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined }, ): void; /** Get the Range of the most recently added selection in screen coordinates. */ getSelectedScreenRange(): Range; /** * Get the Ranges of all selections in screen coordinates. * The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end. */ getSelectedScreenRanges(): Range[]; /** * Set the selected range in screen coordinates. If there are multiple selections, * they are reduced to a single selection with the given range. */ setSelectedScreenRange(screenRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined }): void; /** * Set the selected ranges in screen coordinates. If there are multiple selections, * they are replaced by new selections with the given ranges. */ setSelectedScreenRanges( screenRanges: readonly RangeCompatible[], options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined }, ): void; /** Add a selection for the given range in buffer coordinates. */ addSelectionForBufferRange( bufferRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined }, ): Selection; /** Add a selection for the given range in screen coordinates. */ addSelectionForScreenRange( screenRange: RangeCompatible, options?: { reversed?: boolean | undefined; preserveFolds?: boolean | undefined }, ): Selection; /** * Select from the current cursor position to the given position in buffer coordinates. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToBufferPosition(position: PointCompatible): void; /** * Select from the current cursor position to the given position in screen coordinates. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToScreenPosition(position: PointCompatible): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection one character upward while preserving the * selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectUp(rowCount?: number): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection one character downward while preserving * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectDown(rowCount?: number): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection one character leftward while preserving * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectLeft(columnCount?: number): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection one character rightward while preserving * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectRight(columnCount?: number): void; /** * Select from the top of the buffer to the end of the last selection in the buffer. * This method merges multiple selections into a single selection. */ selectToTop(): void; /** * Selects from the top of the first selection in the buffer to the end of the buffer. * This method merges multiple selections into a single selection. */ selectToBottom(): void; /** * Select all text in the buffer. * This method merges multiple selections into a single selection. */ selectAll(): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection to the beginning of its line while preserving * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToBeginningOfLine(): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection to the first non-whitespace character of its * line while preserving the selection's tail position. If the cursor is already * on the first character of the line, move it to the beginning of the line. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToFirstCharacterOfLine(): void; /** * Move the cursor of each selection to the end of its line while preserving the * selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToEndOfLine(): void; /** * Expand selections to the beginning of their containing word. * Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the containing * word while preserving the selection's tail position. */ selectToBeginningOfWord(): void; /** * Expand selections to the end of their containing word. * Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the end of the containing word * while preserving the selection's tail position. */ selectToEndOfWord(): void; /** * For each cursor, select the containing line. * This method merges selections on successive lines. */ selectLinesContainingCursors(): void; /** Select the word surrounding each cursor. */ selectWordsContainingCursors(): void; /** * For each selection, move its cursor to the preceding subword boundary while * maintaining the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToPreviousSubwordBoundary(): void; /** * For each selection, move its cursor to the next subword boundary while maintaining * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToNextSubwordBoundary(): void; /** * For each selection, move its cursor to the preceding word boundary while * maintaining the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToPreviousWordBoundary(): void; /** * For each selection, move its cursor to the next word boundary while maintaining * the selection's tail position. * This method may merge selections that end up intersecting. */ selectToNextWordBoundary(): void; /** * Expand selections to the beginning of the next word. * Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word * while preserving the selection's tail position. */ selectToBeginningOfNextWord(): void; /** * Expand selections to the beginning of the next paragraph. * Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next * paragraph while preserving the selection's tail position. */ selectToBeginningOfNextParagraph(): void; /** * Expand selections to the beginning of the next paragraph. * Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next * paragraph while preserving the selection's tail position. */ selectToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph(): void; /** For each selection, select the syntax node that contains that selection. */ selectLargerSyntaxNode(): void; /** Undo the effect a preceding call to `::selectLargerSyntaxNode`. */ selectSmallerSyntaxNode(): void; /** Select the range of the given marker if it is valid. */ selectMarker(marker: DisplayMarker): Range | undefined; /** Get the most recently added Selection. */ getLastSelection(): Selection; /** Get current Selections. */ getSelections(): Selection[]; /** * Get all Selections, ordered by their position in the buffer instead of the * order in which they were added. */ getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition(): Selection[]; // NOTE: this calls into Selection::intersectsBufferRange, which itself calls // into Range::intersectsWith. Range::intersectsWith is one of the few functions // which does NOT take a range-compatible array. /** Determine if a given range in buffer coordinates intersects a selection. */ selectionIntersectsBufferRange(bufferRange: RangeLike): boolean; // Searching and Replacing /** * Scan regular expression matches in the entire buffer, calling the given * iterator function on each match. * * ::scan functions as the replace method as well via the replace. */ scan(regex: RegExp, options: ScanContextOptions, iterator: (params: ContextualBufferScanResult) => void): void; /** * Scan regular expression matches in the entire buffer, calling the given * iterator function on each match. * * ::scan functions as the replace method as well via the replace. */ scan(regex: RegExp, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void): void; /** * Scan regular expression matches in a given range, calling the given iterator. * function on each match. */ scanInBufferRange(regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void): void; /** * Scan regular expression matches in a given range in reverse order, calling the * given iterator function on each match. */ backwardsScanInBufferRange( regex: RegExp, range: RangeCompatible, iterator: (params: BufferScanResult) => void, ): void; // Tab Behavior /** Returns a boolean indicating whether softTabs are enabled for this editor. */ getSoftTabs(): boolean; /** Enable or disable soft tabs for this editor. */ setSoftTabs(softTabs: boolean): void; /** Toggle soft tabs for this editor. */ toggleSoftTabs(): boolean; /** Get the on-screen length of tab characters. */ getTabLength(): number; /** * Set the on-screen length of tab characters. Setting this to a number will * override the editor.tabLength setting. */ setTabLength(tabLength: number): void; /** Determine if the buffer uses hard or soft tabs. */ usesSoftTabs(): boolean | undefined; /** * Get the text representing a single level of indent. * If soft tabs are enabled, the text is composed of N spaces, where N is the * tab length. Otherwise the text is a tab character (\t). */ getTabText(): string; // Soft Wrap Behavior /** Determine whether lines in this editor are soft-wrapped. */ isSoftWrapped(): boolean; /** Enable or disable soft wrapping for this editor. */ setSoftWrapped(softWrapped: boolean): boolean; /** Toggle soft wrapping for this editor. */ toggleSoftWrapped(): boolean; /** Gets the column at which column will soft wrap. */ getSoftWrapColumn(): number; // Indentation /** * Get the indentation level of the given buffer row. * Determines how deeply the given row is indented based on the soft tabs and tab * length settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and the tab * length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation level of 2. */ indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow: number): number; /** * Set the indentation level for the given buffer row. * Inserts or removes hard tabs or spaces based on the soft tabs and tab length settings * of this editor in order to bring it to the given indentation level. Note that if soft * tabs are enabled and the tab length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an * indentation level of 2. */ setIndentationForBufferRow( bufferRow: number, newLevel: number, options?: { preserveLeadingWhitespace?: boolean | undefined }, ): void; /** Indent rows intersecting selections by one level. */ indentSelectedRows(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** Outdent rows intersecting selections by one level. */ outdentSelectedRows(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * Get the indentation level of the given line of text. * Determines how deeply the given line is indented based on the soft tabs and tab length * settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and the tab length is 2, * a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation level of 2. */ indentLevelForLine(line: string): number; /** Indent rows intersecting selections based on the grammar's suggested indent level. */ autoIndentSelectedRows(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; // Grammars /** Get the current Grammar of this editor. */ getGrammar(): Grammar; // Managing Syntax Scopes /** * Returns a ScopeDescriptor that includes this editor's language. * e.g. [".source.ruby"], or [""]. */ getRootScopeDescriptor(): ScopeDescriptor; /** Get the syntactic scopeDescriptor for the given position in buffer coordinates. */ scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(bufferPosition: PointCompatible): ScopeDescriptor; /** * Get the syntactic tree {ScopeDescriptor} for the given position in buffer * coordinates or the syntactic {ScopeDescriptor} for TextMate language mode */ syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(bufferPosition: PointCompatible): ScopeDescriptor; /** * Get the range in buffer coordinates of all tokens surrounding the cursor * that match the given scope selector. */ bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor(scopeSelector: string): Range; /** Determine if the given row is entirely a comment. */ isBufferRowCommented(bufferRow: number): boolean; // Clipboard Operations /** For each selection, copy the selected text. */ copySelectedText(): void; /** For each selection, cut the selected text. */ cutSelectedText(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, replace the selected text with the contents of the clipboard. * If the clipboard contains the same number of selections as the current editor, * each selection will be replaced with the content of the corresponding clipboard * selection text. */ pasteText(options?: TextInsertionOptions & ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters of the * containing screen line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the selected text. */ cutToEndOfLine(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; /** * For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters of the * containing buffer line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the selected text. */ cutToEndOfBufferLine(options?: ReadonlyEditOptions): void; // Folds /** * Fold the most recent cursor's row based on its indentation level. * The fold will extend from the nearest preceding line with a lower indentation * level up to the nearest following row with a lower indentation level. */ foldCurrentRow(): void; /** Unfold the most recent cursor's row by one level. */ unfoldCurrentRow(): void; /** * Fold the given row in buffer coordinates based on its indentation level. * If the given row is foldable, the fold will begin there. Otherwise, it will * begin at the first foldable row preceding the given row. */ foldBufferRow(bufferRow: number): void; /** Unfold all folds containing the given row in buffer coordinates. */ unfoldBufferRow(bufferRow: number): void; /** For each selection, fold the rows it intersects. */ foldSelectedLines(): void; /** Fold all foldable lines. */ foldAll(): void; /** Unfold all existing folds. */ unfoldAll(): void; /** * Fold all foldable lines at the given indent level. * @param level A zero-indexed number. */ foldAllAtIndentLevel(level: number): void; /** * Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is foldable. * A foldable row is a row that starts a row range that can be folded. */ isFoldableAtBufferRow(bufferRow: number): boolean; /** * Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is foldable. * A foldable row is a row that starts a row range that can be folded. */ isFoldableAtScreenRow(bufferRow: number): boolean; /** Fold the given buffer row if it isn't currently folded, and unfold it otherwise. */ toggleFoldAtBufferRow(bufferRow: number): void; /** Determine whether the most recently added cursor's row is folded. */ isFoldedAtCursorRow(): boolean; /** Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is folded. */ isFoldedAtBufferRow(bufferRow: number): boolean; /** Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is folded. */ isFoldedAtScreenRow(screenRow: number): boolean; // Gutters /** Add a custom Gutter. */ addGutter(options: GutterOptions): Gutter; /** Get this editor's gutters. */ getGutters(): Gutter[]; /** Get the gutter with the given name. */ gutterWithName(name: string): Gutter | null; // Scrolling the TextEditor /** Scroll the editor to reveal the most recently added cursor if it is off-screen. */ scrollToCursorPosition(options?: { center?: boolean | undefined }): void; /** Scrolls the editor to the given buffer position. */ scrollToBufferPosition(bufferPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { center?: boolean | undefined }): void; /** Scrolls the editor to the given screen position. */ scrollToScreenPosition(screenPosition: PointCompatible, options?: { center?: boolean | undefined }): void; // TextEditor Rendering /** Retrieves the rendered line height in pixels. */ getLineHeightInPixels(): number; /** Retrieves the greyed out placeholder of a mini editor. */ getPlaceholderText(): string; /** * Set the greyed out placeholder of a mini editor. Placeholder text will be * displayed when the editor has no content. */ setPlaceholderText(placeholderText: string): void; /** Undocumented: Buffer range for syntax scope at position */ bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(scope: string, point: PointCompatible): Range; /** Undocumented: Get syntax token at buffer position */ tokenForBufferPosition(pos: PointCompatible): { value: string; scopes: string[] }; }