import { APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext, APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext, APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer, } from "../common/api-gateway"; import { Callback, Handler } from "../handler"; import { APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2 } from "./api-gateway-proxy"; export type APIGatewayAuthorizerHandler = Handler; export type APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextHandler = Handler>; export type APIGatewayAuthorizerCallback = Callback; export type APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextCallback = Callback>; export type APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerHandler = Handler; export type APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerWithContextHandler = Handler>; export type APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerHandler = Handler; export type APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerWithContextHandler< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext, > = Handler>; export type APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent = APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent | APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent; export interface APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent { type: "TOKEN"; methodArn: string; authorizationToken: string; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventV2 { version: string; type: "REQUEST"; routeArn: string; identitySource: string[]; routeKey: string; rawPath: string; rawQueryString: string; cookies: string[]; headers?: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventHeaders; queryStringParameters?: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventQueryStringParameters; requestContext: APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2; pathParameters?: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventPathParameters; stageVariables?: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventStageVariables; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueHeaders { [name: string]: string[] | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventPathParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string[] | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventStageVariables { [name: string]: string | undefined; } // Note, when invoked by the tester in the AWS web console, the map values can be null, // but they will be empty objects in the real object. // Worse, it will include "body" and "isBase64Encoded" properties, unlike the real call! // See for the // formal definition. export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent { type: "REQUEST"; methodArn: string; resource: string; path: string; httpMethod: string; headers: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventHeaders | null; multiValueHeaders: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueHeaders | null; pathParameters: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventPathParameters | null; queryStringParameters: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventQueryStringParameters | null; multiValueQueryStringParameters: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters | null; stageVariables: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventStageVariables | null; requestContext: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer; } export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerResult { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context?: APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext | null | undefined; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null | undefined; } // Separate type so the context property is required, without pulling complex type magic. export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextResult { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context: TAuthorizerContext; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null | undefined; } /** * IAM Authorizer Types */ export interface APIGatewayIAMAuthorizerResult { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context?: APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext | null | undefined; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayIAMAuthorizerWithContextResult< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext, > { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context: TAuthorizerContext; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null | undefined; } export type APIGatewayRequestIAMAuthorizerHandlerV2 = Handler< APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventV2, APIGatewayIAMAuthorizerResult >; export type APIGatewayRequestIAMAuthorizerV2WithContextHandler< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext, > = Handler>; /** * Simple Lambda Authorizer Types V2 spec with simple response * @see - */ export interface APIGatewaySimpleAuthorizerResult { isAuthorized: boolean; } export interface APIGatewaySimpleAuthorizerWithContextResult extends APIGatewaySimpleAuthorizerResult { context: TAuthorizerContext; } export type APIGatewayRequestSimpleAuthorizerHandlerV2 = Handler< APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventV2, APIGatewaySimpleAuthorizerResult >; export type APIGatewayRequestSimpleAuthorizerHandlerV2WithContext = Handler< APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventV2, APIGatewaySimpleAuthorizerWithContextResult >; // Legacy event / names /** @deprecated Use APIGatewayAuthorizerHandler or a subtype */ export type CustomAuthorizerHandler = Handler; // This one is actually fine. export type CustomAuthorizerCallback = APIGatewayAuthorizerCallback; /** @deprecated Use APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent or a subtype */ export interface CustomAuthorizerEvent { type: string; methodArn: string; authorizationToken?: string | undefined; resource?: string | undefined; path?: string | undefined; httpMethod?: string | undefined; headers?: { [name: string]: string } | undefined; multiValueHeaders?: { [name: string]: string[] } | undefined; pathParameters?: { [name: string]: string } | null | undefined; queryStringParameters?: { [name: string]: string } | null | undefined; multiValueQueryStringParameters?: { [name: string]: string[] } | null | undefined; stageVariables?: { [name: string]: string } | undefined; requestContext?: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer | undefined; domainName?: string | undefined; apiId?: string | undefined; } export type CustomAuthorizerResult = APIGatewayAuthorizerResult; export type AuthResponse = APIGatewayAuthorizerResult; export type AuthResponseContext = APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext; /** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument. * * */ export interface PolicyDocument { Version: string; Id?: string | undefined; Statement: Statement[]; } /** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument.Condition. * * */ export interface ConditionBlock { [condition: string]: Condition | Condition[]; } export interface Condition { [key: string]: string | string[]; } /** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument.Statement. * * */ export type Statement = BaseStatement & StatementAction & (StatementResource | StatementPrincipal); export type StatementEffect = "Allow" | "Deny"; export interface BaseStatement { Effect: StatementEffect; Sid?: string | undefined; Condition?: ConditionBlock | undefined; } export type PrincipalValue = { [key: string]: string | string[] } | string | string[]; export interface MaybeStatementPrincipal { Principal?: PrincipalValue | undefined; NotPrincipal?: PrincipalValue | undefined; } export interface MaybeStatementResource { Resource?: string | string[] | undefined; NotResource?: string | string[] | undefined; } export type StatementAction = { Action: string | string[] } | { NotAction: string | string[] }; export type StatementResource = & MaybeStatementPrincipal & ({ Resource: string | string[] } | { NotResource: string | string[] }); export type StatementPrincipal = & MaybeStatementResource & ({ Principal: PrincipalValue } | { NotPrincipal: PrincipalValue });