import { APIGatewayEventClientCertificate, APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext, APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer, } from "../common/api-gateway"; import { Callback, CognitoIdentity, Handler } from "../handler"; /** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyHandler = Handler; /** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyCallback = Callback; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2 = Handler>; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyWebsocketHandlerV2 = Handler< APIGatewayProxyWebsocketEventV2, APIGatewayProxyResultV2 >; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 adds JWT Authroizer to RequestContext * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2WithJWTAuthorizer = Handler< APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithJWTAuthorizer, APIGatewayProxyResultV2 >; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 adds Lambda Authroizer to RequestContext * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2WithLambdaAuthorizer = Handler< APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithLambdaAuthorizer, APIGatewayProxyResultV2 >; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 adds IAM Authroizer to RequestContext * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2WithIAMAuthorizer = Handler< APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithIAMAuthorizer, APIGatewayProxyResultV2 >; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyCallbackV2 = Callback; /** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyEvent = APIGatewayProxyEventBase; export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult >; export type APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult >; export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEvent = APIGatewayProxyEventBase< APIGatewayEventLambdaAuthorizerContext >; export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEventRequestContext = APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer>; // API Gateway proxy integration mangles the context from a custom authorizer, // converting all number or boolean properties to string, and adding some extra properties. export type APIGatewayEventLambdaAuthorizerContext = & { [P in keyof TAuthorizerContext]: TAuthorizerContext[P] extends null ? null : string; } & { principalId: string; integrationLatency: number; }; export type APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerEvent = APIGatewayProxyEventBase; // All claims are coerced into strings. export interface APIGatewayProxyCognitoAuthorizer { claims: { [name: string]: string; }; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueHeaders { [name: string]: string[] | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string[] | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface APIGatewayProxyEventBase { body: string | null; headers: APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders; multiValueHeaders: APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueHeaders; httpMethod: string; isBase64Encoded: boolean; path: string; pathParameters: APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters | null; queryStringParameters: APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters | null; multiValueQueryStringParameters: APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters | null; stageVariables: APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables | null; requestContext: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer; resource: string; } /** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */ export interface APIGatewayProxyResult { statusCode: number; headers?: | { [header: string]: boolean | number | string; } | undefined; multiValueHeaders?: | { [header: string]: Array; } | undefined; body: string; isBase64Encoded?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */ export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2 { accountId: string; apiId: string; authentication?: { clientCert: APIGatewayEventClientCertificate; }; domainName: string; domainPrefix: string; http: { method: string; path: string; protocol: string; sourceIp: string; userAgent: string; }; requestId: string; routeKey: string; stage: string; time: string; timeEpoch: number; } /** * Works with Websocket API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - * @see - */ export interface APIGatewayEventWebsocketRequestContextV2 { routeKey: string; messageId: string; eventType: "CONNECT" | "MESSAGE" | "DISCONNECT"; extendedRequestId: string; requestTime: string; messageDirection: "IN"; stage: string; connectedAt: number; requestTimeEpoch: number; requestId: string; domainName: string; connectionId: string; apiId: string; } /** * Proxy Event with adaptable requestContext for different authorizer scenarios */ export interface APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithRequestContext { version: string; routeKey: string; rawPath: string; rawQueryString: string; cookies?: string[]; headers: APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders; queryStringParameters?: APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters; requestContext: TRequestContext; body?: string; pathParameters?: APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters; isBase64Encoded: boolean; stageVariables?: APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables; } /** * Proxy Websocket Event with adaptable requestContext for different authorizer scenarios */ export interface APIGatewayProxyWebsocketEventV2WithRequestContext { requestContext: TRequestContext; body?: string; isBase64Encoded: boolean; stageVariables?: APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables; } /** * Lambda Authorizer Payload */ export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextLambdaAuthorizer { lambda: TAuthorizerContext; } /** * JWT Authorizer Payload */ export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextJWTAuthorizer { principalId: string; integrationLatency: number; jwt: { claims: { [name: string]: string | number | boolean | string[] }; scopes: string[]; }; } /** * IAM Authorizer Payload */ export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextIAMAuthorizer { iam: { accessKey: string; accountId: string; callerId: string; cognitoIdentity: null; principalOrgId: string; userArn: string; userId: string; }; } export type APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithJWTAuthorizer = APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithRequestContext< APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2WithAuthorizer >; export type APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithLambdaAuthorizer = APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithRequestContext< APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2WithAuthorizer> >; /** * Event type when invoking Lambda function URLs with IAM authorizer */ export type APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithIAMAuthorizer = APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithRequestContext< APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2WithAuthorizer >; export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2WithAuthorizer extends APIGatewayEventRequestContextV2 { authorizer: TAuthorizer; } /** * Default Proxy event with no Authorizer */ export type APIGatewayProxyEventV2 = APIGatewayProxyEventV2WithRequestContext; /** * Default Websocket Proxy event with no Authorizer */ export type APIGatewayProxyWebsocketEventV2 = APIGatewayProxyWebsocketEventV2WithRequestContext< APIGatewayEventWebsocketRequestContextV2 >; /** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */ export type APIGatewayProxyResultV2 = APIGatewayProxyStructuredResultV2 | string | T; /** * Interface for structured response with `statusCode` and`headers` * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */ export interface APIGatewayProxyStructuredResultV2 { statusCode?: number | undefined; headers?: | { [header: string]: boolean | number | string; } | undefined; body?: string | undefined; isBase64Encoded?: boolean | undefined; cookies?: string[] | undefined; } // Legacy names export type ProxyHandler = APIGatewayProxyHandler; export type ProxyCallback = APIGatewayProxyCallback; export type APIGatewayEvent = APIGatewayProxyEvent; export type ProxyResult = APIGatewayProxyResult;