import { Handler } from "../handler"; // Result type is weird: docs and samples say to return the mutated event, but it only requires an object // with a "response" field, the type of which is specific to the event.triggerType. Leave as any for now. export type CognitoUserPoolTriggerHandler = Handler; // TODO: Different event/handler types for each event trigger so we can type the result? /** * Cognito User Pool event * */ export interface CognitoUserPoolTriggerEvent { version: number; triggerSource: | 'PreSignUp_SignUp' | 'PreSignUp_ExternalProvider' | 'PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp' | 'PreAuthentication_Authentication' | 'PostAuthentication_Authentication' | 'CustomMessage_SignUp' | 'CustomMessage_AdminCreateUser' | 'CustomMessage_ResendCode' | 'CustomMessage_ForgotPassword' | 'CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute' | 'CustomMessage_VerifyUserAttribute' | 'CustomMessage_Authentication' | 'DefineAuthChallenge_Authentication' | 'CreateAuthChallenge_Authentication' | 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse_Authentication' | 'PreSignUp_AdminCreateUser' | 'PostConfirmation_ConfirmForgotPassword' | 'TokenGeneration_HostedAuth' | 'TokenGeneration_Authentication' | 'TokenGeneration_NewPasswordChallenge' | 'TokenGeneration_AuthenticateDevice' | 'TokenGeneration_RefreshTokens' | 'UserMigration_Authentication' | 'UserMigration_ForgotPassword'; region: string; userPoolId: string; userName?: string; callerContext: { awsSdkVersion: string; clientId: string; }; request: { userAttributes: { [key: string]: string }; validationData?: { [key: string]: string }; codeParameter?: string; linkParameter?: string; usernameParameter?: string; newDeviceUsed?: boolean; session?: Array<{ challengeName: | 'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE' | 'PASSWORD_VERIFIER' | 'SMS_MFA' | 'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH' | 'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER' | 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH' | 'SRP_A'; challengeResult: boolean; challengeMetadata?: string; }>; challengeName?: string; privateChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; challengeAnswer?: string; password?: string; clientMetadata?: { [key: string]: string }; userNotFound?: boolean; }; response: { autoConfirmUser?: boolean; autoVerifyPhone?: boolean; autoVerifyEmail?: boolean; smsMessage?: string; emailMessage?: string; emailSubject?: string; challengeName?: string; issueTokens?: boolean; failAuthentication?: boolean; publicChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; privateChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; challengeMetadata?: string; answerCorrect?: boolean; userAttributes?: { [key: string]: string }; finalUserStatus?: 'CONFIRMED' | 'RESET_REQUIRED'; messageAction?: 'SUPPRESS'; desiredDeliveryMediums?: Array<'EMAIL' | 'SMS'>; forceAliasCreation?: boolean; claimsOverrideDetails?: { claimsToAddOrOverride?: { [key: string]: string }; claimsToSuppress?: string[]; groupOverrideDetails?: null | { groupsToOverride?: string[]; iamRolesToOverride?: string[]; preferredRole?: string; }; }; }; } export type CognitoUserPoolEvent = CognitoUserPoolTriggerEvent;