/// import { OutgoingHttpHeaders, RequestOptions } from "http"; export interface Request extends RequestOptions { /** Defaults to {@link RequestSigner.createHost}() if possible. */ host?: string; /** Equivalent to {@link host} */ hostname?: string; /** Defaults to `"GET"`, or `"POST"` if there is a {@link body}. */ method?: string; /** Defaults to `/`. */ path?: string; /** Defaults to `""`. */ body?: string | Buffer; /** Defaults to {@link RequestSigner.matchHost}()[0], or `""`. */ service?: string; /** Defaults to {@link RequestSigner.matchHost}()[1], or `"us-east-1"`. */ region?: string; /** To sign the query instead of adding an Authorization header, defaults to false. */ signQuery?: boolean; /** * Some headers have a default value: * - `Host`: Defaults to {@link hostname}, {@link host}, or * {@link RequestSigner.createHost}() * - `Content-Type`: defaults to * `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"` * if there is a {@link body} * - `Date`: used to calculate the signature date if given, defaults to * `new Date()` */ headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders; /** If true, signing the Request won’t mutate the headers. */ doNotModifyHeaders?: boolean; /** If true, {@link path} won’t be encoded in the signature. */ doNotEncodePath?: boolean; } export interface Credentials { /** Equivalent to the env vars `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_ACCESS_KEY`. */ accessKeyId?: string; /** Equivalent to the env vars `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_SECRET_KEY`. */ secretAccessKey?: string; /** Equivalent to the env var `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`. */ sessionToken?: string; } export class RequestSigner { constructor(requestOptions: string | Request, credentials?: Credentials); request: Request; credentials: Credentials; service: string; region: string; /** * `true` if {@link service} is `"codecommit"` and {@link request}.method * is `"GIT"`. */ isCodeCommitGit: boolean; /** * Set by: * - {@link prepareRequest} * - {@link sign} * - {@link canonicalString} * - {@link parsePath} */ parsedPath?: { path: string; query: Record; }; /** * Used as a cache by {@link getDateTime} and {@link getDate}. * Setting it will shortcut those functions. * * Set by: * - {@link prepareRequest} * - {@link getDateTime} * - {@link sign} */ datetime?: string; /** * Extract the service code and region code from a Host name. * @returns two element string tuple with values [service, region]. */ matchHost(host: string): [string, string]; /** * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html */ isSingleRegion(): boolean; /** * Compute the Host name from the {@link service} and the {@link region}. */ createHost(): string; /** * Generate the Authorization header value. */ authHeader(): string; /** * Generate a string representation of {@link request}.headers: * - one header per line, formatted as `:` * - lines are sorted. * - `` is in lowercase and is trimmed. * - `` is trimmed, and contiguous whitespaces are reduced to a * single space character ` `. * * These headers are filtered out: * - `authorization` * - `connection` * - `x-amzn-trace-id` * - `user-agent` * - `expect` * - `presigned-expires` * - `range` */ canonicalHeaders(): string; /** * Generates a list of the header names of {@link request}.headers separated * by `;`. * * These headers are filtered out: * - `authorization` * - `connection` * - `x-amzn-trace-id` * - `user-agent` * - `expect` * - `presigned-expires` * - `range` */ signedHeaders(): string; /** * Generate the “credential scope” part of the signature. */ credentialString(): string; /** * Extract credentials from the environment, if found. */ defaultCredentials(): Credentials; /** * Parse {@link request}.path and store the results in {@link parsedPath}. */ parsePath(): void; /** * **Will throw if {@link parsedPath} is undefined!** * * Rebuild the path from {@link parsedPath}. */ formatPath(): string; /** * Sign the Request. The Request is returned for convenience. */ sign(): Request; /** * Calls {@link parsePath}. * Prepare the Request by setting the required headers, * or query parameters if {@link request}.signQuery is true. */ prepareRequest(): void; /** * If {@link datetime} is set, it is returned without further processing. * * Else, parse the `Date` header from {@link request}.headers, * or get the current date, and format it as (ISO 8601): * ``` * YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ * ``` * If {@link isCodeCommitGit} is `true`, then the trailing `Z` is removed. * * The result is stored to {@link datetime} before being returned. */ getDateTime(): string; /** * If {@link datetime} is set, its first 8 characters are returned. * * Else, call {@link getDateTime} and return the first 8 characters. */ getDate(): string; /** * Generate a string representation of the Request. * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html */ canonicalString(): string; /** * Compute the Request HMAC signature. */ signature(): string; /** * Generate the raw data to be signed. * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-string-to-sign.html */ stringToSign(): string; } /** * Calculates and populates any necessary AWS headers and/or request options on * `requestOptions`. Returns `requestOptions` as a convenience for chaining. */ export function sign(requestOptions: string | Request, credentials?: Credentials): Request;