import * as child_process from "child_process";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { Readable, Writable } from "stream";
export interface IBlessedProgramOptions {
input?: Readable | undefined;
output?: Writable | undefined;
log?: string | undefined;
dump?: boolean | undefined;
zero?: boolean | undefined;
buffer?: boolean | undefined;
terminal?: string | undefined;
term?: string | undefined;
tput?: string | undefined;
debug?: boolean | undefined;
resizeTimeout?: boolean | undefined;
export class BlessedProgram extends EventEmitter {
type: string;
options: IBlessedProgramOptions;
input: Readable;
output: Writable;
zero: boolean;
useBuffer: boolean;
x: number;
y: number;
savedX: number;
savedY: number;
cols: number;
rows: number;
scrollTop: number;
scrollBottom: number;
isOSXTerm: boolean;
isiTerm2: boolean;
isXFCE: boolean;
isTerminator: boolean;
isLXDE: boolean;
isVTE: boolean;
isRxvt: boolean;
isXterm: boolean;
tmux: boolean;
tmuxVersion: number;
constructor(options?: IBlessedProgramOptions);
log(): boolean;
debug(): boolean;
setupDump(): void;
setupTput(): void;
setTerminal(terminal: string): void;
has(name: string): boolean;
term(is: string): boolean;
listen(): void;
destroy(): void;
key(key: string | string[], listener: Function): void;
onceKey(key: string | string[], listener: Function): void;
unKey(key: string | string[], listener: Function): void;
removeKey(key: string | string[], listener: Function): void;
bindMouse(): void;
enableGpm(): void;
disableGpm(): void;
bindResponse(): void;
response(name: string, text: string, callback: Function, noBypass?: boolean): boolean;
response(name: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
write(text: string): boolean;
flush(): void;
print(text: string, attr?: boolean): boolean;
echo(text: string, attr?: boolean): boolean;
setx(x: number): boolean;
sety(y: number): boolean;
move(x: number, y: number): boolean;
omove(x: number, y: number): void;
rsetx(x: number): boolean;
rsety(y: number): boolean;
rmove(x: number, y: number): void;
simpleInsert(ch: string, i?: number, attr?: boolean): boolean;
repeat(ch: string, i?: number): string;
copyToClipboard(text: string): boolean;
cursorShape(shape: string, blink?: boolean): boolean;
cursorColor(color: string): boolean;
cursorReset(): boolean;
resetCursor(): boolean;
getTextParams(param: string, callback: Function): boolean;
getCursorColor(callback: Function): boolean;
nul(): boolean;
bell(): boolean;
bel(): boolean;
vtab(): boolean;
form(): boolean;
ff(): boolean;
backspace(): boolean;
kbs(): boolean;
tab(): boolean;
ht(): boolean;
shiftOut(): boolean;
shiftIn(): boolean;
return(): boolean;
cr(): boolean;
feed(): boolean;
newline(): boolean;
nl(): boolean;
index(): boolean;
ind(): boolean;
reverseIndex(): boolean;
reverse(): boolean;
ri(): boolean;
nextLine(): boolean;
reset(): boolean;
tabSet(): boolean;
saveCursor(key: string): boolean;
sc(key: string): boolean;
restoreCursor(key?: string, hide?: boolean): boolean;
rc(key?: string, hide?: boolean): boolean;
lsaveCursor(key?: string): void;
lrestoreCursor(key?: string, hide?: boolean): void;
lineHeight(): boolean;
charset(val?: string, level?: number): boolean;
enter_alt_charset_mode(): boolean;
as(): boolean;
smacs(): boolean;
exit_alt_charset_mode(): boolean;
ae(): boolean;
rmacs(): boolean;
setG(val: number): boolean;
setTitle(title: string): boolean;
resetColors(param?: string): boolean;
dynamicColors(param?: string): boolean;
selData(a: string, b: string): boolean;
cursorUp(param?: number): boolean;
cuu(param?: number): boolean;
up(param?: number): boolean;
cursorDown(param?: number): boolean;
cud(param?: number): boolean;
down(param?: number): boolean;
cursorForward(param?: number): boolean;
cuf(param?: number): boolean;
right(param?: number): boolean;
forward(param?: number): boolean;
cursorBackward(param?: number): boolean;
cub(param?: number): boolean;
left(param?: number): boolean;
back(param?: number): boolean;
cursorPos(row?: number, col?: number): boolean;
cup(row?: number, col?: number): boolean;
pos(row?: number, col?: number): boolean;
eraseInDisplay(param?: string): boolean;
ed(param?: string): boolean;
clear(): boolean;
eraseInLine(param?: string): boolean;
el(param?: string): boolean;
charAttributes(param: string, val?: boolean): boolean;
charAttributes(param: string[], val?: boolean): boolean;
setForeground(color: string, val?: boolean): boolean;
fg(color: string, val?: boolean): boolean;
setBackground(color: string, val?: boolean): boolean;
bg(color: string, val?: boolean): boolean;
deviceStatuses(param?: string, callback?: Function, dec?: boolean, noBypass?: boolean): boolean;
dsr(param?: string, callback?: Function, dec?: boolean, noBypass?: boolean): boolean;
getCursor(callback: Function): boolean;
saveReportedCursor(callback: Function): void;
restoreReportedCursor: () => boolean;
insertChars(param?: number): boolean;
ich(param?: number): boolean;
cursorNextLine(param?: number): boolean;
cnl(param?: number): boolean;
cursorPrecedingLine(param?: number): boolean;
cpl(param?: number): boolean;
cursorCharAbsolute(param?: number): boolean;
cha(param?: number): boolean;
insertLines(param?: number): boolean;
il(param?: number): boolean;
deleteLines(param?: number): boolean;
dl(param?: number): boolean;
deleteChars(param?: number): boolean;
dch(param?: number): boolean;
eraseChars(param?: number): boolean;
ech(param?: number): boolean;
charPosAbsolute(param?: number): boolean;
hpa(param?: number): boolean;
HPositionRelative(param?: number): boolean;
sendDeviceAttributes(param?: number, callback?: Function): boolean;
da(param?: number, callback?: Function): boolean;
linePosAbsolute(param?: number): boolean;
vpa(param?: number): boolean;
VPositionRelative(param?: number): boolean;
vpr(param?: number): boolean;
HVPosition(row?: number, col?: number): boolean;
hvp(row?: number, col?: number): boolean;
setMode(...args: string[]): boolean;
sm(...args: string[]): boolean;
decset(...args: string[]): boolean;
showCursor(): boolean;
alternateBuffer(): boolean;
smcup(): boolean;
alternate(): boolean;
resetMode(...args: string[]): boolean;
rm(...args: string[]): boolean;
decrst(...args: string[]): boolean;
hideCursor(): boolean;
civis(): boolean;
vi(): boolean;
cursor_invisible(): boolean;
dectcemh(): boolean;
normalBuffer(): boolean;
rmcup(): boolean;
enableMouse(): void;
disableMouse(): void;
setMouse(opt?: {}, enable?: boolean): void;
setScrollRegion(top: number, bottom: number): boolean;
csr(top: number, bottom: number): boolean;
decstbm(top: number, bottom: number): boolean;
saveCursorA(): boolean;
scA(): boolean;
restoreCursorA(): boolean;
rcA(): boolean;
cursorForwardTab(param?: number): boolean;
cht(param?: number): boolean;
scrollUp(param?: number): boolean;
su(param?: number): boolean;
scrollDown(param?: number): boolean;
sd(param?: number): boolean;
initMouseTracking(...args: string[]): boolean;
resetTitleModes(...args: string[]): boolean;
cursorBackwardTab(param?: number): boolean;
cbt(param?: number): boolean;
repeatPrecedingCharacter(param?: number): boolean;
rep(param?: number): boolean;
tabClear(param?: number): boolean;
tbc(param?: number): boolean;
mediaCopy(...args: string[]): boolean;
mc(...args: string[]): boolean;
mc0(): boolean;
print_screen(): boolean;
ps(): boolean;
mc5(): boolean;
prtr_on(): boolean;
po(): boolean;
mc4(): boolean;
prtr_off(): boolean;
pf(): boolean;
mc5p(): boolean;
prtr_non(): boolean;
p0(): boolean;
setResources(...args: string[]): boolean;
disableModifieres(...args: string[]): boolean;
setPointerMode(...args: string[]): boolean;
softReset(): boolean;
rs2(): boolean;
decstr(): boolean;
requestAnsiMode(param?: number): boolean;
decrqm(param?: number): boolean;
requestPrivateMode(param?: number): boolean;
decrqmp(param?: number): boolean;
setConformanceLevel(...args: string[]): boolean;
decscl(...args: string[]): boolean;
loadLEDs(param?: number): boolean;
decll(param?: number): boolean;
setCursorStyle(param?: string): boolean;
decscursr(param?: string): boolean;
setCharProtectionAttr(param?: number): boolean;
decsca(param?: number): boolean;
restorePrivateValues(...args: string[]): boolean;
setAttrInRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
deccara(...args: string[]): boolean;
savePrivateValues(...args: string[]): boolean;
manipulateWindow(...args: any[]): boolean;
getWindowSize(callback?: Function): boolean;
reverseAttrInRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
decrara(...args: string[]): boolean;
setTitleModeFeature(...args: string[]): boolean;
setWarningBellVolume(param?: number): boolean;
decswbv(param?: number): boolean;
setMarginBellVolume(param?: number): boolean;
copyRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
deccra(...args: string[]): boolean;
enableFilterRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
decefr(...args: string[]): boolean;
requestParameters(param?: number): boolean;
decreqtparm(param: number): boolean;
selectChangeExtent(param?: number): boolean;
decsace(param?: number): boolean;
fillRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
decfra(...args: string[]): boolean;
enableLocatorReporting(...args: string[]): boolean;
decelr(...args: string[]): boolean;
eraseRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
decera(...args: string[]): boolean;
setLocatorEvents(...args: string[]): boolean;
decsle(...args: string[]): boolean;
selectiveEraseRectangle(...args: string[]): boolean;
decsera(...args: string[]): boolean;
requestLocatorPosition(param?: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
reqmp(param?: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
req_mouse_pos(param?: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
decrqlp(param?: string, callback?: Function): boolean;
insertColumns(...args: string[]): boolean;
decic(...args: string[]): boolean;
deleteColumns(...args: string[]): boolean;
decdc(...args: string[]): boolean;
out(param: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
sigtstp(callback?: Function): boolean;
pause(callback?: Function): Function;
resume: () => void;
export namespace Widgets {
namespace Types {
type TTopLeft = string | number | "center";
type TPosition = string | number;
type TMouseAction = "mousedown" | "mouseup" | "mousemove";
interface TStyleBorder {
bg?: string | undefined;
fg?: string | undefined;
interface Effects {
bg?: string;
fg?: string;
border?: TStyleBorder | undefined;
interface TStyle {
bg?: string | undefined;
fg?: string | undefined;
ch?: string | undefined;
bold?: boolean | undefined;
underline?: boolean | undefined;
blink?: boolean | undefined;
inverse?: boolean | undefined;
invisible?: boolean | undefined;
transparent?: boolean | undefined;
border?: TStyleBorder;
hover?: Effects | undefined;
focus?: Effects | undefined;
label?: string | undefined;
track?: { bg?: string | undefined; fg?: string | undefined } | undefined;
scrollbar?: { bg?: string | undefined; fg?: string | undefined } | undefined;
interface TBorder {
* Type of border (line or bg). bg by default.
type?: "line" | "bg" | undefined;
* Character to use if bg type, default is space.
ch?: string | undefined;
* Border foreground and background, must be numbers (-1 for default).
bg?: number | undefined;
fg?: number | undefined;
* Border attributes.
bold?: string | undefined;
underline?: string | undefined;
interface TCursor {
* Have blessed draw a custom cursor and hide the terminal cursor (experimental).
artificial: boolean;
* Shape of the cursor. Can be: block, underline, or line.
shape: "block" | "underline" | "line";
* Whether the cursor blinks.
blink: boolean;
* Color of the color. Accepts any valid color value (null is default).
color: string;
type TAlign = "left" | "center" | "right";
interface ListbarCommand {
key: string;
callback(): void;
interface TImage {
* Pixel width.
width: number;
* Pixel height.
height: number;
* Image bitmap.
bmp: any;
* Image cellmap (bitmap scaled down to cell size).
cellmap: any;
interface Cursor {
* Have blessed draw a custom cursor and hide the terminal cursor (experimental).
artificial: boolean;
* Shape of the cursor. Can be: block, underline, or line.
shape: boolean;
* Whether the cursor blinks.
blink: boolean;
* Color of the color. Accepts any valid color value (null is default).
color: string;
namespace Events {
interface IMouseEventArg {
x: number;
y: number;
action: Types.TMouseAction;
interface IKeyEventArg {
full: string;
name: string;
shift: boolean;
ctrl: boolean;
meta: boolean;
sequence: string;
interface NodeChildProcessExecOptions {
cwd?: string | undefined;
stdio?: any;
customFds?: any;
env?: any;
encoding?: string | undefined;
timeout?: number | undefined;
maxBuffer?: number | undefined;
killSignal?: string | undefined;
interface IDestroyable {
destroy(): void;
interface IOptions {
[name: string]: any;
interface IHasOptions {
options: T;
interface TputsOptions extends IOptions {
terminal?: string | undefined;
extended?: boolean | undefined;
debug?: boolean | undefined;
termcap?: string | undefined;
terminfoFile?: string | undefined;
terminfoPrefix?: string | undefined;
termcapFile?: string | undefined;
class Tput implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TputsOptions);
* Original options object.
options: TputsOptions;
debug: boolean;
padding: boolean;
extended: boolean;
printf: boolean;
termcap: string;
terminfoPrefix: string;
terminfoFile: string;
termcapFile: string;
error: Error;
terminal: string;
setup(): void;
term(is: any): boolean;
readTerminfo(term: string): string;
data: any,
file: string,
): {
header: {
dataSize: number;
headerSize: number;
magicNumber: boolean;
namesSize: number;
boolCount: number;
numCount: number;
strCount: number;
strTableSize: number;
extended: {
dataSize: number;
headerSize: number;
boolCount: number;
numCount: number;
strCount: number;
strTableSize: number;
lastStrTableOffset: number;
name: string;
names: string[];
desc: string;
bools: any;
numbers: any;
strings: any;
interface IDestroyable {
destroy(): void;
interface INodeOptions extends IOptions {
name?: string | undefined;
screen?: Screen | undefined;
parent?: Node | undefined;
children?: Node[] | undefined;
focusable?: boolean | undefined;
type NodeEventType =
/** Received when node is added to a parent. */
| "adopt"
/** Received when node is removed from it's current parent. */
| "remove"
/** Received when node gains a new parent. */
| "reparent"
/** Received when node is attached to the screen directly or somewhere in its ancestry. */
| "attach"
/** Received when node is detached from the screen directly or somewhere in its ancestry. */
| "detach";
abstract class Node extends EventEmitter implements IHasOptions, IDestroyable {
constructor(options: INodeOptions);
focusable: boolean;
* Original options object.
options: INodeOptions;
* An object for any miscellanous user data.
data: { [index: string]: any };
* An object for any miscellanous user data.
_: { [index: string]: any };
* An object for any miscellanous user data.
$: { [index: string]: any };
* Type of the node (e.g. box).
type: string;
* Render index (document order index) of the last render call.
index: number;
* Parent screen.
screen: Screen;
* Parent node.
parent: Node;
* Array of node's children.
children: Node[];
* Prepend a node to this node's children.
prepend(node: Node): void;
* Append a node to this node's children.
append(node: Node): void;
* Remove child node from node.
remove(node: Node): void;
* Insert a node to this node's children at index i.
insert(node: Node, index: number): void;
* Insert a node to this node's children before the reference node.
insertBefore(node: Node, refNode: Node): void;
* Insert a node from node after the reference node.
insertAfter(node: Node, refNode: Node): void;
* Remove node from its parent.
detach(): void;
free(): void;
forDescendants(iter: (node: Node) => void, s: any): void;
forAncestors(iter: (node: Node) => void, s: any): void;
collectDescendants(s: any): void;
collectAncestors(s: any): void;
* Emit event for element, and recursively emit same event for all descendants.
emitDescendants(type?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
emitAncestors(): void;
hasDescendant(target: Node): void;
hasAncestor(target: Node): boolean;
destroy(): void;
* Get user property with a potential default value.
get(name: string, def: T): T;
* Set user property to value.
set(name: string, value: any): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: NodeEventType, callback: (arg: Node) => void): this;
type NodeScreenEventType =
* Received when the terminal window focuses/blurs. Requires a terminal supporting the
* focus protocol and focus needs to be passed to program.enableMouse().
| "focus"
* Received when the terminal window focuses/blurs. Requires a terminal supporting the
* focus protocol and focus needs to be passed to program.enableMouse().
| "blur"
* Element was clicked (slightly smarter than mouseup).
| "click"
| "element click"
| "element mouseover"
| "element mouseout"
| "element mouseup";
type NodeMouseEventType =
| "mouse"
| "mouseout"
| "mouseover"
| "mousedown"
| "mouseup"
| "mousewheel"
| "wheeldown"
| "wheelup"
| "mousemove";
type NodeGenericEventType =
/** Received on screen resize. */
| "resize"
/** Received before render. */
| "prerender"
/** Received on render. */
| "render"
/** Received when the screen is destroyed (only useful when using multiple screens). */
| "destroy"
/** Received when the element is moved. */
| "move"
/** Received when element is shown. */
| "show"
/** Received when element becomes hidden. */
| "hide"
| "set content"
| "parsed content";
class NodeWithEvents extends Node {
* Bind a keypress listener for a specific key.
key(name: string | string[], listener: (ch: any, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): void;
* Bind a keypress listener for a specific key once.
onceKey(name: string, listener: (ch: any, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): void;
* Remove a keypress listener for a specific key.
unkey(name: string, listener: (ch: any, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): void;
removeKey(name: string, listener: (ch: any, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): void;
on(event: string, listener: (ch: any, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): this;
/** Received on mouse events. */
on(event: NodeMouseEventType, callback: (arg: Events.IMouseEventArg) => void): this;
/** Received on key events. */
on(event: "keypress", callback: (ch: string, key: Events.IKeyEventArg) => void): this;
on(event: NodeScreenEventType, callback: (arg: Screen) => void): this;
/** Received when blessed notices something untoward (output is not a tty, terminfo not found, etc). */
on(event: "warning", callback: (text: string) => void): this;
on(event: NodeGenericEventType, callback: () => void): this;
interface IScreenOptions extends INodeOptions {
* The blessed Program to be associated with. Will be automatically instantiated if none is provided.
program?: BlessedProgram | undefined;
* Attempt to perform CSR optimization on all possible elements (not just full-width ones, elements with
* uniform cells to their sides). This is known to cause flickering with elements that are not full-width,
* however, it is more optimal for terminal rendering.
smartCSR?: boolean | undefined;
* Do CSR on any element within 20 cols of the screen edge on either side. Faster than smartCSR,
* but may cause flickering depending on what is on each side of the element.
fastCSR?: boolean | undefined;
* Attempt to perform back_color_erase optimizations for terminals that support it. It will also work
* with terminals that don't support it, but only on lines with the default background color. As it
* stands with the current implementation, it's uncertain how much terminal performance this adds at
* the cost of overhead within node.
useBCE?: boolean | undefined;
* Amount of time (in ms) to redraw the screen after the terminal is resized (Default: 300).
resizeTimeout?: number | undefined;
* The width of tabs within an element's content.
tabSize?: number | undefined;
* Automatically position child elements with border and padding in mind (NOTE: this is a recommended
* option. It may become default in the future).
autoPadding?: boolean | undefined;
cursor?: Types.TCursor | undefined;
* Create a log file. See log method.
log?: string | undefined;
* Dump all output and input to desired file. Can be used together with log option if set as a boolean.
dump?: string | boolean | undefined;
* Debug mode. Enables usage of the debug method. Also creates a debug console which will display when
* pressing F12. It will display all log and debug messages.
debug?: boolean | undefined;
* Array of keys in their full format (e.g. C-c) to ignore when keys are locked or grabbed. Useful
* for creating a key that will always exit no matter whether the keys are locked.
ignoreLocked?: string[] | undefined;
* Automatically "dock" borders with other elements instead of overlapping, depending on position
* (experimental). For example: These border-overlapped elements:
dockBorders?: boolean | undefined;
* Normally, dockable borders will not dock if the colors or attributes are different. This option
* will allow them to dock regardless. It may produce some odd looking multi-colored borders though.
ignoreDockContrast?: boolean | undefined;
* Allow for rendering of East Asian double-width characters, utf-16 surrogate pairs, and unicode
* combining characters. This allows you to display text above the basic multilingual plane. This
* is behind an option because it may affect performance slightly negatively. Without this option
* enabled, all double-width, surrogate pair, and combining characters will be replaced by '??',
* '?', '' respectively. (NOTE: iTerm2 cannot display combining characters properly. Blessed simply
* removes them from an element's content if iTerm2 is detected).
fullUnicode?: boolean | undefined;
* Send focus events after mouse is enabled.
sendFocus?: boolean | undefined;
* Display warnings (such as the output not being a TTY, similar to ncurses).
warnings?: boolean | undefined;
* Force blessed to use unicode even if it is not detected via terminfo, env variables, or windows code page.
* If value is true unicode is forced. If value is false non-unicode is forced (default: null).
forceUnicode?: boolean | undefined;
* Input and output streams. process.stdin/process.stdout by default, however, it could be a
* net.Socket if you want to make a program that runs over telnet or something of that nature.
input?: Writable | undefined;
* Input and output streams. process.stdin/process.stdout by default, however, it could be a
* net.Socket if you want to make a program that runs over telnet or something of that nature.
output?: Readable | undefined;
* The blessed Tput object (only available if you passed tput: true to the Program constructor.)
tput?: Tput | undefined;
* Top of the focus history stack.
focused?: BlessedElement | undefined;
* Width of the screen (same as program.cols).
width?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Height of the screen (same as program.rows).
height?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Same as screen.width.
cols?: number | undefined;
* Same as screen.height.
rows?: number | undefined;
* Relative top offset, always zero.
top?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
* Relative left offset, always zero.
left?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
* Relative right offset, always zero.
right?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Relative bottom offset, always zero.
bottom?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Absolute top offset, always zero.
atop?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
* Absolute left offset, always zero.
aleft?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
* Absolute right offset, always zero.
aright?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Absolute bottom offset, always zero.
abottom?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Whether the focused element grabs all keypresses.
grabKeys?: boolean | undefined;
* Prevent keypresses from being received by any element.
lockKeys?: boolean | undefined;
* The currently hovered element. Only set if mouse events are bound.
hover?: any;
* Set or get terminal name. Set calls screen.setTerminal() internally.
terminal?: string | undefined;
* Set or get window title.
title?: string | undefined;
class Screen extends NodeWithEvents implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: IScreenOptions);
* Original options object.
options: IScreenOptions;
* The blessed Program to be associated with. Will be automatically instantiated if none is provided.
program: BlessedProgram;
* Attempt to perform CSR optimization on all possible elements (not just full-width ones, elements with
* uniform cells to their sides). This is known to cause flickering with elements that are not full-width,
* however, it is more optimal for terminal rendering.
smartCSR: boolean;
* Do CSR on any element within 20 cols of the screen edge on either side. Faster than smartCSR,
* but may cause flickering depending on what is on each side of the element.
fastCSR: boolean;
* Attempt to perform back_color_erase optimizations for terminals that support it. It will also work
* with terminals that don't support it, but only on lines with the default background color. As it
* stands with the current implementation, it's uncertain how much terminal performance this adds at
* the cost of overhead within node.
useBCE: boolean;
* Amount of time (in ms) to redraw the screen after the terminal is resized (Default: 300).
resizeTimeout: number;
* The width of tabs within an element's content.
tabSize: number;
* Automatically position child elements with border and padding in mind (NOTE: this is a recommended
* option. It may become default in the future).
autoPadding: boolean;
cursor: Types.TCursor;
* Dump all output and input to desired file. Can be used together with log option if set as a boolean.
dump: string;
* Array of keys in their full format (e.g. C-c) to ignore when keys are locked or grabbed. Useful
* for creating a key that will always exit no matter whether the keys are locked.
ignoreLocked: boolean;
* Automatically "dock" borders with other elements instead of overlapping, depending on position
* (experimental). For example: These border-overlapped elements:
dockBorders: boolean;
* Normally, dockable borders will not dock if the colors or attributes are different. This option
* will allow them to dock regardless. It may produce some odd looking multi-colored borders though.
ignoreDockContrast: boolean;
* Allow for rendering of East Asian double-width characters, utf-16 surrogate pairs, and unicode
* combining characters. This allows you to display text above the basic multilingual plane. This
* is behind an option because it may affect performance slightly negatively. Without this option
* enabled, all double-width, surrogate pair, and combining characters will be replaced by '??',
* '?', '' respectively. (NOTE: iTerm2 cannot display combining characters properly. Blessed simply
* removes them from an element's content if iTerm2 is detected).
fullUnicode: boolean;
* Send focus events after mouse is enabled.
sendFocus: boolean;
* Display warnings (such as the output not being a TTY, similar to ncurses).
warnings: boolean;
* Force blessed to use unicode even if it is not detected via terminfo, env variables, or windows code page.
* If value is true unicode is forced. If value is false non-unicode is forced (default: null).
forceUnicode: boolean;
* Input and output streams. process.stdin/process.stdout by default, however, it could be a
* net.Socket if you want to make a program that runs over telnet or something of that nature.
input: Writable;
* Input and output streams. process.stdin/process.stdout by default, however, it could be a
* net.Socket if you want to make a program that runs over telnet or something of that nature.
output: Readable;
* The blessed Tput object (only available if you passed tput: true to the Program constructor.)
tput: Tput;
* Top of the focus history stack.
focused: BlessedElement;
* Width of the screen (same as program.cols).
width: Types.TPosition;
* Height of the screen (same as program.rows).
height: Types.TPosition;
* Same as screen.width.
cols: number;
* Same as screen.height.
rows: number;
* Relative top offset, always zero.
top: Types.TTopLeft;
* Relative left offset, always zero.
left: Types.TTopLeft;
* Relative right offset, always zero.
right: Types.TPosition;
* Relative bottom offset, always zero.
bottom: Types.TPosition;
* Absolute top offset, always zero.
atop: Types.TTopLeft;
* Absolute left offset, always zero.
aleft: Types.TTopLeft;
* Absolute right offset, always zero.
aright: Types.TPosition;
* Absolute bottom offset, always zero.
abottom: Types.TPosition;
* Whether the focused element grabs all keypresses.
grabKeys: boolean;
* Prevent keypresses from being received by any element.
lockKeys: boolean;
* The currently hovered element. Only set if mouse events are bound.
hover: Widgets.BlessedElement;
* Set or get terminal name. Set calls screen.setTerminal() internally.
terminal: string;
* Set or get window title.
title: string;
* Array of `Element` instances that may receive click/mouse events.
clickable: Widgets.BlessedElement[];
* Array of `Element` instances that may receive key events.
keyable: Widgets.BlessedElement[];
* Parse the sides of an element to determine whether an element has uniform cells on both sides.
* If it does, we can use CSR to optimize scrolling on a scrollable element.
cleanSides(el: Widgets.BlessedElement): boolean;
* Write string to the log file if one was created.
log(...msg: any[]): void;
* Same as the log method, but only gets called if the debug option was set.
debug(...msg: string[]): void;
* Allocate a new pending screen buffer and a new output screen buffer.
alloc(): void;
* Reallocate the screen buffers and clear the screen.
realloc(): void;
* Draw the screen based on the contents of the screen buffer.
draw(start: number, end: number): void;
* Render all child elements, writing all data to the screen buffer and drawing the screen.
render(): void;
* Clear any region on the screen.
clearRegion(x1: number, x2: number, y1: number, y2: number): void;
* Fill any region with a character of a certain attribute.
fillRegion(attr: string, ch: string, x1: number, x2: number, y1: number, y2: number): void;
* Focus element by offset of focusable elements.
focusOffset(offset: number): void;
* Focus previous element in the index.
focusPrevious(): void;
* Focus next element in the index.
focusNext(): void;
* Push element on the focus stack (equivalent to screen.focused = el).
focusPush(element: BlessedElement): void;
* Pop element off the focus stack.
focusPop(): BlessedElement;
* Save the focused element.
saveFocus(): BlessedElement;
* Restore the saved focused element.
restoreFocus(): BlessedElement;
* "Rewind" focus to the last visible and attached element.
rewindFocus(): BlessedElement;
* Spawn a process in the foreground, return to blessed app after exit.
spawn(file: string, args?: string[], options?: NodeChildProcessExecOptions): child_process.ChildProcess;
* Spawn a process in the foreground, return to blessed app after exit. Executes callback on error or exit.
file: string,
args: string[],
options: NodeChildProcessExecOptions,
callback: (...args: any[]) => void,
): child_process.ChildProcess;
* Read data from text editor.
readEditor(options: any, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => void): void;
readEditor(callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => void): void;
* Set effects based on two events and attributes.
setEffects(el: BlessedElement, fel: BlessedElement, over: string, out: string, effects: any, temp: any): void;
* Insert a line into the screen (using csr: this bypasses the output buffer).
insertLine(n: number, y: number, top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Delete a line from the screen (using csr: this bypasses the output buffer).
deleteLine(n: number, y: number, top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Insert a line at the bottom of the screen.
insertBottom(top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Insert a line at the top of the screen.
insertTop(top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Delete a line at the bottom of the screen.
deleteBottom(top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Delete a line at the top of the screen.
deleteTop(top: number, bottom: number): void;
* Enable mouse events for the screen and optionally an element (automatically called when a form of
* on('mouse') is bound).
enableMouse(el?: BlessedElement): void;
* Enable keypress events for the screen and optionally an element (automatically called when a form of
* on('keypress') is bound).
enableKeys(el?: BlessedElement): void;
* Enable key and mouse events. Calls bot enableMouse and enableKeys.
enableInput(el?: BlessedElement): void;
* Attempt to copy text to clipboard using iTerm2's proprietary sequence. Returns true if successful.
copyToClipboard(text: string): void;
* Attempt to change cursor shape. Will not work in all terminals (see artificial cursors for a solution
* to this). Returns true if successful.
cursorShape(shape: boolean, blink: boolean): any;
* Attempt to change cursor color. Returns true if successful.
cursorColor(color: string): void;
* Attempt to reset cursor. Returns true if successful.
cursorReset(): void;
* Take an SGR screenshot of the screen within the region. Returns a string containing only
* characters and SGR codes. Can be displayed by simply echoing it in a terminal.
screenshot(xi: number, xl: number, yi: number, yl: number): string;
screenshot(): void;
* Destroy the screen object and remove it from the global list. Also remove all global events relevant
* to the screen object. If all screen objects are destroyed, the node process is essentially reset
* to its initial state.
destroy(): void;
* Reset the terminal to term. Reloads terminfo.
setTerminal(term: string): void;
interface Padding {
left?: number | undefined;
right?: number | undefined;
top?: number | undefined;
bottom?: number | undefined;
class PositionCoords {
xi: number;
xl: number;
yi: number;
yl: number;
interface Position {
left: number | string;
right: number | string;
top: number | string;
bottom: number | string;
interface Border {
* Type of border (line or bg). bg by default.
type?: "line" | "bg" | undefined;
* Character to use if bg type, default is space.
ch?: string | undefined;
* Border foreground and background, must be numbers (-1 for default).
bg?: number | undefined;
fg?: number | undefined;
* Border attributes.
bold?: string | undefined;
underline?: string | undefined;
interface ElementOptions extends INodeOptions {
tags?: boolean | undefined;
fg?: string | undefined;
bg?: string | undefined;
bold?: string | undefined;
underline?: string | undefined;
style?: any;
* Border object, see below.
border?: Border | "line" | "bg" | undefined;
* Element's text content.
content?: string | undefined;
* Element is clickable.
clickable?: boolean | undefined;
* Element is focusable and can receive key input.
input?: boolean | undefined;
keyable?: boolean | undefined;
* Element is focused.
focused?: BlessedElement | undefined;
* Whether the element is hidden.
hidden?: boolean | undefined;
* A simple text label for the element.
label?: string | undefined;
* A floating text label for the element which appears on mouseover.
hoverText?: string | undefined;
* Text alignment: left, center, or right.
align?: "left" | "center" | "right" | undefined;
* Vertical text alignment: top, middle, or bottom.
valign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | undefined;
* Shrink/flex/grow to content and child elements. Width/height during render.
shrink?: boolean | undefined;
* Amount of padding on the inside of the element. Can be a number or an object containing
* the properties: left, right, top, and bottom.
padding?: number | Padding | undefined;
top?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
left?: Types.TTopLeft | undefined;
right?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
bottom?: Types.TPosition | undefined;
* Width/height of the element, can be a number, percentage (0-100%), or keyword (half or shrink).
* Percentages can also have offsets (50%+1, 50%-1).
width?: number | string | undefined;
* Offsets of the element relative to its parent. Can be a number, percentage (0-100%), or
* keyword (center). right and bottom do not accept keywords. Percentages can also have
* offsets (50%+1, 50%-1).
height?: number | string | undefined;
* Can contain the above options.
position?: Position | undefined;
* Whether the element is scrollable or not.
scrollable?: boolean | undefined;
* Background character (default is whitespace ).
ch?: string | undefined;
* Allow the element to be dragged with the mouse.
draggable?: boolean | undefined;
* Draw a translucent offset shadow behind the element.
shadow?: boolean | undefined;
interface Coords {
xl: number;
xi: number;
yl: number;
yi: number;
base: number;
_contentEnd: { x: number; y: number };
notop: Types.TTopLeft;
noleft: Types.TTopLeft;
noright: Types.TPosition;
nobot: Types.TPosition;
interface LabelOptions {
text: string;
side: Types.TAlign;
// TODO: scrollable - Note: If the scrollable option is enabled, Element inherits all methods from ScrollableBox.
abstract class BlessedElement extends NodeWithEvents implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: ElementOptions);
* Original options object.
options: ElementOptions;
* Name of the element. Useful for form submission.
name: string;
* Border object.
border: Border;
style: any;
position: Position;
content: string;
hidden: boolean;
visible: boolean;
detached: boolean;
* Border foreground and background, must be numbers (-1 for default).
bg: number;
fg: number;
* Border attributes.
bold: string;
underline: string;
* Calculated width.
width: number | string;
* Calculated height.
height: number | string;
* Calculated relative top offset.
top: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated relative left offset.
left: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated relative right offset.
right: Types.TPosition;
* Calculated relative bottom offset.
bottom: Types.TPosition;
* Calculated absolute top offset.
atop: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated absolute left offset.
aleft: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated absolute right offset.
aright: Types.TPosition;
* Calculated absolute bottom offset.
abottom: Types.TPosition;
* Whether the element is draggable. Set to true to allow dragging.
draggable: boolean;
itop: Types.TTopLeft;
ileft: Types.TTopLeft;
iheight: Types.TPosition;
iwidth: Types.TPosition;
* Calculated relative top offset.
rtop: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated relative left offset.
rleft: Types.TTopLeft;
* Calculated relative right offset.
rright: Types.TPosition;
* Calculated relative bottom offset.
rbottom: Types.TPosition;
lpos: PositionCoords;
* Write content and children to the screen buffer.
render(): Coords;
* Hide element.
hide(): void;
* Show element.
show(): void;
* Toggle hidden/shown.
toggle(): void;
* Focus element.
focus(): void;
* Same asel.on('screen', ...) except this will automatically keep track of which listeners
* are bound to the screen object. For use with removeScreenEvent(), free(), and destroy().
onScreenEvent(type: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
* Same asel.removeListener('screen', ...) except this will automatically keep track of which
* listeners are bound to the screen object. For use with onScreenEvent(), free(), and destroy().
removeScreenEvent(type: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
* Free up the element. Automatically unbind all events that may have been bound to the screen
* object. This prevents memory leaks. For use with onScreenEvent(), removeScreenEvent(),
* and destroy().
free(): void;
* Same as the detach() method, except this will automatically call free() and unbind any screen
* events to prevent memory leaks. for use with onScreenEvent(), removeScreenEvent(), and free().
destroy(): void;
* Set the z-index of the element (changes rendering order).
setIndex(z: number): void;
* Put the element in front of its siblings.
setFront(): void;
* Put the element in back of its siblings.
setBack(): void;
* text/options - Set the label text for the top-left corner. Example options: {text:'foo',side:'left'}
setLabel(arg: string | LabelOptions): void;
* Remove the label completely.
removeLabel(): any;
* text/options - Set a hover text box to follow the cursor. Similar to the "title" DOM attribute
* in the browser. Example options: {text:'foo'}
setHover(arg: string | LabelOptions): void;
* Remove the hover label completely.
removeHover(): void;
* Enable mouse events for the element (automatically called when a form of on('mouse') is bound).
enableMouse(): void;
* Enable keypress events for the element (automatically called when a form of on('keypress') is bound).
enableKeys(): void;
* Enable key and mouse events. Calls both `enableMouse()` and `enableKeys()`.
enableInput(): void;
* Enable dragging of the element.
enableDrag(): void;
* Disable dragging of the element.
disableDrag(): void;
* Take an SGR screenshot of the screen within the region. Returns a string containing only
* characters and SGR codes. Can be displayed by simply echoing it in a terminal.
screenshot(xi: number, xl: number, yi: number, yl: number): string;
screenshot(): void;
Content Methods
Methods for dealing with text content, line by line. Useful for writing a text editor,
irc client, etc.
Note: All of these methods deal with pre-aligned, pre-wrapped text. If you use deleteTop()
on a box with a wrapped line at the top, it may remove 3-4 "real" lines (rows) depending
on how long the original line was.
The lines parameter can be a string or an array of strings. The line parameter must
be a string.
* Set the content. Note: When text is input, it will be stripped of all non-SGR
* escape codes, tabs will be replaced with 8 spaces, and tags will be replaced
* with SGR codes (if enabled).
setContent(text: string): void;
* Return content, slightly different from el.content. Assume the above formatting.
getContent(): string;
* Similar to setContent, but ignore tags and remove escape codes.
setText(text: string): void;
* Similar to getContent, but return content with tags and escape codes removed.
getText(): string;
* Insert a line into the box's content.
insertLine(i: number, lines: string | string[]): void;
* Delete a line from the box's content.
deleteLine(i: number): void;
* Get a line from the box's content.
getLine(i: number): string;
* Get a line from the box's content from the visible top.
getBaseLine(i: number): string;
* Set a line in the box's content.
setLine(i: number, line: string | string[]): void;
* Set a line in the box's content from the visible top.
setBaseLine(i: number, line: string | string[]): void;
* Clear a line from the box's content.
clearLine(i: number): void;
* Clear a line from the box's content from the visible top.
clearBaseLine(i: number): void;
* Insert a line at the top of the box.
insertTop(lines: string | string[]): void;
* Insert a line at the bottom of the box.
insertBottom(lines: string | string[]): void;
* Delete a line at the top of the box.
deleteTop(): void;
* Delete a line at the bottom of the box.
deleteBottom(): void;
* Unshift a line onto the top of the content.
unshiftLine(lines: string | string[]): void;
* Shift a line off the top of the content.
shiftLine(i: number): void;
* Push a line onto the bottom of the content.
pushLine(lines: string | string[]): void;
* Pop a line off the bottom of the content.
popLine(i: number): string;
* An array containing the content lines.
getLines(): string[];
* An array containing the lines as they are displayed on the screen.
getScreenLines(): string[];
* Get a string's displayed width, taking into account double-width, surrogate pairs,
* combining characters, tags, and SGR escape codes.
strWidth(text: string): string;
interface ScrollableBoxOptions extends ElementOptions {
* A limit to the childBase. Default is Infinity.
baseLimit?: number | undefined;
* A option which causes the ignoring of childOffset. This in turn causes the
* childBase to change every time the element is scrolled.
alwaysScroll?: boolean | undefined;
* Object enabling a scrollbar.
* Style of the scrollbar track if present (takes regular style options).
scrollbar?: { style?: any; track?: any; ch?: string | undefined } | undefined;
interface ScrollableTextOptions extends ScrollableBoxOptions {
* Whether to enable automatic mouse support for this element.
* Use pre-defined mouse events (right-click for editor).
mouse?: boolean | (() => void) | undefined;
* Use pre-defined keys (i or enter for insert, e for editor, C-e for editor while inserting).
keys?: string | string[] | boolean | undefined;
* Use vi keys with the keys option.
vi?: boolean | undefined;
interface BoxOptions extends ScrollableTextOptions {
bindings?: any;
* DEPRECATED - Use Box with the scrollable option instead. A box with scrollable content.
class ScrollableBoxElement extends BlessedElement {
* The offset of the top of the scroll content.
childBase: number;
* The offset of the chosen item/line.
childOffset: number;
* Scroll the content by a relative offset.
scroll(offset: number, always?: boolean): void;
* Scroll the content to an absolute index.
scrollTo(index: number): void;
* Same as scrollTo.
setScroll(index: number): void;
* Set the current scroll index in percentage (0-100).
setScrollPerc(perc: number): void;
* Get the current scroll index in lines.
getScroll(): number;
* Get the actual height of the scrolling area.
getScrollHeight(): number;
* Get the current scroll index in percentage.
getScrollPerc(): number;
* Reset the scroll index to its initial state.
resetScroll(): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
* Received when the element is scrolled.
on(event: "scroll", callback: () => void): this;
* DEPRECATED - Use Box with the scrollable and alwaysScroll options instead.
* A scrollable text box which can display and scroll text, as well as handle
* pre-existing newlines and escape codes.
class ScrollableTextElement extends ScrollableBoxElement {}
* A box element which draws a simple box containing content or other elements.
class BoxElement extends ScrollableTextElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: BoxOptions);
* Original options object.
options: BoxOptions;
interface TextOptions extends ElementOptions {
* Fill the entire line with chosen bg until parent bg ends, even if there
* is not enough text to fill the entire width.
fill?: boolean | undefined;
* Text alignment: left, center, or right.
align?: Types.TAlign | undefined;
* An element similar to Box, but geared towards rendering simple text elements.
class TextElement extends BlessedElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TextOptions);
* Original options object.
options: TextOptions;
* A simple line which can be line or bg styled.
interface LineOptions extends BoxOptions {
* Can be vertical or horizontal.
orientation?: "vertical" | "horizontal" | undefined;
* Treated the same as a border object. (attributes can be contained in style).
type?: string | undefined;
bg?: string | undefined;
fg?: string | undefined;
ch?: string | undefined;
* A simple line which can be line or bg styled.
class LineElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: LineOptions);
* Original options object.
options: LineOptions;
interface BigTextOptions extends BoxOptions {
* bdf->json font file to use (see ttystudio for instructions on compiling BDFs to JSON).
font?: string | undefined;
* bdf->json bold font file to use (see ttystudio for instructions on compiling BDFs to JSON).
fontBold?: string | undefined;
* foreground character. (default: ' ')
fch?: string | undefined;
* A box which can render content drawn as 8x14 cell characters using the terminus font.
class BigTextElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: BigTextOptions);
* Original options object.
options: BigTextOptions;
type ListElementStyle = {
selected?: any;
item?: any;
} & Types.TStyle;
interface ListOptions extends BoxOptions {
* Style for a selected item. Style for an unselected item.
style?: TStyle | undefined;
* An array of strings which become the list's items.
items?: string[] | undefined;
* A function that is called when vi mode is enabled and the key / is pressed. This function accepts a
* callback function which should be called with the search string. The search string is then used to
* jump to an item that is found in items.
search?(err: any, value?: string): void;
* Whether the list is interactive and can have items selected (Default: true).
interactive?: boolean | undefined;
* Whether to automatically override tags and invert fg of item when selected (Default: true).
invertSelected?: boolean | undefined;
type ListElementEventType =
/** List was canceled (when esc is pressed with the keys option). */
| "cancel"
/** Either a select or a cancel event was received. */
| "action"
| "create item"
| "add item"
| "remove item"
| "insert item"
| "set items";
class ListElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions> {
constructor(opts: ListOptions);
* Original options object.
options: ListOptions;
* Add an item based on a string.
add(text: string): void;
* Add an item based on a string.
addItem(text: string): void;
* Removes an item from the list. Child can be an element, index, or string.
removeItem(child: BlessedElement | number | string): BlessedElement;
* Push an item onto the list.
pushItem(child: BlessedElement): number;
* Pop an item off the list.
popItem(): BlessedElement;
* Unshift an item onto the list.
unshiftItem(child: BlessedElement): number;
* Shift an item off the list.
shiftItem(): BlessedElement;
* Inserts an item to the list. Child can be an element, index, or string.
insertItem(i: number, child: BlessedElement | number | string): void;
* Returns the item element. Child can be an element, index, or string.
getItem(child: BlessedElement | number | string): BlessedElement;
* Set item to content.
setItem(child: BlessedElement, content: BlessedElement | string): void;
* Remove and insert items to the list.
spliceItem(i: number, n: number, ...items: BlessedElement[]): void;
* Clears all items from the list.
clearItems(): void;
* Sets the list items to multiple strings.
setItems(items: BlessedElement[] | string[]): void;
* Returns the item index from the list. Child can be an element, index, or string.
getItemIndex(child: BlessedElement | number | string): number;
* Select an index of an item.
select(index: number): void;
* Select item based on current offset.
move(offset: number): void;
* Select item above selected.
up(amount: number): void;
* Select item below selected.
down(amount: number): void;
* Show/focus list and pick an item. The callback is executed with the result.
pick(callback: () => void): void;
* Find an item based on its text content.
fuzzyFind(arg: string | RegExp | (() => void)): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
/** Received when an item is selected. */
on(event: "select", callback: (item: BoxElement, index: number) => void): this;
on(event: ListElementEventType, callback: () => void): this;
on(event: "select item", callback: (item: BlessedElement, index: number) => void): this;
interface FileManagerOptions extends ListOptions {
* Current working directory.
cwd?: string | undefined;
class FileManagerElement extends ListElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: FileManagerOptions);
* Original options object.
options: FileManagerOptions;
* Current working directory.
cwd: string;
* Refresh the file list (perform a readdir on cwd and update the list items).
refresh(cwd: string, callback: () => void): void;
refresh(callback?: () => void): void;
* Pick a single file and return the path in the callback.
pick(cwd: string, callback: () => void): void;
pick(callback: () => void): void;
* Reset back to original cwd.
reset(cwd: string, callback: () => void): void;
reset(callback?: () => void): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
/** Received when an item is selected. */
on(event: "cd", callback: (file: string, cwd: string) => void): this;
/** Received when an item is selected. */
on(event: "file", callback: (file: string) => void): this;
on(event: "error", callback: (err: any, file: string) => void): this;
on(event: "refresh", callback: () => void): this;
interface StyleListTable extends ListElementStyle {
* Header style.
header?: any;
* Cell style.
cell?: any;
interface ListTableOptions extends ListOptions {
* Array of array of strings representing rows.
rows?: string[] | undefined;
data?: string[][] | undefined;
* Spaces to attempt to pad on the sides of each cell. 2 by default: one space on each side
* (only useful if the width is shrunken).
pad?: number | undefined;
* Do not draw inner cells.
noCellBorders?: boolean | undefined;
style?: StyleListTable | undefined;
class ListTableElement extends ListElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: ListTableOptions);
* Original options object.
options: ListTableOptions;
* Set rows in table. Array of arrays of strings.
* @example
* table.setData([
* [ 'Animals', 'Foods' ],
* [ 'Elephant', 'Apple' ],
* [ 'Bird', 'Orange' ]
* ]);
setRows(rows: string[][]): void;
* Set rows in table. Array of arrays of strings.
* @example
* table.setData([
* [ 'Animals', 'Foods' ],
* [ 'Elephant', 'Apple' ],
* [ 'Bird', 'Orange' ]
* ]);
setData(rows: string[][]): void;
interface ListbarOptions extends BoxOptions {
style?: ListElementStyle | undefined;
* Set buttons using an object with keys as titles of buttons, containing of objects
* containing keys of keys and callback.
commands: Types.ListbarCommand[];
items: Types.ListbarCommand[];
* Automatically bind list buttons to keys 0-9.
autoCommandKeys: boolean;
class ListbarElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: ListbarOptions);
* Original options object.
options: ListbarOptions;
* Set commands (see commands option above).
setItems(commands: Types.ListbarCommand[]): void;
* Append an item to the bar.
add(item: Types.ListbarCommand, callback: () => void): void;
* Append an item to the bar.
addItem(item: Types.ListbarCommand, callback: () => void): void;
* Append an item to the bar.
appendItem(item: Types.ListbarCommand, callback: () => void): void;
* Select an item on the bar.
select(offset: number): void;
* Remove item from the bar.
removeItem(child: BlessedElement): void;
* Move relatively across the bar.
move(offset: number): void;
* Move left relatively across the bar.
moveLeft(offset: number): void;
* Move right relatively across the bar.
moveRight(offset: number): void;
* Select button and execute its callback.
selectTab(index: number): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: "set items" | "remove item" | "select tab", callback: () => void): this;
interface FormOptions extends BoxOptions {
* Allow default keys (tab, vi keys, enter).
keys?: any;
* Allow vi keys.
vi?: boolean | undefined;
class FormElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: FormOptions);
* Original options object.
options: FormOptions;
* Last submitted data.
submission: TFormData;
* Focus next form element.
focusNext(): void;
* Focus previous form element.
focusPrevious(): void;
* Submit the form.
submit(): void;
* Discard the form.
cancel(): void;
* Clear the form.
reset(): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
/** Form is submitted. Receives a data object. */
on(event: "submit", callback: (out: TFormData) => void): this;
on(event: "cancel" | "reset", callback: () => void): this;
interface InputOptions extends BoxOptions {}
abstract class InputElement extends BoxElement {
constructor(opts: InputOptions);
* A box which allows multiline text input.
interface TextareaOptions extends InputOptions {
* Call readInput() when the element is focused. Automatically unfocus.
inputOnFocus?: boolean | undefined;
type TextareaElementEventType =
/** Value is an error. */
| "error"
/** Value is submitted (enter). */
| "submit"
/** Value is discared (escape). */
| "cancel"
/** Either submit or cancel. */
| "action";
class TextareaElement extends InputElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TextareaOptions);
* Original options object.
options: TextareaOptions;
* The input text. read-only.
value: string;
* Submit the textarea (emits submit).
submit(): void;
* Cancel the textarea (emits cancel).
cancel(): void;
* Grab key events and start reading text from the keyboard. Takes a callback which receives
* the final value.
readInput(callback?: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* Grab key events and start reading text from the keyboard. Takes a callback which receives
* the final value.
input(callback: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* Grab key events and start reading text from the keyboard. Takes a callback which receives
* the final value.
setInput(callback: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* Open text editor in $EDITOR, read the output from the resulting file. Takes a callback which
* receives the final value.
readEditor(callback: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* Open text editor in $EDITOR, read the output from the resulting file. Takes a callback which
* receives the final value.
editor(callback: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* Open text editor in $EDITOR, read the output from the resulting file. Takes a callback which
* receives the final value.
setEditor(callback: (err: any, value?: string) => void): void;
* The same as this.value, for now.
getValue(): string;
* Clear input.
clearValue(): void;
* Set value.
setValue(text: string): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: TextareaElementEventType, callback: (err: any) => void): this;
interface TextboxOptions extends TextareaOptions {
* Completely hide text.
secret?: boolean | undefined;
* Replace text with asterisks (*).
censor?: boolean | undefined;
class TextboxElement extends TextareaElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TextboxOptions);
* Original options object.
options: TextboxOptions;
* Completely hide text.
secret: boolean;
* Replace text with asterisks (*).
censor: boolean;
interface ButtonOptions extends BoxOptions {}
class ButtonElement extends InputElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: ButtonOptions);
* Original options object.
options: ButtonOptions;
* Press button. Emits press.
press(): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: "press", callback: () => void): this;
interface CheckboxOptions extends BoxOptions {
* whether the element is checked or not.
checked?: boolean | undefined;
* enable mouse support.
mouse?: boolean | undefined;
* A checkbox which can be used in a form element.
class CheckboxElement extends InputElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: CheckboxOptions);
* Original options object.
options: CheckboxOptions;
* the text next to the checkbox (do not use setcontent, use `check.text = ''`).
text: string;
* whether the element is checked or not.
checked: boolean;
* same as `checked`.
value: boolean;
* check the element.
check(): void;
* uncheck the element.
uncheck(): void;
* toggle checked state.
toggle(): void;
interface RadioSetOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* An element wrapping RadioButtons. RadioButtons within this element will be mutually exclusive
* with each other.
abstract class RadioSetElement extends BoxElement {
constructor(opts: RadioSetOptions);
interface RadioButtonOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* A radio button which can be used in a form element.
abstract class RadioButtonElement extends CheckboxElement {
constructor(opts: RadioButtonOptions);
interface PromptOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* A prompt box containing a text input, okay, and cancel buttons (automatically hidden).
class PromptElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: PromptOptions);
options: PromptOptions;
* Show the prompt and wait for the result of the textbox. Set text and initial value.
input(text: string, value: string, callback: (err: any, value: string) => void): void;
setInput(text: string, value: string, callback: (err: any, value: string) => void): void;
readInput(text: string, value: string, callback: (err: any, value: string) => void): void;
interface QuestionOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* A question box containing okay and cancel buttons (automatically hidden).
class QuestionElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: QuestionOptions);
options: QuestionOptions;
* Ask a question. callback will yield the result.
ask(question: string, callback: (err: any, value: string) => void): void;
interface MessageOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* A box containing a message to be displayed (automatically hidden).
class MessageElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: MessageOptions);
options: MessageOptions;
* Display a message for a time (default is 3 seconds). Set time to 0 for a
* perpetual message that is dismissed on keypress.
log(text: string, time: number, callback: (err: any) => void): void;
log(text: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void;
display(text: string, time: number, callback: (err: any) => void): void;
display(text: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void;
* Display an error in the same way.
error(text: string, time: number, callback: () => void): void;
error(text: string, callback: () => void): void;
interface LoadingOptions extends BoxOptions {}
* A box with a spinning line to denote loading (automatically hidden).
class LoadingElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: LoadingOptions);
options: LoadingOptions;
* Display the loading box with a message. Will lock keys until stop is called.
load(text: string): void;
* Hide loading box. Unlock keys.
stop(): void;
interface ProgressBarOptions extends BoxOptions {
* can be `horizontal` or `vertical`.
orientation?: string | undefined;
* the character to fill the bar with (default is space).
pch?: string | undefined;
* the amount filled (0 - 100).
filled?: number | undefined;
* same as `filled`.
value?: number | undefined;
* enable key support.
keys?: boolean | undefined;
* enable mouse support.
mouse?: boolean | undefined;
* A progress bar allowing various styles. This can also be used as a form input.
class ProgressBarElement extends InputElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: ProgressBarOptions);
options: ProgressBarOptions;
* progress the bar by a fill amount.
progress(amount: number): void;
* set progress to specific amount.
setProgress(amount: number): void;
* reset the bar.
reset(): void;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: "reset" | "complete", callback: () => void): this;
interface LogOptions extends ScrollableTextOptions {
* amount of scrollback allowed. default: Infinity.
scrollback?: number | undefined;
* scroll to bottom on input even if the user has scrolled up. default: false.
scrollOnInput?: boolean | undefined;
* A log permanently scrolled to the bottom.
class Log extends ScrollableTextElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: LogOptions);
options: LogOptions;
* amount of scrollback allowed. default: Infinity.
scrollback: number;
* scroll to bottom on input even if the user has scrolled up. default: false.
scrollOnInput: boolean;
* add a log line.
log(text: string): void;
* add a log line.
add(text: string): void;
interface TableOptions extends BoxOptions {
* array of array of strings representing rows (same as `data`).
rows?: string[][] | undefined;
* array of array of strings representing rows (same as `rows`).
data?: string[][] | undefined;
* spaces to attempt to pad on the sides of each cell. `2` by default: one space on each side (only useful if the width is shrunken).
pad?: number | undefined;
* do not draw inner cells.
noCellBorders?: boolean | undefined;
* fill cell borders with the adjacent background color.
fillCellBorders?: boolean | undefined;
* A stylized table of text elements.
class TableElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TableOptions);
options: TableOptions;
* set rows in table. array of arrays of strings.
setData(rows: string[][]): void;
* set rows in table. array of arrays of strings.
setRows(rows: string[][]): void;
interface TerminalOptions extends BoxOptions {
* handler for input data.
handler?(userInput: Buffer): void;
* name of shell. $SHELL by default.
shell?: string | undefined;
* args for shell.
args?: any;
* can be line, underline, and block.
cursor?: "line" | "underline" | "block" | undefined;
terminal?: string | undefined;
* Object for process env.
env?: any;
class TerminalElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(opts: TerminalOptions);
options: TerminalOptions;
* reference to the headless term.js terminal.
term: any;
* reference to the pty.js pseudo terminal.
pty: any;
* write data to the terminal.
write(data: string): void;
* nearly identical to `element.screenshot`, however, the specified region includes the terminal's
* _entire_ scrollback, rather than just what is visible on the screen.
screenshot(xi?: number, xl?: number, yi?: number, yl?: number): string;
interface ImageOptions extends BoxOptions {
* path to image.
file: string;
* path to w3mimgdisplay. if a proper w3mimgdisplay path is not given, blessed will search the
* entire disk for the binary.
type: "ansi" | "overlay" | "w3m";
* Display an image in the terminal (jpeg, png, gif) using w3mimgdisplay. Requires w3m to be installed.
* X11 required: works in xterm, urxvt, and possibly other terminals.
class ImageElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: ImageOptions);
options: ImageOptions;
interface ANSIImageOptions extends BoxOptions {
* URL or path to PNG/GIF file. Can also be a buffer.
file: string;
* Scale cellmap down (0-1.0) from its original pixel width/height (Default: 1.0).
scale: number;
* This differs from other element's width or height in that only one
* of them is needed: blessed will maintain the aspect ratio of the image
* as it scales down to the proper number of cells. NOTE: PNG/GIF's are
* always automatically shrunken to size (based on scale) if a width or
* height is not given.
width: number | string;
height: number | string;
* Add various "density" ASCII characters over the rendering to give the
* image more detail, similar to libcaca/libcucul (the library mplayer uses
* to display videos in the terminal).
ascii: string;
* Whether to animate if the image is an APNG/animating GIF. If false, only
* display the first frame or IDAT (Default: true).
animate: boolean;
* Set the speed of animation. Slower: 0.0-1.0. Faster: 1-1000. It cannot go
* faster than 1 frame per millisecond, so 1000 is the fastest. (Default: 1.0)
speed: number;
* mem or cpu. If optimizing for memory, animation frames will be rendered to
* bitmaps as the animation plays, using less memory. Optimizing for cpu will
* precompile all bitmaps beforehand, which may be faster, but might also OOM
* the process on large images. (Default: mem).
optimization: "mem" | "cpu";
* Convert any .png file (or .gif, see below) to an ANSI image and display it as an element.
class ANSIImageElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: ANSIImageOptions);
options: ANSIImageOptions;
* Image object from the png reader.
img: Types.TImage;
* set the image in the box to a new path.
setImage(img: string, callback: () => void): void;
* clear the current image.
clearImage(callback: () => void): void;
* Play animation if it has been paused or stopped.
play(): void;
* Pause animation.
pause(): void;
* Stop animation.
stop(): void;
interface OverlayImageOptions extends BoxOptions {
* Path to image.
file: string;
* Render the file as ANSI art instead of using w3m to overlay Internally uses the
* ANSIImage element. See the ANSIImage element for more information/options. (Default: true).
ansi: boolean;
* Path to w3mimgdisplay. If a proper w3mimgdisplay path is not given, blessed will
* search the entire disk for the binary.
w3m: string;
* Whether to search /usr, /bin, and /lib for w3mimgdisplay (Default: true).
search: string;
* Convert any .png file (or .gif, see below) to an ANSI image and display it as an element.
class OverlayImageElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: OverlayImageOptions);
options: OverlayImageOptions;
* set the image in the box to a new path.
setImage(img: string, callback: () => void): void;
* clear the current image.
clearImage(callback: () => void): void;
* get the size of an image file in pixels.
imageSize(img: string, callback: () => void): void;
* get the size of the terminal in pixels.
termSize(callback: () => void): void;
* get the pixel to cell ratio for the terminal.
getPixelRatio(callback: () => void): void;
interface VideoOptions extends BoxOptions {
* Video to play.
file: string;
* Start time in seconds.
start: number;
class VideoElement extends BoxElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: VideoOptions);
options: VideoOptions;
* The terminal element running mplayer or mpv.
tty: any;
interface LayoutOptions extends ElementOptions {
* A callback which is called right before the children are iterated over to be rendered. Should return an
* iterator callback which is called on each child element: iterator(el, i).
renderer?(): void;
* Using the default renderer, it provides two layouts: inline, and grid. inline is the default and will render
* akin to inline-block. grid will create an automatic grid based on element dimensions. The grid cells'
* width and height are always determined by the largest children in the layout.
layout: "inline" | "inline-block" | "grid";
class LayoutElement extends BlessedElement implements IHasOptions {
constructor(options?: LayoutOptions);
options: LayoutOptions;
* A callback which is called right before the children are iterated over to be rendered. Should return an
* iterator callback which is called on each child element: iterator(el, i).
renderer(coords: PositionCoords): void;
* Check to see if a previous child element has been rendered and is visible on screen. This is only useful
* for checking child elements that have already been attempted to be rendered! see the example below.
isRendered(el: BlessedElement): boolean;
* Get the last rendered and visible child element based on an index. This is useful for basing the position
* of the current child element on the position of the last child element.
getLast(i: number): BlessedElement;
* Get the last rendered and visible child element coords based on an index. This is useful for basing the position
* of the current child element on the position of the last child element. See the example below.
getLastCoords(i: number): PositionCoords;
class Program {
* Wrap the given text in terminal formatting codes corresponding to the given attribute
* name. The `attr` string can be of the form `red fg` or `52 bg` where `52` is a 0-255
* integer color number.
text(text: string, attr: string): string;
export namespace widget {
class Terminal extends Widgets.TerminalElement {}
export function screen(options?: Widgets.IScreenOptions): Widgets.Screen;
export function box(options?: Widgets.BoxOptions): Widgets.BoxElement;
export function text(options?: Widgets.TextOptions): Widgets.TextElement;
export function line(options?: Widgets.LineOptions): Widgets.LineElement;
export function scrollablebox(options?: Widgets.BoxOptions): Widgets.BoxElement;
export function scrollabletext(options?: Widgets.BoxOptions): Widgets.BoxElement;
export function bigtext(options?: Widgets.BigTextOptions): Widgets.BigTextElement;
export function list(options?: Widgets.ListOptions): Widgets.ListElement;
export function filemanager(options?: Widgets.FileManagerOptions): Widgets.FileManagerElement;
export function listtable(options?: Widgets.ListTableOptions): Widgets.ListTableElement;
export function listbar(options?: Widgets.ListbarOptions): Widgets.ListbarElement;
export function form(options?: Widgets.FormOptions): Widgets.FormElement;
export function input(options?: Widgets.InputOptions): Widgets.InputElement;
export function textarea(options?: Widgets.TextareaOptions): Widgets.TextareaElement;
export function textbox(options?: Widgets.TextboxOptions): Widgets.TextboxElement;
export function button(options?: Widgets.ButtonOptions): Widgets.ButtonElement;
export function checkbox(options?: Widgets.CheckboxOptions): Widgets.CheckboxElement;
export function radioset(options?: Widgets.RadioSetOptions): Widgets.RadioSetElement;
export function radiobutton(options?: Widgets.RadioButtonOptions): Widgets.RadioButtonElement;
export function table(options?: Widgets.TableOptions): Widgets.TableElement;
export function prompt(options?: Widgets.PromptOptions): Widgets.PromptElement;
export function question(options?: Widgets.QuestionOptions): Widgets.QuestionElement;
export function message(options?: Widgets.MessageOptions): Widgets.MessageElement;
export function loading(options?: Widgets.LoadingOptions): Widgets.LoadingElement;
export function log(options?: Widgets.LogOptions): Widgets.Log;
export function progressbar(options?: Widgets.ProgressBarOptions): Widgets.ProgressBarElement;
export function program(options?: Widgets.IScreenOptions): BlessedProgram;
export function terminal(options?: Widgets.TerminalOptions): Widgets.TerminalElement;
export function layout(options?: Widgets.LayoutOptions): Widgets.LayoutElement;
export function escape(text: string): string;
export function stripTags(text: string): string;
export function cleanTags(text: string): string;
export function generateTags(style: any, text: string): string;
export function parseTags(text: string, screen?: Widgets.Screen): string;
export const colors: {
match(hexColor: string): string;