// Type definitions for bonjour 3.5 // Project: https://github.com/watson/bonjour // Definitions by: Quentin Lampin // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import { RemoteInfo } from "dgram"; declare function bonjour(opts?: bonjour.BonjourOptions): bonjour.Bonjour; export = bonjour; declare namespace bonjour { /** * Start a browser * * The browser listens for services by querying for PTR records of a given * type, protocol and domain, e.g. _http._tcp.local. * * If no type is given, a wild card search is performed. * * An internal list of online services is kept which starts out empty. When * ever a new service is discovered, it's added to the list and an "up" event * is emitted with that service. When it's discovered that the service is no * longer available, it is removed from the list and a "down" event is emitted * with that service. */ interface Browser extends NodeJS.EventEmitter { services: RemoteService[]; start(): void; update(): void; stop(): void; on(event: "up" | "down", listener: (service: RemoteService) => void): this; once(event: "up" | "down", listener: (service: RemoteService) => void): this; removeListener(event: "up" | "down", listener: (service: RemoteService) => void): this; removeAllListeners(event?: "up" | "down"): this; } interface BrowserOptions { type?: string | undefined; subtypes?: string[] | undefined; protocol?: string | undefined; txt?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined; } interface ServiceOptions { name: string; host?: string | undefined; port: number; type: string; subtypes?: string[] | undefined; protocol?: "udp" | "tcp" | undefined; txt?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined; probe?: boolean | undefined; } interface BaseService { name: string; fqdn: string; host: string; port: number; type: string; protocol: string; subtypes: string[]; txt: { [key: string]: string }; } interface RemoteService extends BaseService { referer: RemoteInfo; rawTxt: Buffer; addresses: string[]; } interface Service extends BaseService, NodeJS.EventEmitter { published: boolean; addresses: string[]; stop(cb?: () => void): void; start(): void; } interface BonjourOptions { type?: "udp4" | "udp6" | undefined; multicast?: boolean | undefined; interface?: string | undefined; port?: number | undefined; ip?: string | undefined; ttl?: number | undefined; loopback?: boolean | undefined; reuseAddr?: boolean | undefined; } interface Bonjour { (opts?: BonjourOptions): Bonjour; publish(options: ServiceOptions): Service; unpublishAll(cb?: () => void): void; find(options: BrowserOptions, onUp?: (service: RemoteService) => void): Browser; findOne(options: BrowserOptions, cb?: (service: RemoteService) => void): Browser; destroy(): void; } }