import BaseComponent, { GetInstanceFactory, GetOrCreateInstanceFactory } from './base-component'; declare class Offcanvas extends BaseComponent { static getInstance: GetInstanceFactory; /** * Static method which allows you to get the offcanvas instance associated with * a DOM element, or create a new one in case it wasn’t initialised */ static getOrCreateInstance: GetOrCreateInstanceFactory; static jQueryInterface: Offcanvas.jQueryInterface; toggle(relatedTarget?: HTMLElement): void; show(relatedTarget?: HTMLElement): void; hide(): void; } declare namespace Offcanvas { type jQueryInterface = (config?: 'toggle' | 'show' | 'hide' | 'dispose') => void; enum Events { show = '', shown = '', hide = '', hidden = '', focusin = '', click = '', clickDismiss = '', } } export default Offcanvas;