// Type definitions for browser-resolve 2.0 // Project: https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-browser-resolve // Definitions by: Mario Nebl // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped import * as resv from 'resolve'; /** * Resolve a module path and call cb(err, path) * * @param id Identifier to resolve * @param callback */ declare function resolve(id: string, cb: resolve.Callback): void; /** * Resolve a module path and call cb(err, path) * * @param id Identifier to resolve * @param options Options to use for resolving, optional. * @param callback */ declare function resolve(id: string, opts: resolve.AsyncOpts, cb: resolve.Callback): void; declare namespace resolve { interface Opts { /** * directory to begin resolving from */ basedir?: string | undefined; /** * the 'browser' property to use from package.json * @default 'browser' */ browser?: string | undefined; /** * the calling filename where the require() call originated (in the source) */ filename?: string | undefined; /** * modules object with id to path mappings to consult before doing manual resolution * (use to provide core modules) */ modules?: { [id: string]: string } | undefined; /** * transform the parsed package.json contents before looking at the main field */ packageFilter?: ((info: any, pkgdir: string) => any) | undefined; /** * require.paths array to use if nothing is found on the normal node_modules recursive walk */ paths?: string[] | undefined; } type AsyncOpts = resv.AsyncOpts & Opts; type SyncOpts = resv.SyncOpts & Opts; /** * Callback invoked when resolving asynchronously * @param error * @param resolved Absolute path to resolved identifier */ type Callback = (err: Error | null, resolved?: string) => void; /** * Returns a module path * @param id Identifier to resolve * @param options Options to use for resolving. */ function sync(id: string, opts?: SyncOpts): string; } export = resolve;