// Type definitions for browser-sync // Project: http://www.browsersync.io/ // Definitions by: Asana , Joe Skeen // Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// /// import * as chokidar from "chokidar"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as http from "http"; import * as mm from "micromatch"; declare namespace browserSync { interface Options { /** * Browsersync includes a user-interface that is accessed via a separate port. The UI allows to controls * all devices, push sync updates and much more. * * port - Default: 3001 * weinre.port - Default: 8080 * Note: requires at least version 2.0.0 */ ui?: UIOptions | boolean; /** * Browsersync can watch your files as you work. Changes you make will either be injected into the page (CSS * & images) or will cause all browsers to do a full-page refresh. See anymatch for more information on glob * patterns. * Default: false */ files?: string | (string | FileCallback)[]; /** * File watching options that get passed along to Chokidar. Check their docs for available options * Default: undefined * Note: requires at least version 2.6.0 */ watchOptions?: chokidar.WatchOptions; /** * Use the built-in static server for basic HTML/JS/CSS websites. * Default: false */ server?: ServerOptions; /** * Proxy an EXISTING vhost. Browsersync will wrap your vhost with a proxy URL to view your site. * target - Default: undefined * ws - Default: undefined * middleware - Default: undefined * reqHeaders - Default: undefined * proxyRes - Default: undefined */ proxy?: string | boolean | ProxyOptions; /** * Use a specific port (instead of the one auto-detected by Browsersync) * Default: 3000 */ port?: number; /** * Add additional directories from which static files should be served. * Should only be used in proxy or snippet mode. * Default: [] * Note: requires at least version 2.8.0 */ serveStatic?: string[]; /** * Enable https for localhost development. * Note - this is not needed for proxy option as it will be inferred from your target url. * Note: requires at least version 1.3.0 */ https?: boolean; /** * Clicks, Scrolls & Form inputs on any device will be mirrored to all others. * clicks - Default: true * scroll - Default: true * forms - Default: true */ ghostMode?: GhostOptions | boolean; /** * Can be either "info", "debug", "warn", or "silent" * Default: info */ logLevel?: string; /** * Change the console logging prefix. Useful if you're creating your own project based on Browsersync * Default: BS * Note: requires at least version 1.5.1 */ logPrefix?: string; /** * Whether or not to log connections * Default: false */ logConnections?: boolean; /** * Whether or not to log information about changed files * Default: false */ logFileChanges?: boolean; /** * Log the snippet to the console when you're in snippet mode (no proxy/server) * Default: true * Note: requires at least version 1.5.2 */ logSnippet?: boolean; /** * You can control how the snippet is injected onto each page via a custom regex + function. * You can also provide patterns for certain urls that should be ignored from the snippet injection. * Note: requires at least version 2.0.0 */ snippetOptions?: SnippetOptions; /** * Add additional HTML rewriting rules. * Default: false * Note: requires at least version 2.4.0 */ rewriteRules?: boolean | RewriteRules[]; /** * Tunnel the Browsersync server through a random Public URL * Default: null */ tunnel?: string | boolean; /** * Some features of Browsersync (such as xip & tunnel) require an internet connection, but if you're * working offline, you can reduce start-up time by setting this option to false */ online?: boolean; /** * Default: true * Decide which URL to open automatically when Browsersync starts. Defaults to "local" if none set. * Can be true, local, external, ui, ui-external, tunnel or false */ open?: string | boolean; /** * The browser(s) to open * Default: default */ browser?: string | string[]; /** * Add HTTP access control (CORS) headers to assets served by Browsersync. * Default: false * Note: requires at least version 2.16.0 */ cors?: boolean; /** * Requires an internet connection - useful for services such as Typekit as it allows you to configure * domains such as *.xip.io in your kit settings * Default: false */ xip?: boolean; /** * Reload each browser when Browsersync is restarted. * Default: false */ reloadOnRestart?: boolean; /** * The small pop-over notifications in the browser are not always needed/wanted. * Default: true */ notify?: boolean; /** * scrollProportionally: false // Sync viewports to TOP position * Default: true */ scrollProportionally?: boolean; /** * How often to send scroll events * Default: 0 */ scrollThrottle?: number; /** * Decide which technique should be used to restore scroll position following a reload. * Can be window.name or cookie * Default: 'window.name' */ scrollRestoreTechnique?: string; /** * Sync the scroll position of any element on the page. Add any amount of CSS selectors * Default: [] * Note: requires at least version 2.9.0 */ scrollElements?: string[]; /** * Default: [] * Note: requires at least version 2.9.0 * Sync the scroll position of any element on the page - where any scrolled element will cause * all others to match scroll position. This is helpful when a breakpoint alters which element * is actually scrolling */ scrollElementMapping?: string[]; /** * Time, in milliseconds, to wait before instructing the browser to reload/inject following a file * change event * Default: 0 */ reloadDelay?: number; /** * Restrict the frequency in which browser:reload events can be emitted to connected clients * Default: 0 * Note: requires at least version 2.6.0 */ reloadDebounce?: number; /** * User provided plugins * Default: [] * Note: requires at least version 2.6.0 */ plugins?: any[]; /** * Whether to inject changes (rather than a page refresh) * Default: true */ injectChanges?: boolean; /** * The initial path to load */ startPath?: string; /** * Whether to minify the client script * Default: true */ minify?: boolean; /** * Override host detection if you know the correct IP to use */ host?: string; /** * Send file-change events to the browser * Default: true */ codeSync?: boolean; /** * Append timestamps to injected files * Default: true */ timestamps?: boolean; /** * Alter the script path for complete control over where the Browsersync Javascript is served * from. Whatever you return from this function will be used as the script path. * Note: requires at least version 1.5.0 */ scriptPath?: (path: string) => string; /** * Configure the Socket.IO path and namespace & domain to avoid collisions. * path - Default: "/browser-sync/socket.io" * clientPath - Default: "/browser-sync" * namespace - Default: "/browser-sync" * domain - Default: undefined * port - Default: undefined * clients.heartbeatTimeout - Default: 5000 * Note: requires at least version 1.6.2 */ socket?: SocketOptions; middleware?: MiddlewareHandler | PerRouteMiddleware | (MiddlewareHandler | PerRouteMiddleware)[]; } interface Hash { [path: string]: T; } interface UIOptions { /** set the default port */ port?: number; /** set the default weinre port */ weinre?: { port?: number; }; } interface FileCallback { match?: string | string[]; fn: (event: string, file: string) => any; options?: chokidar.WatchOptions; } interface ServerOptions { /** set base directory */ baseDir?: string | string[]; /** enable directory listing */ directory?: boolean; /** set index filename */ index?: string; /** * key-value object hash, where the key is the url to match, * and the value is the folder to serve (relative to your working directory) */ routes?: Hash; /** configure custom middleware */ middleware?: (MiddlewareHandler | PerRouteMiddleware)[]; } interface ProxyOptions { target?: string; middleware?: MiddlewareHandler; ws: boolean; reqHeaders: (config: any) => Hash; proxyRes: (res: http.ServerResponse, req: http.IncomingMessage, next: Function) => any; } interface MiddlewareHandler { (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse, next: Function): any; } interface PerRouteMiddleware { route: string; handle: MiddlewareHandler; } interface GhostOptions { clicks?: boolean; scroll?: boolean; forms?: boolean; } interface SnippetOptions { ignorePaths?: string; rule?: { match?: RegExp; fn?: (snippet: string, match: string) => any }; } interface SocketOptions { path?: string; clientPath?: string; namespace?: string; domain?: string; port?: number; clients?: { heartbeatTimeout?: number; }; } interface RewriteRules { match: RegExp; fn: (match: string) => string; } interface StreamOptions { once?: boolean; match?: mm.Pattern | mm.Pattern[]; } interface BrowserSyncStatic extends BrowserSyncInstance { /** * Start the Browsersync service. This will launch a server, proxy or start the snippet mode * depending on your use-case. */ (config?: Options, callback?: (err: Error, bs: Object) => any): BrowserSyncInstance; /** * Create a Browsersync instance * @param name an identifier that can used for retrieval later */ create(name?: string): BrowserSyncInstance; /** * Get a single instance by name. This is useful if you have your build scripts in separate files * @param name the identifier used for retrieval */ get(name: string): BrowserSyncInstance; /** * Check if an instance has been created. * @param name the name of the instance */ has(name: string): boolean; } interface BrowserSyncInstance { /** the name of this instance of browser-sync */ name: string; /** * Start the Browsersync service. This will launch a server, proxy or start the snippet mode * depending on your use-case. */ init(config?: Options, callback?: (err: Error, bs: Object) => any): BrowserSyncInstance; /** * Reload the browser * The reload method will inform all browsers about changed files and will either cause the browser * to refresh, or inject the files where possible. */ reload(): void; /** * Reload a single file * The reload method will inform all browsers about changed files and will either cause the browser * to refresh, or inject the files where possible. */ reload(file: string): void; /** * Reload multiple files * The reload method will inform all browsers about changed files and will either cause the browser * to refresh, or inject the files where possible. */ reload(files: string[]): void; /** * The reload method will inform all browsers about changed files and will either cause the browser * to refresh, or inject the files where possible. */ reload(options: { stream: boolean }): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; /** * The stream method returns a transform stream and can act once or on many files. * @param opts Configuration for the stream method */ stream(opts?: StreamOptions): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; /** * Helper method for browser notifications * @param message Can be a simple message such as 'Connected' or HTML * @param timeout How long the message will remain in the browser. @since 1.3.0 */ notify(message: string, timeout?: number): void; /** * This method will close any running server, stop file watching & exit the current process. */ exit(): void; /** * Stand alone file-watcher. Use this along with Browsersync to create your own, minimal build system */ watch(patterns: string, opts?: chokidar.WatchOptions, fn?: (event: string, file: fs.Stats) => any) : NodeJS.EventEmitter; /** * Method to pause file change events */ pause(): void; /** * Method to resume paused watchers */ resume(): void; /** * The internal Event Emitter used by the running Browsersync instance (if there is one). You can use * this to emit your own events, such as changed files, logging etc. */ emitter: NodeJS.EventEmitter; /** * A simple true/false flag that you can use to determine if there's a currently-running Browsersync instance. */ active: boolean; /** * A simple true/false flag to determine if the current instance is paused */ paused: boolean; } } declare const browserSync: browserSync.BrowserSyncStatic; export = browserSync;