// Type definitions for bunyan 1.8 // Project: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan // Definitions by: Alex Mikhalev // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.1 /// import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; declare class Logger extends EventEmitter { constructor(options: Logger.LoggerOptions); addStream(stream: Logger.Stream): void; addSerializers(serializers: Logger.Serializers): void; child(options: Object, simple?: boolean): Logger; reopenFileStreams(): void; level(): number; level(value: Logger.LogLevel): void; levels(): number[]; levels(name: number | string): number; levels(name: number | string, value: Logger.LogLevel): void; fields: any; src: boolean; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `trace` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isTraceEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(TRACE)` in log4j. */ trace(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ trace(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ trace(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ trace(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `debug` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isDebugEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(DEBUG)` in log4j. */ debug(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ debug(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ debug(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ debug(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `info` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isInfoEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(INFO)` in log4j. */ info(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ info(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ info(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ info(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `warn` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isWarnEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(WARN)` in log4j. */ warn(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ warn(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ warn(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ warn(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `error` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isErrorEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(ERROR)` in log4j. */ error(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ error(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ error(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ error(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `fatal` level enabled? * * This is equivalent to `log.isFatalEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(FATAL)` in log4j. */ fatal(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ fatal(error: Error, ...params: any[]): void; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * * To pass in an Error *and* other fields, use the `err` * field name for the Error instance. */ fatal(obj: Object, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ fatal(format: any, ...params: any[]): void; } declare namespace Logger { const TRACE: number; const DEBUG: number; const INFO: number; const WARN: number; const ERROR: number; const FATAL: number; type LogLevelString = 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal'; type LogLevel = LogLevelString | number; const levelFromName: { [name in LogLevelString]: number }; const nameFromLevel: { [level: number]: string }; const stdSerializers: StdSerializers; function createLogger(options: LoggerOptions): Logger; function safeCycles(): (key: string, value: any) => any; function resolveLevel(value: LogLevel): number; interface Stream { type?: string | undefined; level?: LogLevel | undefined; path?: string | undefined; stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream | Stream | undefined; closeOnExit?: boolean | undefined; period?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; name?: string | undefined; reemitErrorEvents?: boolean | undefined; } interface LoggerOptions { name: string; streams?: Stream[] | undefined; level?: LogLevel | undefined; stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined; serializers?: Serializers | undefined; src?: boolean | undefined; [custom: string]: any; } type Serializer = (input: any) => any; interface Serializers { [key: string]: Serializer; } interface StdSerializers extends Serializers { err: Serializer; res: Serializer; req: Serializer; } interface RingBufferOptions { limit?: number | undefined; } class RingBuffer extends EventEmitter { constructor(options: RingBufferOptions); writable: boolean; records: any[]; write(record: any): boolean; end(record?: any): void; destroy(): void; destroySoon(): void; } interface RotatingFileStreamOptions { path: string; count?: number | undefined; period?: string | undefined; } class RotatingFileStream extends EventEmitter { constructor(options: RotatingFileStreamOptions); writable: boolean; periodNum: number; periodScope: string; stream: any; rotQueue: any[]; rotating: boolean; write(record: any): boolean; end(record?: any): void; destroy(): void; destroySoon(): void; rotate(): void; } } export = Logger;