declare namespace Chai {
type EnzymeSelector = string | React.FunctionComponent | React.ComponentClass | { [key: string]: any };
interface Match {
* Assert that the wrapper matches given selector:
* @param selector
(selector: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
interface Include {
* Assert that the wrapper contains a given node:
* @param code
(selector: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has the supplied text:
* @param str
text(str?: string): Assertion;
interface Assertion {
* Assert that the given wrapper is checked:
checked(): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given class:
* @param name
className(name: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains a certain element:
* @param selector
containMatchingElement(selector: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains a descendant matching the given selector:
* @param selector
descendants(selector?: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains an exact amount of descendants matching the given selector:
exactly(count?: number): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is disabled:
disabled(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is empty:
blank(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper exists:
present(): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given html:
* @param str
html(str?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given ID attribute:
* @param str
id(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given ref
* @param key
ref(key: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is selected:
selected(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has the tag name:
* @param str
tagName(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has the supplied text:
* @param str
text(str?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has a given type:
* @param func
type(func: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has given value:
* @param str
value(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given attribute [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
attr(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given data attribute [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
data(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given style:
* @param key
* @param val
style(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given state [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
state(key: string, val?: any): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given prop [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
prop(key: string, val?: any): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given props [with values]:
* @param keys
props(keys: string[]): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given props [with values]:
* @param props
props(props: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
declare module "chai-enzyme" {
import { ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper } from "enzyme";
type DebugWrapper = ShallowWrapper | cheerio.Cheerio | ReactWrapper;
function chaiEnzyMe(wrapper?: (debugWrapper: DebugWrapper) => string): Chai.ChaiPlugin;
namespace chaiEnzyMe {
export = chaiEnzyMe;