// Type definitions for chardet 0.8 // Project: https://github.com/runk/node-chardet // Definitions by: Hauke Oldsen // Sam Hinshaw // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// export interface Confidence { name: string; confidence: number; lang?: string | undefined; } export interface Options { returnAllMatches?: boolean | undefined; sampleSize?: number | undefined; } // As of v0.6, these fns return the highest-confidence result export function detect(buf: Buffer, opts?: Options): string | null; export function detectFile(path: string, cb: (err: any, result: string | null) => void): void; export function detectFile(path: string, opts: Options, cb: (err: any, result: string | null) => void): void; export function detectFileSync(path: string, opts?: Options): string | null; // These fns were introduced in v0.6 to return an array of confidences. export function detectAll(buf: Buffer, opts?: Options): Confidence[] | null; export function detectFileAll(path: string, cb: (err: any, result: Confidence[] | null) => void): void; export function detectFileAll(path: string, opts: Options, cb: (err: any, result: Confidence[] | null) => void): void; export function detectFileAllSync(path: string, opts?: Options): Confidence[] | null;