interface Document {}
declare namespace cheerio {
type Element = TextElement | TagElement | CommentElement;
interface TextElement {
type: "text";
next: Element | null;
prev: Element | null;
parent: Element;
data?: string | undefined;
startIndex?: number | undefined;
endIndex?: number | undefined;
interface TagElement {
tagName: string;
type: "tag" | "script" | "style";
name: string;
attribs: { [attr: string]: string };
"x-attribsNamespace": { [attr: string]: string };
"x-prefixNamespace": { [attr: string]: string };
children: Element[];
childNodes: Element[] | null;
lastChild: Element | null;
firstChild: Element | null;
next: Element | null;
nextSibling: Element;
prev: Element | null;
previousSibling: Element;
parent: Element;
parentNode: Element;
nodeValue: string;
data?: string | undefined;
startIndex?: number | undefined;
endIndex?: number | undefined;
interface CommentElement {
type: "comment";
next: Element | null;
prev: Element | null;
parent: Element;
data?: string | undefined;
startIndex?: number | undefined;
endIndex?: number | undefined;
type AttrFunction = (el: Element, i: number, currentValue: string) => any;
interface Cheerio {
// Document References
// Cheerio https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio
// JQuery http://api.jquery.com
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator;
[index: number]: Element;
cheerio: string;
length: number;
// Attributes
attr(): { [attr: string]: string };
attr(name: string): string | undefined;
attr(name: string, value: AttrFunction): Cheerio;
// `value` *can* be `any` here but:
// 1. That makes type-checking the function-type useless
// 2. It's converted to a string anyways
attr(name: string, value: string): Cheerio;
// The map's values *can* be `any` but they'll all be cast to strings
// regardless.
attr(map: { [key: string]: any }): Cheerio;
data(): any;
data(name: string): any;
data(name: string, value: any): any;
val(): string;
val(value: string): Cheerio;
removeAttr(name: string): Cheerio;
has(selector: string): Cheerio;
has(element: Element): Cheerio;
hasClass(className: string): boolean;
addClass(classNames: string): Cheerio;
removeClass(): Cheerio;
removeClass(className: string): Cheerio;
removeClass(func: (index: number, className: string) => string): Cheerio;
toggleClass(className: string): Cheerio;
toggleClass(className: string, toggleSwitch: boolean): Cheerio;
toggleClass(toggleSwitch?: boolean): Cheerio;
func: (index: number, className: string, toggleSwitch: boolean) => string,
toggleSwitch?: boolean,
): Cheerio;
is(selector: string): boolean;
is(element: Element): boolean;
is(element: Element[]): boolean;
is(selection: Cheerio): boolean;
is(func: (index: number, element: Element) => boolean): boolean;
// Form
serialize(): string;
serializeArray(): Array<{ name: string; value: string }>;
// Traversing
find(selector: string): Cheerio;
find(element: Cheerio): Cheerio;
parent(selector?: string): Cheerio;
parents(selector?: string): Cheerio;
parentsUntil(selector?: string, filter?: string): Cheerio;
parentsUntil(element: Element, filter?: string): Cheerio;
parentsUntil(element: Cheerio, filter?: string): Cheerio;
prop(name: string): any;
prop(name: string, value: any): Cheerio;
closest(): Cheerio;
closest(selector: string): Cheerio;
next(selector?: string): Cheerio;
nextAll(): Cheerio;
nextAll(selector: string): Cheerio;
nextUntil(selector?: string, filter?: string): Cheerio;
nextUntil(element: Element, filter?: string): Cheerio;
nextUntil(element: Cheerio, filter?: string): Cheerio;
prev(selector?: string): Cheerio;
prevAll(): Cheerio;
prevAll(selector: string): Cheerio;
prevUntil(selector?: string, filter?: string): Cheerio;
prevUntil(element: Element, filter?: string): Cheerio;
prevUntil(element: Cheerio, filter?: string): Cheerio;
slice(start: number, end?: number): Cheerio;
siblings(selector?: string): Cheerio;
children(selector?: string): Cheerio;
contents(): Cheerio;
each(func: (index: number, element: Element) => any): Cheerio;
map(func: (index: number, element: Element) => any): Cheerio;
filter(selector: string): Cheerio;
filter(selection: Cheerio): Cheerio;
filter(element: Element): Cheerio;
filter(elements: Element[]): Cheerio;
filter(func: (index: number, element: Element) => boolean): Cheerio;
not(selector: string): Cheerio;
not(selection: Cheerio): Cheerio;
not(element: Element): Cheerio;
not(func: (index: number, element: Element) => boolean): Cheerio;
first(): Cheerio;
last(): Cheerio;
eq(index: number): Cheerio;
get(): any[];
get(index: number): any;
index(): number;
index(selector: string): number;
index(selection: Cheerio): number;
end(): Cheerio;
add(selectorOrHtml: string): Cheerio;
add(selector: string, context: Document): Cheerio;
add(element: Element): Cheerio;
add(elements: Element[]): Cheerio;
add(selection: Cheerio): Cheerio;
addBack(): Cheerio;
addBack(filter: string): Cheerio;
// Manipulation
appendTo(target: Cheerio): Cheerio;
prependTo(target: Cheerio): Cheerio;
append(content: string, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
append(content: Document, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
append(content: Document[], ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
append(content: Cheerio, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
prepend(content: string, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
prepend(content: Document, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
prepend(content: Document[], ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
prepend(content: Cheerio, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
after(content: string, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
after(content: Document, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
after(content: Document[], ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
after(content: Cheerio, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
insertAfter(content: string): Cheerio;
insertAfter(content: Document): Cheerio;
insertAfter(content: Cheerio): Cheerio;
before(content: string, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
before(content: Document, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
before(content: Document[], ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
before(content: Cheerio, ...contents: any[]): Cheerio;
insertBefore(content: string): Cheerio;
insertBefore(content: Document): Cheerio;
insertBefore(content: Cheerio): Cheerio;
remove(selector?: string): Cheerio;
replaceWith(content: string): Cheerio;
replaceWith(content: Element): Cheerio;
replaceWith(content: Element[]): Cheerio;
replaceWith(content: Cheerio): Cheerio;
replaceWith(content: () => Cheerio): Cheerio;
empty(): Cheerio;
html(): string | null;
html(html: string): Cheerio;
text(): string;
text(text: string): Cheerio;
wrap(content: string): Cheerio;
wrap(content: Document): Cheerio;
wrap(content: Cheerio): Cheerio;
css(propertyName?: string): string;
css(propertyNames: string[]): string[];
css(propertyName: string, value: string): Cheerio;
css(propertyName: string, value: number): Cheerio;
css(propertyName: string, func: (index: number, value: string) => string): Cheerio;
css(propertyName: string, func: (index: number, value: string) => number): Cheerio;
css(properties: Object): Cheerio;
// Rendering
// Miscellaneous
clone(): Cheerio;
// Not Documented
toArray(): Element[];
interface CheerioParserOptions {
// Document References
// Cheerio https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio
// HTMLParser2 https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2/wiki/Parser-options
// DomHandler https://github.com/fb55/DomHandler
xmlMode?: boolean | undefined;
decodeEntities?: boolean | undefined;
lowerCaseTags?: boolean | undefined;
lowerCaseAttributeNames?: boolean | undefined;
recognizeCDATA?: boolean | undefined;
recognizeSelfClosing?: boolean | undefined;
normalizeWhitespace?: boolean | undefined;
withStartIndices?: boolean | undefined;
withEndIndices?: boolean | undefined;
ignoreWhitespace?: boolean | undefined;
_useHtmlParser2?: boolean | undefined;
interface Selector {
(selector: string): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: string): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Element): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Element[]): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Cheerio): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: string, root: string): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Element, root: string): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Element[], root: string): Cheerio;
(selector: string, context: Cheerio, root: string): Cheerio;
(selector: any): Cheerio;
interface Root extends Selector {
// Document References
// Cheerio https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio
// JQuery http://api.jquery.com
root(): Cheerio;
contains(container: Element, contained: Element): boolean;
parseHTML(data: string, context?: Document | null, keepScripts?: boolean): Document[];
html(options?: CheerioParserOptions): string;
html(dom: string | Cheerio | Element, options?: CheerioParserOptions): string;
xml(dom?: string | Cheerio | Element): string;
interface CheerioAPI extends Root {
version: string;
load(html: string | Buffer, options?: CheerioParserOptions): Root;
load(element: Element | Element[], options?: CheerioParserOptions): Root;
declare module "cheerio" {
const cheerioModule: cheerio.CheerioAPI;
export = cheerioModule;