import Editor from './editor'; import EditorUI from './editorui'; /** * Interface defining a type of {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor editor} which has a UI. * * Most editors (like {@link module:editor-classic/classiceditor~ClassicEditor} or * {@link module:editor-inline/inlineeditor~InlineEditor}) implement this interface, however, it is not required to do so. * * Editors with an external UI (i.e. Bootstrap-based) or a headless editor may not implement this interface. * When developing editor features you can consider this by splitting them into two parts: the "editing" part, * which bases on {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor} itself, and the UI part which bases on this interface. * This will make your features compatible with more types of editors. */ export interface EditorWithUI extends Editor { readonly ui: EditorUI; }