import { Command, Editor } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core'; /** * The list command. It is used by the {@link module:list/list~List list feature}. */ export default class ListCommand extends Command { /** * Creates an instance of the command. */ constructor(editor: Editor, type: 'numbered' | 'bulleted'); /** * The type of the list created by the command. */ readonly type: 'numbered' | 'bulleted'; /** * A flag indicating whether the command is active, which means that the selection starts in a list of the same type. */ get value(): boolean; protected set value(value: boolean); /** * Executes the list command. */ execute(options?: { forceValue?: boolean | undefined }): void; } declare module '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/commandcollection' { interface Commands { ListCommand: ListCommand; } }