import * as clc from "cli-color"; export interface LineBufferOptions { x?: number | undefined; y?: number | undefined; width?: number | "console" | undefined; height?: number | "console" | undefined; scroll?: number | undefined; } export class LineBuffer { /** * Creates an object for buffering a group of text lines and then outputting them * @param options Values to build the buffer */ constructor(options: LineBufferOptions); /** * Return the height of the `LineBuffer`, when specified as `console` */ height(): number; /** * Return the width of the `LineBuffer`, when specified as `console` */ width(): number; /** * Put a `Line` object into the `LineBuffer` * @param line The line object to put into the buffer */ addLine(line: Line): void; /** * If you don't have enough lines in the buffer, this will fill the reset of * the lines with empty spaces */ fill(): void; /** * Draw the `LineBuffer` to screen */ output(): void; } /** * This chainable object can be used to generate a line of text with columns, padding, and fill */ export class Line { /** * Create a new instance of Line object * @param buffer Object to be used as buffer */ constructor(buffer?: LineBuffer); /** * Output `width` characters of blank space * @param width Number of characters to print */ padding(width: number): Line; /** * Output text within a column of the specified width * @param text Text to print * @param width Width of the column * @param styles List of `cli-color` styles to apply */ column(text: string, width: number, styles?: clc.Format[]): Line; /** * At the end of a line, fill the rest of the columns to the right edge */ fill(): Line; /** * Print the generated line of text to the console */ output(): Line; /** * Return the contents of this line as a string */ contents(): string; /** * Store this line into the buffer */ store(): void; } /** * Creates a basic horizontal gauge to the screen * @param value The current value of the metric being displayed by this gauge * @param maxValue The highest possible value of the metric being displayed * @param guageWidth How many columns widt to draw the gauge * @param dangerZone The point after which the value will be drawn in red because it's too high * @param suffix A value to output after the gauge itself */ export function Gauge( value: number, maxValue: number, guageWidth: number, dangerZone: number, suffix: string, ): string; /** * A simple command line sparkline that draws a series of values, and highlights the peak for the period * @param values An array of values to go into the sparkline * @param suffix A suffix to use when drawing the current and max values at the end of the sparkline */ export function Sparkline(values: number[], suffix: string): string; export class Progress { /** * Creates a progress bar * @param length The desired length of the progress bar in characters */ constructor(length: number); /** * Returns the progress bar min/max context to write to stdout * @param currentValueOrPercent Current value (or percent) of the progress bar * @param maxValue Maximum value of the progress bar */ update(currentValueOrPercent: number, maxValue?: number): string; } export class Spinner { /** * Creates a new spinner * @param statusText The default text to display while the spinner is spinning * @param style Array of graphical characters used to draw the spinner */ constructor(statusText: string, style?: string[]); /** * Show the spinner on the screen */ start(): void; /** * Update the status message that follows the spinner * @param statusMessage Message to be displayed */ message(statusMessage: string): void; /** * Erase the spinner from the screen */ stop(): void; }