import "../../"; declare module "../../" { interface Editor { /** Tries to uncomment the current selection, and if that fails, line-comments it. */ toggleComment(options?: CommentOptions): void; /** Set the lines in the given range to be line comments. Will fall back to `blockComment` when no line comment style is defined for the mode. */ lineComment(from: Position, to: Position, options?: CommentOptions): void; /** Wrap the code in the given range in a block comment. Will fall back to `lineComment` when no block comment style is defined for the mode. */ blockComment(from: Position, to: Position, options?: CommentOptions): void; /** Try to uncomment the given range. Returns `true` if a comment range was found and removed, `false` otherwise. */ uncomment(from: Position, to: Position, options?: CommentOptions): boolean; } interface CommentOptions { /** Override the [comment string properties]( of the mode with custom comment strings. */ blockCommentStart?: string | undefined; /** Override the [comment string properties]( of the mode with custom comment strings. */ blockCommentEnd?: string | undefined; /** Override the [comment string properties]( of the mode with custom comment strings. */ blockCommentLead?: string | undefined; /** Override the [comment string properties]( of the mode with custom comment strings. */ lineComment?: string | undefined; /** A string that will be inserted after opening and leading markers, and before closing comment markers. Defaults to a single space. */ padding?: string | null | undefined; /** Whether, when adding line comments, to also comment lines that contain only whitespace. */ commentBlankLines?: boolean | undefined; /** When adding line comments and this is turned on, it will align the comment block to the current indentation of the first line of the block. */ indent?: boolean | undefined; /** When block commenting, this controls whether the whole lines are indented, or only the precise range that is given. Defaults to `true`. */ fullLines?: boolean | undefined; } interface CommandActions { toggleComment(cm: Editor): void; } }