import '../../'; declare module '../../' { interface MatchBrackets { /** * Only use the character after the start position, never the one before it. */ afterCursor?: boolean | undefined; /** * Causes only matches where both brackets are at the same side of the start position to be considered. */ strict?: boolean | undefined; /** * Stop after scanning this amount of lines without a successful match. Defaults to 1000. */ maxScanLines?: number | undefined; /** * Ignore lines longer than this. Defaults to 10000. */ maxScanLineLength?: number | undefined; /** * Don't highlight a bracket in a line longer than this. Defaults to 1000. */ maxHighlightLineLength?: number | undefined; } interface EditorConfiguration { // When set to true or an options object, causes matching brackets to be highlighted whenever the cursor is next to them. matchBrackets?: MatchBrackets | boolean | undefined; } }