export as namespace commonTags; export type JSTag = (literals: TemplateStringsArray, ...placeholders: any[]) => string; export interface TemplateTag { (str: string): string; (tag: JSTag): TemplateTag; (literals: TemplateStringsArray, ...placeholders: any[]): string; } /** * You'll often find that you might want to include an array in a template. * Typically, doing something like `${array.join(', ')}` would work - but what if you're printing a list of items * in an HTML template and want to maintain the indentation? You'd have to count the spaces manually and include * them in the `.join()` call - which is a bit ugly for my taste. * This tag properly indents arrays, as well as newline characters in string substitutions, * by converting them to an array split by newline and re-using the same array inclusion logic. */ export const html: TemplateTag; /** * alias for `html` */ export const codeBlock: TemplateTag; /** * alias for `html` */ export const source: TemplateTag; /** * A tag very similar to `html` but it does safe HTML escaping for strings coming from substitutions. * When combined with regular `html` tag, you can do basic HTML templating that is safe from * XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks. */ export const safeHtml: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to keep your single-line strings under 80 characters without resorting to crazy string concatenation. */ export const oneLine: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to keep your single-line strings under 80 characters while trimming the new lines. */ export const oneLineTrim: TemplateTag; /** * If you want to strip the initial indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string. * Important note: this tag will not indent multiline strings coming from the substitutions. * If you want that behavior, use the `html` tag (aliases: `source`, `codeBlock`). */ export const stripIndent: TemplateTag; /** * If you want to strip *all* of the indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string. */ export const stripIndents: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a list. */ export const inlineLists: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a list, rendered out on a single line. */ export const oneLineInlineLists: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list. */ export const commaLists: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list, the last of which is preceded by the word "or". */ export const commaListsOr: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list, the last of which is preceded by the word "and". */ export const commaListsAnd: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list, and is rendered out on to a single line. */ export const oneLineCommaLists: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list, the last of which is preceded by the word "or", and is rendered out on to a single line. */ export const oneLineCommaListsOr: TemplateTag; /** * Allows you to inline an array substitution as a comma-separated list, the last of which is preceded by the word "and", and is rendered out on to a single line. */ export const oneLineCommaListsAnd: TemplateTag; /** * A no-op tag that might come in useful in some scenarios, e.g. mocking. */ export const id: TemplateTag; export interface TemplateTransformer { /** * Called before everything else. * The result of this hook will be passed to other hooks as `context`. * If omitted, `context` will be an empty object. */ getInitialContext?: (() => TCtx) | undefined; /** * Called when the tag encounters a string. * (a string is whatever's not inside "${}" in your template literal) * `str` is the value of the current string */ onString?: ((str: string, context: TCtx) => string) | undefined; /** * Called when the tag encounters a substitution. * (a substitution is whatever's inside "${}" in your template literal) * `substitution` is the value of the current substitution * `resultSoFar` is the end result up to the point of this substitution */ onSubstitution?: ((substitution: string, resultSoFar: string, context: TCtx) => string) | undefined; /** * Called when all substitutions have been parsed * `endResult` is the final value. */ onEndResult?: ((endResult: string, context: TCtx) => string) | undefined; } export type PluginFunction = (oldValue: string, newValue: string) => TemplateTransformer; /** * New Tag factory */ export function createTag(transformers?: Array>): TemplateTag; export function createTag(...transformers: Array>): TemplateTag; export function createTag(...pluginFunctions: PluginFunction[]): TemplateTag; export const TemplateTag: { /** * New Tag Constructor * @deprecated */ new(transformers?: Array>): TemplateTag; new(...transformers: Array>): TemplateTag; new(...pluginFunctions: PluginFunction[]): TemplateTag; }; /** * TemplateTag transformer that trims whitespace on the end result of a tagged template * @param [side=''] The side of the string to trim. Can be 'start' or 'end' (alternatively 'left' or 'right') * @return a TemplateTag transformer */ export function trimResultTransformer( side?: "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "", ): TemplateTransformer; /** * strips indentation from a template literal * @param [type='initial'] whether to remove all indentation or just leading indentation. can be 'all' or 'initial' * @return a TemplateTag transformer */ export function stripIndentTransformer(type?: "initial" | "all"): TemplateTransformer; /** * Replaces a value or pattern in the end result with a new value. * @param replaceWhat the value or pattern that should be replaced * @param replaceWith the replacement value * @return a TemplateTag transformer */ export function replaceResultTransformer( replaceWhat: string | RegExp, replaceWith: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string), ): TemplateTransformer; /** * Replaces the result of all substitutions (results of calling ${ ... }) with a new value. * Same as for `replaceResultTransformer`, replaceWhat can be a string or regular expression and replaceWith is the new value. */ export function replaceSubstitutionTransformer( replaceWhat: string | RegExp, replaceWith: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string), ): TemplateTransformer; /** * Replaces the result of all strings (what's not in ${ ... }) with a new value. * Same as for `replaceResultTransformer`, replaceWhat can be a string or regular expression and replaceWith is the new value. */ export function replaceStringTransformer( replaceWhat: string | RegExp, replaceWith: string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string), ): TemplateTransformer; /** * Converts an array substitution to a string containing a list * @param [opts.separator=''] what to separate each item with (always followed by a space) * @param [opts.conjunction=''] replace the last separator with this value * @param [opts.serial=false] should the separator be included before the conjunction? As in the case of serial/oxford commas * @return a TemplateTag transformer */ export function inlineArrayTransformer(opts?: { separator?: string | undefined; conjunction?: string | undefined; serial?: boolean | undefined; }): TemplateTransformer; /** * Splits a string substitution into an array by the provided splitBy substring, only if the string contains the splitBy substring. */ export function splitStringTransformer(splitBy: string): TemplateTransformer;