// Type definitions for configstore 6.0 // Project: https://github.com/yeoman/configstore // Definitions by: ArcticLight // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped export default class Configstore { constructor(packageName: string, defaults?: any, options?: ConfigstoreOptions); /** * Get the path to the config file. Can be used to show the user * where it is, or better, open it for them. */ path: string; /** * Get all items as an object or replace the current config with an object. */ all: any; /** * Get the item count */ size: number; /** * Get an item * @param key The string key to get * @return The contents of the config from key $key */ get(key: string): any; /** * Set an item * @param key The string key * @param val The value to set */ set(key: string, val: any): void; /** * Set all key/value pairs declared in $values * @param values The values object. */ set(values: any): void; /** * Determines if a key is present in the config * @param key The string key to test for * @return True if the key is present */ has(key: string): boolean; /** * Delete an item. * @param key The key to delete */ delete(key: string): void; /** * Clear the config. * Equivalent to Configstore.all = {}; */ clear(): void; } export interface ConfigstoreOptions { globalConfigPath?: boolean | undefined; configPath?: string | undefined; }