// Imported from: https://github.com/soywiz/typescript-node-definitions/consolidate.d.ts /// import Promise = require("bluebird"); declare var cons: Consolidate; export = cons; type SupportedTemplateEngines = | "arc-templates" | "atpl" | "bracket" | "dot" | "dust" | "eco" | "ejs" | "ect" | "haml" | "haml-coffee" | "hamlet" | "handlebars" | "hogan" | "htmling" | "jade" | "jazz" | "jqtpl" | "just" | "liquid" | "liquor" | "lodash" | "marko" | "mote" | "mustache" | "nunjucks" | "plates" | "pug" | "qejs" | "ractive" | "razor" | "react" | "slm" | "squirrelly" | "swig" | "teacup" | "templayed" | "toffee" | "twig" | "underscore" | "vash" | "velocityjs" | "walrus" | "whiskers"; type Requires = SupportedTemplateEngines | "extend" | "ReactDOM" | "babel"; type ConsolidateType = { [engine in SupportedTemplateEngines]: RendererInterface; }; type RequiresType = { [engine in Requires]: any; }; interface Consolidate extends ConsolidateType { /** * expose the instance of the engine */ requires: RequiresType; /** * Clear the cache. * * @api public */ clearCache(): void; } interface RendererInterface { render(path: string, fn: (err: Error, html: string) => any): any; render( path: string, options: { cache?: boolean | undefined; [otherOptions: string]: any }, fn: (err: Error, html: string) => any, ): any; render(path: string, options?: { cache?: boolean | undefined; [otherOptions: string]: any }): Promise; (path: string, fn: (err: Error, html: string) => any): any; ( path: string, options: { cache?: boolean | undefined; [otherOptions: string]: any }, fn: (err: Error, html: string) => any, ): any; (path: string, options?: { cache?: boolean | undefined; [otherOptions: string]: any }): Promise; }