import * as express from "express"; declare module "express" { // Inject additional properties on express.Request interface Request { /** * This request's secret. * Optionally set by cookie-parser if secret(s) are provided. Can be used by other middleware. * [Declaration merging]( can be used to add your own properties. */ secret?: string | undefined; /** Parsed cookies that have not been signed */ cookies: Record; /** Parsed cookies that have been signed */ signedCookies: Record; } } declare function cookieParser( secret?: string | string[], options?: cookieParser.CookieParseOptions, ): express.RequestHandler; declare namespace cookieParser { interface CookieParseOptions { decode?(val: string): string; } function JSONCookie(jsonCookie: string): object | undefined; function JSONCookies(jsonCookies: T): { [P in keyof T]: object | undefined }; function signedCookie(cookie: string, secret: string | string[]): string | false; function signedCookies( cookies: T, secret: string | string[], ): { [P in keyof T]?: string | false }; } export = cookieParser;