// Type definitions for copyfiles 2.4 // Project: https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/copyfiles#readme // Definitions by: Florian Keller // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare namespace copyfiles { interface Options { /** include files & directories beginning with a dot (.) */ all?: boolean | undefined; /** throw error if nothing is copied */ error?: boolean | undefined; /** pattern or glob to exclude */ exclude?: string | ReadonlyArray | undefined; /** flatten the output */ flat?: boolean | undefined; /** * follow symbolink links * @default false */ follow?: boolean | undefined; /** do not overwrite destination files if they exist */ soft?: boolean | undefined; /** * slice a path off the bottom of the paths * @default 0 */ up?: number | true | undefined; /** print more information to console */ verbose?: boolean | undefined; } type Callback = (error?: Error) => void; } declare function copyfiles(paths: string[], options: copyfiles.Options | number, callback: copyfiles.Callback): void; declare function copyfiles(paths: string[], callback: copyfiles.Callback): void; export = copyfiles;