// Type definitions for D3JS d3-array module 2.7 // Project: https://github.com/d3/d3-array, https://d3js.org/d3-array // Definitions by: Alex Ford // Boris Yankov // Tom Wanzek // denisname // Hugues Stefanski // Nathan Bierema // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.3 // Last module patch version validated against: 2.7.1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shared Types and Interfaces // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Administrivia: JavaScript primitive types and Date */ export type Primitive = number | string | boolean | Date; /** * Administrivia: anything with a valueOf(): number method is comparable, so we allow it in numeric operations */ export interface Numeric { valueOf(): number; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Descriptive Statistics // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function min(iterable: Iterable): string | undefined; /** * Return the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function min(iterable: Iterable): T | undefined; /** * Return the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function min( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => string | undefined | null ): string | undefined; /** * Return the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function min( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => U | undefined | null ): U | undefined; /** * Return the index of the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function minIndex(iterable: Iterable): number; /** * Return the index of the minimum value in the array using natural order and a projection function to map values. */ export function minIndex( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: TDatum, index: number, array: Iterable) => U | undefined | null ): number; /** * Return the index of the minimum value in the array using natural order. */ export function minIndex(iterable: Iterable): number; /** * Return the maximum value in the array of strings using natural order. */ export function max(iterable: Iterable): string | undefined; /** * Return the maximum value in the array of numbers using natural order. */ export function max(iterable: Iterable): T | undefined; /** * Return the maximum value in the array using natural order and a projection function to map values to strings. */ export function max( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => string | undefined | null ): string | undefined; /** * Return the maximum value in the array using natural order and a projection function to map values to easily-sorted values. */ export function max( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => U | undefined | null ): U | undefined; /** * Return the index of the maximum value in the array using natural order. */ export function maxIndex(iterable: Iterable): number; /** * Return the index of the maximum value in the array using natural order and a projection function to map values. */ export function maxIndex( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: TDatum, index: number, array: Iterable) => U | undefined | null ): number; /** * Return the min and max simultaneously. */ export function extent(iterable: Iterable): [string, string] | [undefined, undefined]; /** * Return the min and max simultaneously. */ export function extent(iterable: Iterable): [T, T] | [undefined, undefined]; /** * Return the min and max simultaneously. */ export function extent( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => string | undefined | null ): [string, string] | [undefined, undefined]; /** * Return the min and max simultaneously. */ export function extent( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => U | undefined | null ): [U, U] | [undefined, undefined]; /** * Compute the sum of an array of numbers. */ export function sum(iterable: Iterable): number; /** * Compute the sum of an array, using the given accessor to convert values to numbers. */ export function sum( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number; /** * Return the mean of an array of numbers */ export function mean(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Return the mean of an array of numbers */ export function mean( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Return the median of an array of numbers */ export function median(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Return the median of an array of numbers */ export function median( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (element: T, i: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Returns the cumulative sum of the given iterable of numbers, as a Float64Array of the same length. * If the iterable contains no numbers, returns zeros. * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling Array.from before computing the cumulative sum. * This method ignores undefined and NaN values; this is useful for ignoring missing data. */ export function cumsum(iterable: Iterable): Float64Array; /** * Returns the cumulative sum of the given iterable of numbers, as a Float64Array of the same length. * If the iterable contains no numbers, returns zeros. * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling Array.from before computing the cumulative sum. * This method ignores undefined and NaN values; this is useful for ignoring missing data. */ export function cumsum( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (element: T, i: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): Float64Array; /** * Returns the p-quantile of the given iterable of numbers, where p is a number in the range [0, 1]. * * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling array.map(accessor) before computing the quantile. */ export function quantile(iterable: Iterable, p: number): number | undefined; /** * Returns the p-quantile of the given iterable of numbers, where p is a number in the range [0, 1]. * * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling array.map(accessor) before computing the quantile. */ export function quantile( iterable: Iterable, p: number, accessor: (element: T, i: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Similar to quantile, but expects the input to be a sorted array of values. * In contrast with quantile, the accessor is only called on the elements needed to compute the quantile. */ export function quantileSorted( array: Array, p: number ): number | undefined; /** * Similar to quantile, but expects the input to be a sorted array of values. * In contrast with quantile, the accessor is only called on the elements needed to compute the quantile. */ export function quantileSorted( array: T[], p: number, accessor: (element: T, i: number, array: T[]) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Returns an unbiased estimator of the population variance of the given iterable of numbers using Welford’s algorithm. * If the iterable has fewer than two numbers, returns undefined. * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling Array.from before computing the variance. * This method ignores undefined and NaN values; this is useful for ignoring missing data. */ export function variance(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Returns an unbiased estimator of the population variance of the given iterable of numbers using Welford’s algorithm. * If the iterable has fewer than two numbers, returns undefined. * An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling Array.from before computing the variance. * This method ignores undefined and NaN values; this is useful for ignoring missing data. */ export function variance( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Compute the standard deviation, defined as the square root of the bias-corrected variance, of the given array of numbers. */ export function deviation(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Compute the standard deviation, defined as the square root of the bias-corrected variance, of the given array, * using the given accessor to convert values to numbers. */ export function deviation( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number | undefined; /** * Returns a full precision summation of the given values. * Although slower, d3.fsum can replace d3.sum wherever greater precision is needed. Uses d3.Adder. */ export function fsum(values: Iterable): number; /** * Returns a full precision summation of the given values. * Although slower, d3.fsum can replace d3.sum wherever greater precision is needed. Uses d3.Adder. */ export function fsum( values: Iterable, accessor: (datum: T, index: number, array: Iterable) => number | undefined | null ): number; export class Adder { /** * Creates a full precision adder for IEEE 754 floating point numbers, setting its initial value to 0. */ constructor(); /** * Adds the specified number to the adder’s current value and returns the adder. */ add(number: number): Adder; /** * Returns the IEEE 754 double precision representation of the adder’s current value. * Most useful as the short-hand notation +adder. */ valueOf(): number; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Searching Arrays // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the least element of the specified iterable. */ export function least(iterable: Iterable): T | undefined; /** * Returns the least element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator. */ export function least(iterable: Iterable, comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined; /** * Returns the least element of the specified iterable according to the specified accessor. */ export function least(iterable: Iterable, accessor: (a: T) => U): T | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the least element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator. */ export function leastIndex(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the least element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator. */ export function leastIndex(iterable: Iterable, comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): number | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the least element of the specified iterable according to the specified accessor. */ export function leastIndex(iterable: Iterable, accessor: (a: T) => U): number | undefined; /** * Returns the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns undefined. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatest(iterable: Iterable): T | undefined; /** * Returns the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns undefined. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatest(iterable: Iterable, comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined; /** * Returns the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns undefined. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatest(iterable: Iterable, accessor: (a: T) => U): T | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns -1. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatestIndex(iterable: Iterable): number | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns -1. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatestIndex(iterable: Iterable, comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): number | undefined; /** * Returns the index of the greatest element of the specified iterable according to the specified comparator or accessor. * If the given iterable contains no comparable elements (i.e., the comparator returns NaN when comparing each element to itself), returns -1. * If comparator is not specified, it defaults to ascending. */ export function greatestIndex(iterable: Iterable, accessor: (a: T) => U): number | undefined; export function bisectLeft(array: ArrayLike, x: number, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectLeft(array: ArrayLike, x: string, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectLeft(array: ArrayLike, x: Date, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectRight(array: ArrayLike, x: number, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectRight(array: ArrayLike, x: string, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectRight(array: ArrayLike, x: Date, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectCenter(array: ArrayLike, x: number, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectCenter(array: ArrayLike, x: string, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export function bisectCenter(array: ArrayLike, x: Date, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; export const bisect: typeof bisectRight; export interface Bisector { left(array: ArrayLike, x: U, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; right(array: ArrayLike, x: U, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; center(array: ArrayLike, x: U, lo?: number, hi?: number): number; } export function bisector(comparator: (a: T, b: U) => number): Bisector; export function bisector(accessor: (x: T) => U): Bisector; /** * Rearranges items so that all items in the [left, k] are the smallest. The k-th element will have the (k - left + 1)-th smallest value in [left, right]. * * @param array The array to partially sort (in place). * @param k The middle index for partial sorting. */ export function quickselect(array: ArrayLike, k: number): T[]; /** * Rearranges items so that all items in the [left, k] are the smallest. The k-th element will have the (k - left + 1)-th smallest value in [left, right]. * * @param array The array to partially sort (in place). * @param k The middle index for partial sorting. * @param left The left index of the range to sort. */ export function quickselect(array: ArrayLike, k: number, left: number): T[]; /** * Rearranges items so that all items in the [left, k] are the smallest. The k-th element will have the (k - left + 1)-th smallest value in [left, right]. * * @param array The array to partially sort (in place). * @param k The middle index for partial sorting. * @param left The left index of the range to sort. * @param right The right index. */ export function quickselect(array: ArrayLike, k: number, left: number, right: number): T[]; /** * Rearranges items so that all items in the [left, k] are the smallest. The k-th element will have the (k - left + 1)-th smallest value in [left, right]. * * @param array The array to partially sort (in place). * @param k The middle index for partial sorting. * @param left The left index of the range to sort. * @param right The right index. * @param compare The compare function. */ export function quickselect(array: ArrayLike, k: number, left: number, right: number, compare: (a: Primitive | undefined, b: Primitive | undefined) => number): T[]; // NB. this is limited to primitive values due to D3's use of the <, >, and >= operators. Results get weird for object instances. /** * Compares two primitive values for sorting (in ascending order). */ export function ascending(a: Primitive | undefined, b: Primitive | undefined): number; // NB. this is limited to primitive values due to D3's use of the <, >, and >= operators. Results get weird for object instances. /** * Compares two primitive values for sorting (in descending order). */ export function descending(a: Primitive | undefined, b: Primitive | undefined): number; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Transforming Arrays // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Groups the specified array of values into a Map from key to array of value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key The key function. */ export function group(iterable: Iterable, key: (value: TObject) => TKey): Map; /** * Groups the specified array of values into a Map from key to array of value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function group( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Map>; /** * Groups the specified array of values into a Map from key to array of value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function group( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Map>>; /** * Equivalent to group, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key The key function. */ export function groups( iterable: Iterable, key: (value: TObject) => TKey ): Array<[TKey, TObject[]]>; /** * Equivalent to group, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function groups( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, TObject[]]>]>; /** * Equivalent to group, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function groups( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, Array<[TKey3, TObject[]]>]>]>; /** * Equivalent to group but returns a unique value per compound key instead of an array, throwing if the key is not unique. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key The key function. */ export function index(iterable: Iterable, key: (value: TObject) => TKey): Map; /** * Equivalent to group but returns a unique value per compound key instead of an array, throwing if the key is not unique. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function index( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Map>; /** * Equivalent to group but returns a unique value per compound key instead of an array, throwing if the key is not unique. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function index( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Map>>; /** * Equivalent to index, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key The key function. */ export function indexes( iterable: Iterable, key: (value: TObject) => TKey ): Array<[TKey, TObject]>; /** * Equivalent to index, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function indexes( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, TObject]>]>; /** * Equivalent to index, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function indexes( iterable: Iterable, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, Array<[TKey3, TObject]>]>]>; /** * Groups and reduces the specified array of values into a Map from key to value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key The key function. */ export function rollup( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key: (value: TObject) => TKey ): Map; /** * Groups and reduces the specified array of values into a Map from key to value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function rollup( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Map>; /** * Groups and reduces the specified array of values into a Map from key to value. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function rollup( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Map>>; /** * Equivalent to rollup, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key The key function. */ export function rollups( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key: (value: TObject) => TKey ): Array<[TKey, TReduce]>; /** * Equivalent to rollup, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. */ export function rollups( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, TReduce]>]>; /** * Equivalent to rollup, but returns nested arrays instead of nested maps. * * @param iterable The array to group. * @param reduce The reduce function. * @param key1 The first key function. * @param key2 The second key function. * @param key3 The third key function. */ export function rollups( iterable: Iterable, reduce: (value: TObject[]) => TReduce, key1: (value: TObject) => TKey1, key2: (value: TObject) => TKey2, key3: (value: TObject) => TKey3 ): Array<[TKey1, Array<[TKey2, Array<[TKey3, TReduce]>]>]>; /** * Returns the number of valid number values (i.e., not null, NaN, or undefined) in the specified iterable; accepts an accessor. * * @param iterable Input array. */ export function count(iterable: Iterable): number; /** * Returns the number of valid number values (i.e., not null, NaN, or undefined) in the specified iterable; accepts an accessor. * * @param iterable Input array. * @param accessor Accesor method. */ export function count( iterable: Iterable, accessor: (a: TObject, b: TObject) => number | null | undefined ): number; /** * Returns the Cartesian product of the two arrays a and b. * For each element i in the specified array a and each element j in the specified array b, in order, * it creates a two-element array for each pair. * * @param a First input array. * @param b Second input array. */ export function cross(a: Iterable, b: Iterable): Array<[S, T]>; /** * Returns the Cartesian product of the two arrays a and b. * For each element i in the specified array a and each element j in the specified array b, in order, * invokes the specified reducer function passing the element i and element j. * * @param a First input array. * @param b Second input array. * @param reducer A reducer function taking as input an element from "a" and "b" and returning a reduced value. */ export function cross(a: Iterable, b: Iterable, reducer: (a: S, b: T) => U): U[]; /** * Merges the specified arrays into a single array. */ export function merge(iterables: Iterable>): T[]; /** * For each adjacent pair of elements in the specified array, returns a new array of tuples of elements i and i - 1. * Returns the empty array if the input array has fewer than two elements. * * @param iterable Array of input elements */ export function pairs(iterable: Iterable): Array<[T, T]>; /** * For each adjacent pair of elements in the specified array, in order, invokes the specified reducer function passing the element i and element i - 1. * Returns the resulting array of pair-wise reduced elements. * Returns the empty array if the input array has fewer than two elements. * * @param iterable Array of input elements * @param reducer A reducer function taking as input to adjacent elements of the input array and returning a reduced value. */ export function pairs(iterable: Iterable, reducer: (a: T, b: T) => U): U[]; /** * Returns a permutation of the specified source object (or array) using the specified iterable of keys. * The returned array contains the corresponding property of the source object for each key in keys, in order. * For example, `permute(["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 0]) // ["b", "c", "a"]` * * It is acceptable to have more keys than source elements, and for keys to be duplicated or omitted. */ export function permute(source: { [key: number]: T; }, keys: Iterable): T[]; /** * Extract the values from an object into an array with a stable order. For example: * `var object = {yield: 27, year: 1931, site: "University Farm"};` * `d3.permute(object, ["site", "yield"]); // ["University Farm", 27]` */ export function permute(source: T, keys: Iterable): Array; /** * Randomizes the order of the specified array using the Fisher–Yates shuffle. */ export function shuffle(array: T[], lo?: number, hi?: number): T[]; export function shuffle(array: Int8Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Int8Array; export function shuffle(array: Uint8Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Uint8Array; export function shuffle(array: Uint8ClampedArray, lo?: number, hi?: number): Uint8ClampedArray; export function shuffle(array: Int16Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Int16Array; export function shuffle(array: Uint16Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Uint16Array; export function shuffle(array: Int32Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Int32Array; export function shuffle(array: Uint32Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Uint32Array; export function shuffle(array: Float32Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Float32Array; export function shuffle(array: Float64Array, lo?: number, hi?: number): Float64Array; /** * Returns a shuffle function given the specified random source. */ export function shuffler(random: () => number): typeof shuffle; /** * Generate an array of approximately count + 1 uniformly-spaced, nicely-rounded values between start and stop (inclusive). * Each value is a power of ten multiplied by 1, 2 or 5. See also d3.tickIncrement, d3.tickStep and linear.ticks. * * Ticks are inclusive in the sense that they may include the specified start and stop values if (and only if) they are exact, * nicely-rounded values consistent with the inferred step. More formally, each returned tick t satisfies start ≤ t and t ≤ stop. * * @param start Start value for ticks * @param stop Stop value for ticks * @param count count + 1 is the approximate number of ticks to be returned by d3.ticks. */ export function ticks(start: number, stop: number, count: number): number[]; /** * Returns the difference between adjacent tick values if the same arguments were passed to d3.ticks: * a nicely-rounded value that is a power of ten multiplied by 1, 2 or 5. * * Like d3.tickStep, except requires that start is always less than or equal to step, and if the tick step for the given start, * stop and count would be less than one, returns the negative inverse tick step instead. * * This method is always guaranteed to return an integer, and is used by d3.ticks to avoid guarantee that the returned tick values * are represented as precisely as possible in IEEE 754 floating point. * * @param start Start value for ticks * @param stop Stop value for ticks * @param count count + 1 is the approximate number of ticks to be returned by d3.ticks. */ export function tickIncrement(start: number, stop: number, count: number): number; /** * Returns the difference between adjacent tick values if the same arguments were passed to d3.ticks: * a nicely-rounded value that is a power of ten multiplied by 1, 2 or 5. * * Note that due to the limited precision of IEEE 754 floating point, the returned value may not be exact decimals; * use d3-format to format numbers for human consumption. * * @param start Start value for ticks * @param stop Stop value for ticks * @param count count + 1 is the approximate number of ticks to be returned by d3.ticks. */ export function tickStep(start: number, stop: number, count: number): number; /** * Generates a 0-based numeric sequence. The output range does not include 'stop'. */ export function range(stop: number): number[]; /** * Generates a numeric sequence starting from the given start and stop values. 'step' defaults to 1. The output range does not include 'stop'. */ export function range(start: number, stop: number, step?: number): number[]; /** * Transpose a matrix provided in Array of Arrays format. */ export function transpose(matrix: ArrayLike>): T[][]; /** * Returns an array of arrays, where the ith array contains the ith element from each of the argument arrays. * The returned array is truncated in length to the shortest array in arrays. If arrays contains only a single array, the returned array * contains one-element arrays. With no arguments, the returned array is empty. */ export function zip(...arrays: Array>): T[][]; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Histogram // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export interface Bin extends Array { x0: Value | undefined; x1: Value | undefined; } /** * Type definition for threshold generator which returns the count of recommended thresholds */ export type ThresholdCountGenerator = (values: ArrayLike, min: number, max: number) => number; /** * Type definition for threshold generator which returns an array of recommended numbers thresholds */ export type ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator = (values: ArrayLike, min: number, max: number) => Value[]; /** * Type definition for threshold generator which returns an array of recommended dates thresholds */ export type ThresholdDateArrayGenerator = (values: ArrayLike, min: Date, max: Date) => Value[]; export interface HistogramCommon { (data: ArrayLike): Array>; value(): (d: Datum, i: number, data: ArrayLike) => Value; value(valueAccessor: (d: Datum, i: number, data: ArrayLike) => Value): this; } export interface HistogramGeneratorDate extends HistogramCommon { domain(): (values: ArrayLike) => [Date, Date]; domain(domain: [Date, Date]): this; domain(domainAccessor: (values: ArrayLike) => [Date, Date]): this; thresholds(): ThresholdDateArrayGenerator; /** * Set the array of values to be used as thresholds in determining the bins. * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param thresholds Array of threshold values used for binning. The elements must * be of the same type as the materialized values of the histogram. */ thresholds(thresholds: ArrayLike): this; /** * Set a threshold accessor function, which returns the array of values to be used as * thresholds in determining the bins. * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param thresholds A function which accepts as arguments the array of materialized values, and * optionally the domain minimum and maximum. The function calculates and returns the array of values to be used as * thresholds in determining the bins. */ thresholds(thresholds: ThresholdDateArrayGenerator): this; } export interface HistogramGeneratorNumber extends HistogramCommon { domain(): (values: Iterable) => [number, number] | [undefined, undefined]; domain(domain: [number, number]): this; domain(domainAccessor: (values: Iterable) => [number, number] | [undefined, undefined]): this; thresholds(): ThresholdCountGenerator | ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator; /** * Divide the domain uniformly into approximately count bins. IMPORTANT: This threshold * setting approach only works, when the materialized values are numbers! * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param count The desired number of uniform bins. */ thresholds(count: number): this; /** * Set a threshold accessor function, which returns the desired number of bins. * Divides the domain uniformly into approximately count bins. IMPORTANT: This threshold * setting approach only works, when the materialized values are numbers! * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param count A function which accepts as arguments the array of materialized values, and * optionally the domain minimum and maximum. The function calculates and returns the suggested * number of bins. */ thresholds(count: ThresholdCountGenerator): this; /** * Set the array of values to be used as thresholds in determining the bins. * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param thresholds Array of threshold values used for binning. The elements must * be of the same type as the materialized values of the histogram. */ thresholds(thresholds: ArrayLike): this; /** * Set a threshold accessor function, which returns the array of values to be used as * thresholds in determining the bins. * * Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, * and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value. * * @param thresholds A function which accepts as arguments the array of materialized values, and * optionally the domain minimum and maximum. The function calculates and returns the array of values to be used as * thresholds in determining the bins. */ thresholds(thresholds: ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator): this; } /** * @deprecated. Use bin instead. */ export function histogram(): HistogramGeneratorNumber; /** * @deprecated Use bin instead. */ export function histogram(): HistogramGeneratorNumber; /** * @deprecated Use bin instead. */ export function histogram(): HistogramGeneratorDate; export function bin(): HistogramGeneratorNumber; export function bin(): HistogramGeneratorNumber; export function bin(): HistogramGeneratorDate; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Histogram Thresholds // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export function thresholdFreedmanDiaconis(values: ArrayLike, min: number, max: number): number; // of type ThresholdCountGenerator export function thresholdScott(values: ArrayLike, min: number, max: number): number; // of type ThresholdCountGenerator export function thresholdSturges(values: ArrayLike): number; // of type ThresholdCountGenerator