// Type definitions for D3JS d3-color module 1.3 // Project: https://github.com/d3/d3-color/, https://d3js.org/d3-color // Definitions by: Tom Wanzek , // Alex Ford , // Boris Yankov , // denisname , // Hugues Stefanski // Nathan Bierema // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // Last module patch version validated against: 1.3.0 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shared Type Definitions and Interfaces // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Type allowing for color objects from a specified color space */ export type ColorSpaceObject = RGBColor | HSLColor | LabColor | HCLColor | CubehelixColor; /** * A helper interface of methods common to color objects (including colors defined outside the d3-color standard module, * e.g. in d3-hsv). This interface */ export interface ColorCommonInstance { /** * Returns true if and only if the color is displayable on standard hardware. * For example, this returns false for an RGB color if any channel value is less than zero or greater than 255, or if the opacity is not in the range [0, 1]. */ displayable(): boolean; /** * Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Object Model specification, * such as rgb(247, 234, 186) or rgba(247, 234, 186, 0.2). * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead. * For example, RGB channel values greater than 255 are clamped to 255. */ toString(): string; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. The behavior of this method is dependent on the implementing color space. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. The behavior of this method is dependent on the implementing color space. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB equivalent of this color. For RGB colors, that’s "this". */ rgb(): RGBColor; /** * Returns a hexadecimal string representing this color. * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead. * For example, RGB channel values greater than 255 are clamped to 255. */ hex(): string; } /** * A Color object which serves as a base class for * colorspace-specific sub-class implementations. */ export interface Color { /** * Returns true if and only if the color is displayable on standard hardware. * For example, this returns false for an RGB color if any channel value is less than zero or greater than 255, or if the opacity is not in the range [0, 1]. */ displayable(): boolean; // Note: While this method is used in prototyping for colors of specific colorspaces, it should not be called directly, as 'this.rgb' would not be implemented on Color /** * Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Object Model specification, * such as rgb(247, 234, 186) or rgba(247, 234, 186, 0.2). * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead. * For example, RGB channel values greater than 255 are clamped to 255. */ toString(): string; // Note: While this method is used in prototyping for colors of specific colorspaces, it should not be called directly, as 'this.rgb' would not be implemented on Color /** * Returns a hexadecimal string representing this color in RGB space, such as #f7eaba. * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead. * For example, RGB channel values greater than 255 are clamped to 255. */ formatHex(): string; /** * Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Color Module Level 3 specification, such as hsl(257, 50%, 80%) or hsla(257, 50%, 80%, 0.2). * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead by clamping S and L channel values to the interval [0, 100]. */ formatHsl(): string; /** * Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Object Model specification, such as rgb(247, 234, 186) or rgba(247, 234, 186, 0.2). * If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead by clamping RGB channel values to the interval [0, 255]. */ formatRgb(): string; /** * @deprecated Use color.formatHex. */ hex(): string; } /** * A Color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object is a color instance. */ export interface ColorFactory extends Function { /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an RGB or HSL color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): RGBColor | HSLColor | null; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns an RGB or HSL color. * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): RGBColor | HSLColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: Color; } /** * An RGB color object. */ export interface RGBColor extends Color { /** * Value of red channel */ r: number; /** * Value of green channel */ g: number; /** * Value of blue channel */ b: number; /** * Opacity value */ opacity: number; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB equivalent of this color. */ rgb(): this; /** * Returns a copy of this color. * * @param values If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color. */ copy(values?: { r?: number; g?: number; b?: number; opacity?: number }): this; } /** * An RGB color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an RGB color instance. */ export interface RGBColorFactory extends Function { /** * Constructs a new RGB color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param r Red channel value. * @param g Green channel value. * @param b Blue channel value. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (r: number, g: number, b: number, opacity?: number): RGBColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an RGB color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): RGBColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns an RGB color. The color instance is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb. * Note that unlike color.rgb this method always returns a new instance, even if color is already an RGB color. * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): RGBColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: RGBColor; } /** * An HSL color object. */ export interface HSLColor extends Color { /** * Hue channel value. */ h: number; /** * Saturation channel value. */ s: number; /** * Lightness channel value. */ l: number; /** * Opacity value. */ opacity: number; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB color equivalent of this color. */ rgb(): RGBColor; /** * Returns a copy of this color. * * @param values If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color. */ copy(values?: { h?: number; s?: number; l?: number; opacity?: number }): this; } /** * An HSL color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an HSL color instance. */ export interface HSLColorFactory extends Function { /** * Constructs a new HSL color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param h Hue channel value. * @param s Saturation channel value. * @param l Lightness channel value. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (h: number, s: number, l: number, opacity?: number): HSLColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an HSL color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): HSLColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns an HSL color. * The color instance is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to HSL. * (Colors already in the HSL color space skip the conversion to RGB.) * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): HSLColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: HSLColor; } /** * A Lab (CIELAB) color object. */ export interface LabColor extends Color { /** * Lightness typically in the range [0, 100]. */ l: number; /** * Position between red/magenta and green typically in [-160, +160]. */ a: number; /** * Position between yellow and blue typically in [-160, +160]. */ b: number; /** * Opacity value */ opacity: number; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB color equivalent of this color. */ rgb(): RGBColor; /** * Returns a copy of this color. * * @param values If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color. */ copy(values?: { l?: number; a?: number; b?: number; opacity?: number }): this; } /** * A Lab (CIELAB) color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is a Lab color instance. */ export interface LabColorFactory extends Function { /** * Constructs a new Lab color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param l Lightness typically in the range [0, 100]. * @param a Position between red/magenta and green typically in [-160, +160]. * @param b Position between yellow and blue typically in [-160, +160]. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (l: number, a: number, b: number, opacity?: number): LabColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning a Lab color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): LabColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns a Lab color. * The color instance is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to Lab. * (Colors already in the Lab color space skip the conversion to RGB, * and colors in the HCL color space are converted directly to Lab.) * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): LabColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: LabColor; } /** * A gray color factory for Lab (CIELAB) colors. */ export type GrayColorFactory = /** * Constructs a new Lab color with the specified l value and a = b = 0. * * @param l Lightness typically in the range [0, 100]. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (l: number, opacity?: number) => LabColor; /** * An HCL (CIELCH) color object. */ export interface HCLColor extends Color { /** * Hue channel value typically in [0, 360). */ h: number; /** * Chroma channel value typically in [0, 230]. */ c: number; /** * Luminance channel value typically in the range [0, 100]. */ l: number; /** * Opacity value */ opacity: number; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB color equivalent of this color. */ rgb(): RGBColor; /** * Returns a copy of this color. * * @param values If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color. */ copy(values?: { h?: number; c?: number; l?: number; opacity?: number }): this; } /** * An HCL (CIELCH) color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an HCL color instance. */ export interface HCLColorFactory extends Function { /** * Constructs a new HCL color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param h Hue channel value typically in [0, 360). * @param c Chroma channel value typically in [0, 230]. * @param l Luminance channel value typically in the range [0, 100]. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (h: number, l: number, c: number, opacity?: number): HCLColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an HCL color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): HCLColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns an HCL color. * The color instance is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to HCL. * (Colors already in the HCL color space skip the conversion to RGB, * and colors in the Lab color space are converted directly to HCL.) * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): HCLColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: HCLColor; } /** * An LCH (CIELCH) color factory function to create an HCL color object. */ export interface LCHColorFactory { /** * Constructs a new HCL color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param l Luminance channel value typically in the range [0, 100]. * @param c Chroma channel value typically in [0, 230]. * @param h Hue channel value typically in [0, 360). * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (l: number, c: number, h: number, opacity?: number): HCLColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an HCL color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): HCLColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns an HCL color. * The color instance is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to HCL. * (Colors already in the HCL color space skip the conversion to RGB, * and colors in the Lab color space are converted directly to HCL.) * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): HCLColor; } /** * Dave Green’s Cubehelix color object. */ export interface CubehelixColor extends Color { /** * Hue channel value. */ h: number; /** * Saturation channel value. */ s: number; /** * Lightness channel value. */ l: number; /** * Opacity value. */ opacity: number; /** * Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be. */ brighter(k?: number): this; /** * Returns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. * If k is not specified, it defaults to 1. * * @param k A color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be. */ darker(k?: number): this; /** * Returns the RGB color equivalent of this color. */ rgb(): RGBColor; /** * Returns a copy of this color. * * @param values If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color. */ copy(values?: { h?: number; s?: number; l?: number; opacity?: number }): this; } /** * A color factory object for Dave Green's Cubehelix colors, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is a Cubehelix color instance. */ export interface CubehelixColorFactory extends Function { /** * Constructs a new Cubehelix color based on the specified channel values and opacity. * * @param h Hue channel value. * @param s Saturation channel value. * @param l Lightness channel value. * @param opacity Optional opacity value, defaults to 1. */ (h: number, s: number, l: number, opacity?: number): CubehelixColor; /** * Parses the specified CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string, returning an Cubehelix color. * If the specifier was not valid, null is returned. * * @param cssColorSpecifier A CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string. */ (cssColorSpecifier: string): CubehelixColor; /** * Converts the provided color instance and returns a Cubehelix color. * The color instance is specified, it is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to Cubehelix. * (Colors already in the Cubehelix color space skip the conversion to RGB.) * * @param color A permissible color space instance. */ (color: ColorSpaceObject | ColorCommonInstance): CubehelixColor; /** * Prototype of the factory, which can be used for instanceof testing */ readonly prototype: CubehelixColor; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Color object factories // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A Color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object is a color instance. */ export const color: ColorFactory; /** * An RGB color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an RGB color instance. */ export const rgb: RGBColorFactory; /** * An HSL color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an HSL color instance. */ export const hsl: HSLColorFactory; /** * A Lab (CIELAB) color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is a Lab color instance. */ export const lab: LabColorFactory; /** * A gray color factory for Lab (CIELAB) colors. */ export const gray: GrayColorFactory; /** * An HCL (CIELCH) color factory object, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is an HCL color instance. */ export const hcl: HCLColorFactory; /** * An LCH (CIELCH) color factory function to create an HCL color object. */ export const lch: LCHColorFactory; /** * A color factory object for Dave Green's Cubehelix colors, which may also be used with instanceof to test if an object * is a Cubehelix color instance. */ export const cubehelix: CubehelixColorFactory;