/// import { Compiler } from "webpack"; /** * A secure webpack plugin that supports dotenv and other environment variables * and only exposes what you choose and use. */ declare class DotenvWebpackPlugin { constructor(options?: DotenvWebpackPlugin.Options); apply(compiler: Compiler): void; } declare namespace DotenvWebpackPlugin { interface Options { /** * The path to your environment variables. * @default './.env'. */ path?: string | undefined; /** * If `false` ignore safe-mode, if `true` load `'./.env.example'`, if a `string` load that file as the sample. * @default false */ safe?: boolean | string | undefined; /** * Whether to allow empty strings in safe mode. * If false, will throw an error if any env variables are empty (but only if safe mode is enabled). * @default false */ allowEmptyValues?: boolean | undefined; /** * Set to `true` if you would rather load all system variables as well (useful for CI purposes). * @default false */ systemvars?: boolean | undefined; /** * If `true`, all warnings will be surpressed. * @default false */ silent?: boolean | undefined; /** * Allows your variables to be "expanded" for reusability within your .env file. * @default false */ expand?: boolean | undefined; /** * Adds support for dotenv-defaults. If set to `true`, uses `./.env.defaults`. If a `string`, uses that location for a defaults file. * Read more at {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv-defaults}. * @default false */ defaults?: boolean | string | undefined; /** * Override the automatic check whether to stub `process.env`. * @default false */ ignoreStub?: boolean | undefined; } } export = DotenvWebpackPlugin;