import * as ESTree from "estree"; import { JSONSchema4 } from "json-schema"; import { LegacyESLint } from "./use-at-your-own-risk"; export namespace AST { type TokenType = | "Boolean" | "Null" | "Identifier" | "Keyword" | "Punctuator" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXText" | "Numeric" | "String" | "RegularExpression"; interface Token { type: TokenType; value: string; range: Range; loc: SourceLocation; } interface SourceLocation { start: ESTree.Position; end: ESTree.Position; } type Range = [number, number]; interface Program extends ESTree.Program { comments: ESTree.Comment[]; tokens: Token[]; loc: SourceLocation; range: Range; } } export namespace Scope { interface ScopeManager { scopes: Scope[]; globalScope: Scope | null; acquire(node: ESTree.Node, inner?: boolean): Scope | null; getDeclaredVariables(node: ESTree.Node): Variable[]; } interface Scope { type: | "block" | "catch" | "class" | "for" | "function" | "function-expression-name" | "global" | "module" | "switch" | "with" | "TDZ"; isStrict: boolean; upper: Scope | null; childScopes: Scope[]; variableScope: Scope; block: ESTree.Node; variables: Variable[]; set: Map; references: Reference[]; through: Reference[]; functionExpressionScope: boolean; } interface Variable { name: string; scope: Scope; identifiers: ESTree.Identifier[]; references: Reference[]; defs: Definition[]; } interface Reference { identifier: ESTree.Identifier; from: Scope; resolved: Variable | null; writeExpr: ESTree.Node | null; init: boolean; isWrite(): boolean; isRead(): boolean; isWriteOnly(): boolean; isReadOnly(): boolean; isReadWrite(): boolean; } type DefinitionType = | { type: "CatchClause"; node: ESTree.CatchClause; parent: null } | { type: "ClassName"; node: ESTree.ClassDeclaration | ESTree.ClassExpression; parent: null } | { type: "FunctionName"; node: ESTree.FunctionDeclaration | ESTree.FunctionExpression; parent: null } | { type: "ImplicitGlobalVariable"; node: ESTree.Program; parent: null } | { type: "ImportBinding"; node: ESTree.ImportSpecifier | ESTree.ImportDefaultSpecifier | ESTree.ImportNamespaceSpecifier; parent: ESTree.ImportDeclaration; } | { type: "Parameter"; node: ESTree.FunctionDeclaration | ESTree.FunctionExpression | ESTree.ArrowFunctionExpression; parent: null; } | { type: "TDZ"; node: any; parent: null } | { type: "Variable"; node: ESTree.VariableDeclarator; parent: ESTree.VariableDeclaration }; type Definition = DefinitionType & { name: ESTree.Identifier }; } // #region SourceCode export class SourceCode { text: string; ast: AST.Program; lines: string[]; hasBOM: boolean; parserServices: SourceCode.ParserServices; scopeManager: Scope.ScopeManager; visitorKeys: SourceCode.VisitorKeys; constructor(text: string, ast: AST.Program); constructor(config: SourceCode.Config); static splitLines(text: string): string[]; getText(node?: ESTree.Node, beforeCount?: number, afterCount?: number): string; getLines(): string[]; getAllComments(): ESTree.Comment[]; getAncestors(node: ESTree.Node): ESTree.Node[]; getDeclaredVariables(node: ESTree.Node): Scope.Variable[]; getJSDocComment(node: ESTree.Node): ESTree.Comment | null; getNodeByRangeIndex(index: number): ESTree.Node | null; isSpaceBetweenTokens(first: AST.Token, second: AST.Token): boolean; getLocFromIndex(index: number): ESTree.Position; getIndexFromLoc(location: ESTree.Position): number; // Inherited methods from TokenStore // --------------------------------- getTokenByRangeStart(offset: number, options?: { includeComments: false }): AST.Token | null; getTokenByRangeStart(offset: number, options: { includeComments: boolean }): AST.Token | ESTree.Comment | null; getFirstToken: SourceCode.UnaryNodeCursorWithSkipOptions; getFirstTokens: SourceCode.UnaryNodeCursorWithCountOptions; getLastToken: SourceCode.UnaryNodeCursorWithSkipOptions; getLastTokens: SourceCode.UnaryNodeCursorWithCountOptions; getTokenBefore: SourceCode.UnaryCursorWithSkipOptions; getTokensBefore: SourceCode.UnaryCursorWithCountOptions; getTokenAfter: SourceCode.UnaryCursorWithSkipOptions; getTokensAfter: SourceCode.UnaryCursorWithCountOptions; getFirstTokenBetween: SourceCode.BinaryCursorWithSkipOptions; getFirstTokensBetween: SourceCode.BinaryCursorWithCountOptions; getLastTokenBetween: SourceCode.BinaryCursorWithSkipOptions; getLastTokensBetween: SourceCode.BinaryCursorWithCountOptions; getTokensBetween: SourceCode.BinaryCursorWithCountOptions; getTokens: & ((node: ESTree.Node, beforeCount?: number, afterCount?: number) => AST.Token[]) & SourceCode.UnaryNodeCursorWithCountOptions; commentsExistBetween( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, ): boolean; getCommentsBefore(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token): ESTree.Comment[]; getCommentsAfter(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token): ESTree.Comment[]; getCommentsInside(node: ESTree.Node): ESTree.Comment[]; getScope(node: ESTree.Node): Scope.Scope; isSpaceBetween( first: ESTree.Node | AST.Token, second: ESTree.Node | AST.Token, ): boolean; markVariableAsUsed(name: string, refNode?: ESTree.Node): boolean; } export namespace SourceCode { interface Config { text: string; ast: AST.Program; parserServices?: ParserServices | undefined; scopeManager?: Scope.ScopeManager | undefined; visitorKeys?: VisitorKeys | undefined; } type ParserServices = any; interface VisitorKeys { [nodeType: string]: string[]; } interface UnaryNodeCursorWithSkipOptions { ( node: ESTree.Node, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( node: ESTree.Node, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( node: ESTree.Node, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token | null; ( node: ESTree.Node, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): AST.Token | ESTree.Comment | null; } interface UnaryNodeCursorWithCountOptions { ( node: ESTree.Node, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( node: ESTree.Node, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( node: ESTree.Node, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token[]; ( node: ESTree.Node, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): Array; } interface UnaryCursorWithSkipOptions { ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token | null; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): AST.Token | ESTree.Comment | null; } interface UnaryCursorWithCountOptions { ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token[]; ( node: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): Array; } interface BinaryCursorWithSkipOptions { ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): T | null; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; skip?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token | null; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; skip?: number | undefined; }, ): AST.Token | ESTree.Comment | null; } interface BinaryCursorWithCountOptions { ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: | ((token: AST.Token) => token is T) | { filter: (token: AST.Token) => token is T; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter: (tokenOrComment: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => tokenOrComment is T; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): T[]; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options?: | { filter?: ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments?: false | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ((token: AST.Token) => boolean) | number, ): AST.Token[]; ( left: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, right: ESTree.Node | AST.Token | ESTree.Comment, options: { filter?: ((token: AST.Token | ESTree.Comment) => boolean) | undefined; includeComments: boolean; count?: number | undefined; }, ): Array; } } // #endregion export namespace Rule { interface RuleModule { create(context: RuleContext): RuleListener; meta?: RuleMetaData | undefined; } type NodeTypes = ESTree.Node["type"]; interface NodeListener { ArrayExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ArrayExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ArrayExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ArrayExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ArrayPattern?: ((node: ESTree.ArrayPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ArrayPattern:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ArrayPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ArrowFunctionExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ArrowFunctionExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ArrowFunctionExpression:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.ArrowFunctionExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; AssignmentExpression?: ((node: ESTree.AssignmentExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "AssignmentExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.AssignmentExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; AssignmentPattern?: ((node: ESTree.AssignmentPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "AssignmentPattern:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.AssignmentPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; AwaitExpression?: ((node: ESTree.AwaitExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "AwaitExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.AwaitExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; BinaryExpression?: ((node: ESTree.BinaryExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "BinaryExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.BinaryExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; BlockStatement?: ((node: ESTree.BlockStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "BlockStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.BlockStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; BreakStatement?: ((node: ESTree.BreakStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "BreakStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.BreakStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; CallExpression?: ((node: ESTree.CallExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "CallExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.CallExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; CatchClause?: ((node: ESTree.CatchClause & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "CatchClause:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.CatchClause & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ChainExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ChainExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ChainExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ChainExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ClassBody?: ((node: ESTree.ClassBody & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ClassBody:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ClassBody & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ClassDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.ClassDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ClassDeclaration:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ClassDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ClassExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ClassExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ClassExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ClassExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ConditionalExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ConditionalExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ConditionalExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ConditionalExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ContinueStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ContinueStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ContinueStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ContinueStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; DebuggerStatement?: ((node: ESTree.DebuggerStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "DebuggerStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.DebuggerStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; DoWhileStatement?: ((node: ESTree.DoWhileStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "DoWhileStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.DoWhileStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; EmptyStatement?: ((node: ESTree.EmptyStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "EmptyStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.EmptyStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ExportAllDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.ExportAllDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ExportAllDeclaration:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ExportAllDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ExportDefaultDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.ExportDefaultDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ExportDefaultDeclaration:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.ExportDefaultDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ExportNamedDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ExportNamedDeclaration:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ExportSpecifier?: ((node: ESTree.ExportSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ExportSpecifier:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ExportSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ExpressionStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ExpressionStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ExpressionStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ExpressionStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ForInStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ForInStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ForInStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ForInStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ForOfStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ForOfStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ForOfStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ForOfStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ForStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ForStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ForStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ForStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; FunctionDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.FunctionDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "FunctionDeclaration:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.FunctionDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; FunctionExpression?: ((node: ESTree.FunctionExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "FunctionExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.FunctionExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; Identifier?: ((node: ESTree.Identifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "Identifier:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.Identifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; IfStatement?: ((node: ESTree.IfStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "IfStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.IfStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ImportDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.ImportDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ImportDeclaration:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ImportDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ImportDefaultSpecifier?: ((node: ESTree.ImportDefaultSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ImportDefaultSpecifier:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.ImportDefaultSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ImportExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ImportExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ImportExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ImportExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ImportNamespaceSpecifier?: ((node: ESTree.ImportNamespaceSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ImportNamespaceSpecifier:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.ImportNamespaceSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ImportSpecifier?: ((node: ESTree.ImportSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ImportSpecifier:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ImportSpecifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; LabeledStatement?: ((node: ESTree.LabeledStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "LabeledStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.LabeledStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; Literal?: ((node: ESTree.Literal & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "Literal:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.Literal & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; LogicalExpression?: ((node: ESTree.LogicalExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "LogicalExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.LogicalExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; MemberExpression?: ((node: ESTree.MemberExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "MemberExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.MemberExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; MetaProperty?: ((node: ESTree.MetaProperty & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "MetaProperty:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.MetaProperty & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; MethodDefinition?: ((node: ESTree.MethodDefinition & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "MethodDefinition:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.MethodDefinition & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; NewExpression?: ((node: ESTree.NewExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "NewExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.NewExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ObjectExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ObjectExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ObjectExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ObjectExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ObjectPattern?: ((node: ESTree.ObjectPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ObjectPattern:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ObjectPattern & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; PrivateIdentifier?: ((node: ESTree.PrivateIdentifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "PrivateIdentifier:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.PrivateIdentifier & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; Program?: ((node: ESTree.Program) => void) | undefined; "Program:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.Program) => void) | undefined; Property?: ((node: ESTree.Property & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "Property:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.Property & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; PropertyDefinition?: ((node: ESTree.PropertyDefinition & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "PropertyDefinition:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.PropertyDefinition & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; RestElement?: ((node: ESTree.RestElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "RestElement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.RestElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ReturnStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ReturnStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ReturnStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ReturnStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; SequenceExpression?: ((node: ESTree.SequenceExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "SequenceExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.SequenceExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; SpreadElement?: ((node: ESTree.SpreadElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "SpreadElement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.SpreadElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; StaticBlock?: ((node: ESTree.StaticBlock & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "StaticBlock:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.StaticBlock & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; Super?: ((node: ESTree.Super & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "Super:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.Super & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; SwitchCase?: ((node: ESTree.SwitchCase & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "SwitchCase:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.SwitchCase & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; SwitchStatement?: ((node: ESTree.SwitchStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "SwitchStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.SwitchStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; TaggedTemplateExpression?: ((node: ESTree.TaggedTemplateExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "TaggedTemplateExpression:exit"?: | ((node: ESTree.TaggedTemplateExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; TemplateElement?: ((node: ESTree.TemplateElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "TemplateElement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.TemplateElement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; TemplateLiteral?: ((node: ESTree.TemplateLiteral & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "TemplateLiteral:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.TemplateLiteral & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ThisExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ThisExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ThisExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ThisExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; ThrowStatement?: ((node: ESTree.ThrowStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "ThrowStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.ThrowStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; TryStatement?: ((node: ESTree.TryStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "TryStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.TryStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; UnaryExpression?: ((node: ESTree.UnaryExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "UnaryExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.UnaryExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; UpdateExpression?: ((node: ESTree.UpdateExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "UpdateExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.UpdateExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; VariableDeclaration?: ((node: ESTree.VariableDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "VariableDeclaration:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.VariableDeclaration & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; VariableDeclarator?: ((node: ESTree.VariableDeclarator & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "VariableDeclarator:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.VariableDeclarator & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; WhileStatement?: ((node: ESTree.WhileStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "WhileStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.WhileStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; WithStatement?: ((node: ESTree.WithStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "WithStatement:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.WithStatement & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; YieldExpression?: ((node: ESTree.YieldExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; "YieldExpression:exit"?: ((node: ESTree.YieldExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined; } interface NodeParentExtension { parent: Node; } type Node = ESTree.Node & NodeParentExtension; interface RuleListener extends NodeListener { onCodePathStart?(codePath: CodePath, node: Node): void; onCodePathEnd?(codePath: CodePath, node: Node): void; onCodePathSegmentStart?(segment: CodePathSegment, node: Node): void; onCodePathSegmentEnd?(segment: CodePathSegment, node: Node): void; onCodePathSegmentLoop?(fromSegment: CodePathSegment, toSegment: CodePathSegment, node: Node): void; [key: string]: | ((codePath: CodePath, node: Node) => void) | ((segment: CodePathSegment, node: Node) => void) | ((fromSegment: CodePathSegment, toSegment: CodePathSegment, node: Node) => void) | ((node: Node) => void) | NodeListener[keyof NodeListener] | undefined; } type CodePathOrigin = "program" | "function" | "class-field-initializer" | "class-static-block"; interface CodePath { id: string; origin: CodePathOrigin; initialSegment: CodePathSegment; finalSegments: CodePathSegment[]; returnedSegments: CodePathSegment[]; thrownSegments: CodePathSegment[]; upper: CodePath | null; childCodePaths: CodePath[]; } interface CodePathSegment { id: string; nextSegments: CodePathSegment[]; prevSegments: CodePathSegment[]; reachable: boolean; } interface RuleMetaData { /** Properties often used for documentation generation and tooling. */ docs?: { /** Provides a short description of the rule. Commonly used when generating lists of rules. */ description?: string | undefined; /** Historically used by some plugins that divide rules into categories in their documentation. */ category?: string | undefined; /** Historically used by some plugins to indicate a rule belongs in their `recommended` configuration. */ recommended?: boolean | undefined; /** Specifies the URL at which the full documentation can be accessed. Code editors often use this to provide a helpful link on highlighted rule violations. */ url?: string | undefined; } | undefined; /** Violation and suggestion messages. */ messages?: { [messageId: string]: string } | undefined; /** * Specifies if the `--fix` option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by the rule. * Mandatory for fixable rules. */ fixable?: "code" | "whitespace" | undefined; /** * Specifies the [options]( * so ESLint can prevent invalid [rule configurations]( * Mandatory for rules with options. */ schema?: JSONSchema4 | JSONSchema4[] | false | undefined; /** Indicates whether the rule has been deprecated. Omit if not deprecated. */ deprecated?: boolean | undefined; /** The name of the rule(s) this rule was replaced by, if it was deprecated. */ replacedBy?: readonly string[]; /** * Indicates the type of rule: * - `"problem"` means the rule is identifying code that either will cause an error or may cause a confusing behavior. Developers should consider this a high priority to resolve. * - `"suggestion"` means the rule is identifying something that could be done in a better way but no errors will occur if the code isn’t changed. * - `"layout"` means the rule cares primarily about whitespace, semicolons, commas, and parentheses, * all the parts of the program that determine how the code looks rather than how it executes. * These rules work on parts of the code that aren’t specified in the AST. */ type?: "problem" | "suggestion" | "layout" | undefined; /** * Specifies whether the rule can return suggestions (defaults to `false` if omitted). * Mandatory for rules that provide suggestions. */ hasSuggestions?: boolean | undefined; } interface RuleContext { id: string; options: any[]; settings: { [name: string]: any }; parserPath: string | undefined; languageOptions: Linter.LanguageOptions; parserOptions: Linter.ParserOptions; cwd: string; filename: string; physicalFilename: string; sourceCode: SourceCode; getAncestors(): ESTree.Node[]; getDeclaredVariables(node: ESTree.Node): Scope.Variable[]; /** @deprecated Use property `filename` directly instead */ getFilename(): string; /** @deprecated Use property `physicalFilename` directly instead */ getPhysicalFilename(): string; /** @deprecated Use property `cwd` directly instead */ getCwd(): string; getScope(): Scope.Scope; /** @deprecated Use property `sourceCode` directly instead */ getSourceCode(): SourceCode; markVariableAsUsed(name: string): boolean; report(descriptor: ReportDescriptor): void; } type ReportFixer = (fixer: RuleFixer) => null | Fix | IterableIterator | Fix[]; interface ReportDescriptorOptionsBase { data?: { [key: string]: string }; fix?: null | ReportFixer; } interface SuggestionReportOptions { data?: { [key: string]: string }; fix: ReportFixer; } type SuggestionDescriptorMessage = { desc: string } | { messageId: string }; type SuggestionReportDescriptor = SuggestionDescriptorMessage & SuggestionReportOptions; interface ReportDescriptorOptions extends ReportDescriptorOptionsBase { suggest?: SuggestionReportDescriptor[] | null | undefined; } type ReportDescriptor = ReportDescriptorMessage & ReportDescriptorLocation & ReportDescriptorOptions; type ReportDescriptorMessage = { message: string } | { messageId: string }; type ReportDescriptorLocation = | { node: ESTree.Node } | { loc: AST.SourceLocation | { line: number; column: number } }; interface RuleFixer { insertTextAfter(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token, text: string): Fix; insertTextAfterRange(range: AST.Range, text: string): Fix; insertTextBefore(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token, text: string): Fix; insertTextBeforeRange(range: AST.Range, text: string): Fix; remove(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token): Fix; removeRange(range: AST.Range): Fix; replaceText(nodeOrToken: ESTree.Node | AST.Token, text: string): Fix; replaceTextRange(range: AST.Range, text: string): Fix; } interface Fix { range: AST.Range; text: string; } } // #region Linter export class Linter { static readonly version: string; version: string; constructor(options?: { cwd?: string | undefined; configType?: "flat" | "eslintrc" }); verify( code: SourceCode | string, config: Linter.LegacyConfig | Linter.Config | Linter.Config[], filename?: string, ): Linter.LintMessage[]; verify( code: SourceCode | string, config: Linter.LegacyConfig | Linter.Config | Linter.Config[], options: Linter.LintOptions, ): Linter.LintMessage[]; verifyAndFix( code: string, config: Linter.LegacyConfig | Linter.Config | Linter.Config[], filename?: string, ): Linter.FixReport; verifyAndFix( code: string, config: Linter.LegacyConfig | Linter.Config | Linter.Config[], options: Linter.FixOptions, ): Linter.FixReport; getSourceCode(): SourceCode; defineRule(name: string, rule: Rule.RuleModule): void; defineRules(rules: { [name: string]: Rule.RuleModule }): void; getRules(): Map; defineParser(name: string, parser: Linter.Parser): void; getTimes(): Linter.Stats["times"]; getFixPassCount(): Linter.Stats["fixPasses"]; } export namespace Linter { /** * The numeric severity level for a rule. * * - `0` means off. * - `1` means warn. * - `2` means error. * * @see [Rule Severities]( */ type Severity = 0 | 1 | 2; /** * The human readable severity level for a rule. * * @see [Rule Severities]( */ type StringSeverity = "off" | "warn" | "error"; /** * The numeric or human readable severity level for a rule. * * @see [Rule Severities]( */ type RuleSeverity = Severity | StringSeverity; /** * An array containing the rule severity level, followed by the rule options. * * @see [Rules]( */ type RuleSeverityAndOptions = [RuleSeverity, ...Partial]; /** * The severity level for the rule or an array containing the rule severity level, followed by the rule options. * * @see [Rules]( */ type RuleEntry = RuleSeverity | RuleSeverityAndOptions; /** * The rules config object is a key/value map of rule names and their severity and options. */ interface RulesRecord { [rule: string]: RuleEntry; } /** * A configuration object that may have a `rules` block. */ interface HasRules { rules?: Partial | undefined; } /** * The ECMAScript version of the code being linted. */ type EcmaVersion = | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | "latest"; /** * The type of JavaScript source code. */ type SourceType = "script" | "module" | "commonjs"; /** * ESLint legacy configuration. * * @see [ESLint Legacy Configuration]( */ interface BaseConfig extends HasRules { $schema?: string | undefined; /** * An environment provides predefined global variables. * * @see [Environments]( */ env?: { [name: string]: boolean } | undefined; /** * Extending configuration files. * * @see [Extends]( */ extends?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * Specifying globals. * * @see [Globals]( */ globals?: Linter.Globals | undefined; /** * Disable processing of inline comments. * * @see [Disabling Inline Comments]( */ noInlineConfig?: boolean | undefined; /** * Overrides can be used to use a differing configuration for matching sub-directories and files. * * @see [How do overrides work]( */ overrides?: Array> | undefined; /** * Parser. * * @see [Working with Custom Parsers]( * @see [Specifying Parser]( */ parser?: string | undefined; /** * Parser options. * * @see [Working with Custom Parsers]( * @see [Specifying Parser Options]( */ parserOptions?: ParserOptions | undefined; /** * Which third-party plugins define additional rules, environments, configs, etc. for ESLint to use. * * @see [Configuring Plugins]( */ plugins?: string[] | undefined; /** * Specifying processor. * * @see [processor]( */ processor?: string | undefined; /** * Report unused eslint-disable comments as warning. * * @see [Report unused eslint-disable comments]( */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean | undefined; /** * Settings. * * @see [Settings]( */ settings?: { [name: string]: any } | undefined; } /** * The overwrites that apply more differing configuration to specific files or directories. */ interface ConfigOverride extends BaseConfig { /** * The glob patterns for excluded files. */ excludedFiles?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * The glob patterns for target files. */ files: string | string[]; } /** * ESLint legacy configuration. * * @see [ESLint Legacy Configuration]( */ // interface LegacyConfig extends BaseConfig { /** * Tell ESLint to ignore specific files and directories. * * @see [Ignore Patterns]( */ ignorePatterns?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * @see [Using Configuration Files]( */ root?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Parser options. * * @see [Specifying Parser Options]( */ interface ParserOptions { /** * Accepts any valid ECMAScript version number or `'latest'`: * * - A version: es3, es5, es6, es7, es8, es9, es10, es11, es12, es13, es14, ..., or * - A year: es2015, es2016, es2017, es2018, es2019, es2020, es2021, es2022, es2023, ..., or * - `'latest'` * * When it's a version or a year, the value must be a number - so do not include the `es` prefix. * * Specifies the version of ECMAScript syntax you want to use. This is used by the parser to determine how to perform scope analysis, and it affects the default * * @default 5 */ ecmaVersion?: EcmaVersion | undefined; /** * The type of JavaScript source code. Possible values are "script" for * traditional script files, "module" for ECMAScript modules (ESM), and * "commonjs" for CommonJS files. * * @default 'script' * * @see */ sourceType?: SourceType | undefined; /** * An object indicating which additional language features you'd like to use. * * @see */ ecmaFeatures?: { globalReturn?: boolean | undefined; impliedStrict?: boolean | undefined; jsx?: boolean | undefined; experimentalObjectRestSpread?: boolean | undefined; [key: string]: any; } | undefined; [key: string]: any; } interface LintOptions { filename?: string | undefined; preprocess?: ((code: string) => string[]) | undefined; postprocess?: ((problemLists: LintMessage[][]) => LintMessage[]) | undefined; filterCodeBlock?: boolean | undefined; disableFixes?: boolean | undefined; allowInlineConfig?: boolean | undefined; reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean | undefined; } interface LintSuggestion { desc: string; fix: Rule.Fix; messageId?: string | undefined; } interface LintMessage { column: number; line: number; endColumn?: number | undefined; endLine?: number | undefined; ruleId: string | null; message: string; messageId?: string | undefined; nodeType?: string | undefined; fatal?: true | undefined; severity: Exclude; fix?: Rule.Fix | undefined; suggestions?: LintSuggestion[] | undefined; } interface LintSuppression { kind: string; justification: string; } interface SuppressedLintMessage extends LintMessage { suppressions: LintSuppression[]; } interface FixOptions extends LintOptions { fix?: boolean | undefined; } interface FixReport { fixed: boolean; output: string; messages: LintMessage[]; } // Temporarily loosen type for just flat config files (see #68232) type NonESTreeParser = & Omit & ({ parse(text: string, options?: any): unknown; } | { parseForESLint(text: string, options?: any): Omit & { ast: unknown; scopeManager?: unknown; }; }); type ESTreeParser = & ESLint.ObjectMetaProperties & ( | { parse(text: string, options?: any): AST.Program } | { parseForESLint(text: string, options?: any): ESLintParseResult } ); type Parser = NonESTreeParser | ESTreeParser; interface ESLintParseResult { ast: AST.Program; parserServices?: SourceCode.ParserServices | undefined; scopeManager?: Scope.ScopeManager | undefined; visitorKeys?: SourceCode.VisitorKeys | undefined; } interface ProcessorFile { text: string; filename: string; } // interface Processor extends ESLint.ObjectMetaProperties { supportsAutofix?: boolean | undefined; preprocess?(text: string, filename: string): T[]; postprocess?(messages: LintMessage[][], filename: string): LintMessage[]; } interface Config { /** * An string to identify the configuration object. Used in error messages and * inspection tools. */ name?: string; /** * An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration * object should apply to. If not specified, the configuration object applies * to all files */ files?: Array; /** * An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration * object should not apply to. If not specified, the configuration object * applies to all files matched by files */ ignores?: string[]; /** * An object containing settings related to how JavaScript is configured for * linting. */ languageOptions?: LanguageOptions; /** * An object containing settings related to the linting process */ linterOptions?: LinterOptions; /** * Either an object containing preprocess() and postprocess() methods or a * string indicating the name of a processor inside of a plugin * (i.e., "pluginName/processorName"). */ processor?: string | Processor; /** * An object containing a name-value mapping of plugin names to plugin objects. * When files is specified, these plugins are only available to the matching files. */ plugins?: Record; /** * An object containing the configured rules. When files or ignores are specified, * these rule configurations are only available to the matching files. */ rules?: Partial; /** * An object containing name-value pairs of information that should be * available to all rules. */ settings?: Record; } /** @deprecated Use `Config` instead of `FlatConfig` */ type FlatConfig = Config; type GlobalConf = boolean | "off" | "readable" | "readonly" | "writable" | "writeable"; interface Globals { [name: string]: GlobalConf; } interface LanguageOptions { /** * The version of ECMAScript to support. May be any year (i.e., 2022) or * version (i.e., 5). Set to "latest" for the most recent supported version. * @default "latest" */ ecmaVersion?: EcmaVersion | undefined; /** * The type of JavaScript source code. Possible values are "script" for * traditional script files, "module" for ECMAScript modules (ESM), and * "commonjs" for CommonJS files. (default: "module" for .js and .mjs * files; "commonjs" for .cjs files) */ sourceType?: SourceType | undefined; /** * An object specifying additional objects that should be added to the * global scope during linting. */ globals?: Globals | undefined; /** * An object containing a parse() or parseForESLint() method. * If not configured, the default ESLint parser (Espree) will be used. */ parser?: Parser | undefined; /** * An object specifying additional options that are passed directly to the * parser() method on the parser. The available options are parser-dependent */ parserOptions?: Linter.ParserOptions | undefined; } interface LinterOptions { /** * A boolean value indicating if inline configuration is allowed. */ noInlineConfig?: boolean; /** * A severity value indicating if and how unused disable directives should be * tracked and reported. */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: Severity | StringSeverity | boolean; } interface Stats { /** * The number of times ESLint has applied at least one fix after linting. */ fixPasses: number; /** * The times spent on (parsing, fixing, linting) a file, where the linting refers to the timing information for each rule. */ times: { passes: TimePass[] }; } interface TimePass { parse: { total: number }; rules?: Record; fix: { total: number }; total: number; } } // #endregion // #region ESLint export class ESLint { static configType: "flat"; static readonly version: string; static outputFixes(results: ESLint.LintResult[]): Promise; static getErrorResults(results: ESLint.LintResult[]): ESLint.LintResult[]; constructor(options?: ESLint.Options); lintFiles(patterns: string | string[]): Promise; lintText( code: string, options?: { filePath?: string | undefined; warnIgnored?: boolean | undefined }, ): Promise; getRulesMetaForResults(results: ESLint.LintResult[]): ESLint.LintResultData["rulesMeta"]; hasFlag(flag: string): boolean; calculateConfigForFile(filePath: string): Promise; findConfigFile(): Promise; isPathIgnored(filePath: string): Promise; loadFormatter(nameOrPath?: string): Promise; } export namespace ESLint { type ConfigData = Omit< Linter.LegacyConfig, "$schema" >; interface Environment { globals?: Linter.Globals | undefined; parserOptions?: Linter.ParserOptions | undefined; } interface ObjectMetaProperties { /** @deprecated Use `` instead. */ name?: string | undefined; /** @deprecated Use `meta.version` instead. */ version?: string | undefined; meta?: { name?: string | undefined; version?: string | undefined; }; } interface Plugin extends ObjectMetaProperties { configs?: Record | undefined; environments?: Record | undefined; processors?: Record | undefined; rules?: Record | undefined; } type FixType = "directive" | "problem" | "suggestion" | "layout"; type CacheStrategy = "content" | "metadata"; interface Options { // File enumeration cwd?: string | undefined; errorOnUnmatchedPattern?: boolean | undefined; globInputPaths?: boolean | undefined; ignore?: boolean | undefined; ignorePatterns?: string[] | null | undefined; passOnNoPatterns?: boolean | undefined; warnIgnored?: boolean | undefined; // Linting allowInlineConfig?: boolean | undefined; baseConfig?: Linter.Config | Linter.Config[] | null | undefined; overrideConfig?: Linter.Config | Linter.Config[] | null | undefined; overrideConfigFile?: string | boolean | undefined; plugins?: Record | null | undefined; ruleFilter?: ((arg: { ruleId: string; severity: Exclude }) => boolean) | undefined; stats?: boolean | undefined; // Autofix fix?: boolean | ((message: Linter.LintMessage) => boolean) | undefined; fixTypes?: FixType[] | undefined; // Cache-related cache?: boolean | undefined; cacheLocation?: string | undefined; cacheStrategy?: CacheStrategy | undefined; // Other Options flags?: string[] | undefined; } interface LegacyOptions { // File enumeration cwd?: string | undefined; errorOnUnmatchedPattern?: boolean | undefined; extensions?: string[] | undefined; globInputPaths?: boolean | undefined; ignore?: boolean | undefined; ignorePath?: string | undefined; // Linting allowInlineConfig?: boolean | undefined; baseConfig?: Linter.LegacyConfig | undefined; overrideConfig?: Linter.LegacyConfig | undefined; overrideConfigFile?: string | undefined; plugins?: Record | undefined; reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: Linter.StringSeverity | undefined; resolvePluginsRelativeTo?: string | undefined; rulePaths?: string[] | undefined; useEslintrc?: boolean | undefined; // Autofix fix?: boolean | ((message: Linter.LintMessage) => boolean) | undefined; fixTypes?: FixType[] | undefined; // Cache-related cache?: boolean | undefined; cacheLocation?: string | undefined; cacheStrategy?: CacheStrategy | undefined; // Other Options flags?: string[] | undefined; } interface LintResult { filePath: string; messages: Linter.LintMessage[]; suppressedMessages: Linter.SuppressedLintMessage[]; errorCount: number; fatalErrorCount: number; warningCount: number; fixableErrorCount: number; fixableWarningCount: number; output?: string | undefined; source?: string | undefined; stats?: Linter.Stats | undefined; usedDeprecatedRules: DeprecatedRuleUse[]; } interface LintResultData { cwd: string; rulesMeta: { [ruleId: string]: Rule.RuleMetaData; }; } interface DeprecatedRuleUse { ruleId: string; replacedBy: string[]; } interface Formatter { format(results: LintResult[], data: LintResultData): string | Promise; } // Docs reference the types by those name type EditInfo = Rule.Fix; type LoadedFormatter = Formatter; type ResultsMeta = LintResultData; } // #endregion export function loadESLint(options: { useFlatConfig: true }): Promise; export function loadESLint(options: { useFlatConfig: false }): Promise; export function loadESLint( options?: { useFlatConfig?: boolean | undefined }, ): Promise; // #region RuleTester export class RuleTester { static describe: ((...args: any) => any) | null; static it: ((...args: any) => any) | null; static itOnly: ((...args: any) => any) | null; constructor(config?: Linter.Config); run( name: string, rule: Rule.RuleModule, tests: { valid: Array; invalid: RuleTester.InvalidTestCase[]; }, ): void; static only( item: string | RuleTester.ValidTestCase | RuleTester.InvalidTestCase, ): RuleTester.ValidTestCase | RuleTester.InvalidTestCase; } export namespace RuleTester { interface ValidTestCase { name?: string; code: string; options?: any; filename?: string | undefined; only?: boolean; languageOptions?: Linter.LanguageOptions | undefined; settings?: { [name: string]: any } | undefined; } interface SuggestionOutput { messageId?: string; desc?: string; data?: Record | undefined; output: string; } interface InvalidTestCase extends ValidTestCase { errors: number | Array; output?: string | null | undefined; } interface TestCaseError { message?: string | RegExp; messageId?: string; type?: string | undefined; data?: any; line?: number | undefined; column?: number | undefined; endLine?: number | undefined; endColumn?: number | undefined; suggestions?: SuggestionOutput[] | undefined; } } // #endregion