// Type definitions for estraverse 5.1 // Project: https://github.com/estools/estraverse // Definitions by: Sanex3339 // Jason Kwok // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped import * as ESTree from 'estree'; declare namespace ESTraverse { const Syntax: Syntax; const VisitorKeys: VisitorKeys; enum VisitorOption { Break, Skip, Remove, } class Controller { /** * Traverse the AST. */ traverse(root: ESTree.Node, visitor: Visitor): void; /** * Traverse and replace the AST. */ replace(root: ESTree.Node, visitor: Visitor): ESTree.Node; /** * The current node. */ current(): ESTree.Node; /** * The type of current node. */ type(): string; /** * Obtain the property paths array from root to the current node. */ path(): Array | null; /** * An array of parent elements. */ parents(): ESTree.Node[]; /** * Notify the controller to break the traversals, skip the child nodes of current node or remove the * current node. */ notify(flag: VisitorOption): void; /** * Break the traversals. */ break(): void; /** * Skip the child nodes of current node. */ skip(): void; /** * Remove the current node. */ remove(): void; } function traverse(root: ESTree.Node, visitor: Visitor): void; function replace(root: ESTree.Node, visitor: Visitor): ESTree.Node; function attachComments(tree: ESTree.Node, providedComments: ESTree.Comment[], tokens: ESTree.Node[]): ESTree.Node; function cloneEnvironment(): typeof ESTraverse; type NodeType = | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AwaitExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BinaryExpression" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ComprehensionBlock" | "ComprehensionExpression" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DirectiveStatement" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "ForStatement" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "GeneratorExpression" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "Literal" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MethodDefinition" | "ModuleSpecifier" | "NewExpression" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectPattern" | "Program" | "Property" | "RestElement" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "Super" | "SwitchStatement" | "SwitchCase" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThrowStatement" | "TryStatement" | "UnaryExpression" | "UpdateExpression" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression"; interface Syntax extends Record {} interface VisitorKeys extends Record {} interface Visitor { enter?: ((this: Controller, node: ESTree.Node, parent: ESTree.Node | null) => VisitorOption | ESTree.Node | void) | undefined; leave?: ((this: Controller, node: ESTree.Node, parent: ESTree.Node | null) => VisitorOption | ESTree.Node | void) | undefined; fallback?: 'iteration' | ((this: Controller, node: ESTree.Node) => string[]) | undefined; keys?: Record | undefined; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/export-just-namespace export = ESTraverse;